"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, June 24, 2013

Corgi Summer


Click on the link to see my son leading the pack at his officer's training school. He's in Washington, at Fort Lewis McChord.

I miss him.

With everything going on it's a wonder that I have time to miss him.

Cherie is back from camp. She had a wonderful time. What a start to summer for her with VBS the week before, then Bible camp next. Today she is home, quietly creating some stamp designs and drawing.

You see, the stamps are out because my future daughter-in-law came with her mother to create some darling wedding invitations last evening.

Don't be offended if you are not invited. This is a close family-only ceremony, and at Grandma and Grandpa's house. It's in the yard, rain or shine. Guests are asked to bring umbrellas.

Of course it might be a beautiful late summer evening. Maybe.

I plan to post pictures.

Oh, why were they here with the invitation making? A huge storm just swept through the area. Power is out for almost 90,000 people! My son's fiancee's home was without power, and probably they will not have it until Wednesday.

But the wedding goes on, and we are excited.

That same storm drove our dear friends, who had been visiting last week, back to our home, also due to power outages in their own town in South Dakota. A tree barely missed falling on their property.

They called about 3 hours out and asked if they could return. (Of course!) A large Dairy Queen cake was with them when they arrived later that evening. Margaret left for work from an empty house and came home at 10:30 pm to a house bursting with our friends---and neighbors, who stopped by, eating ice cream cake!

Corgi summer.

The pond is FULL of little black-------tadpoles???  There will be a plague of whatever creature they grow into. The goldfish are uninterested in eating them. They swim with the big guys. I think they are kind of cute, so black and round, with little tails. I think there are a million of them. We've talked about feeding them to avoid mass death.

I think nature will just have to take its course.

Speaking of things taking its course--two ticks have made my life more painful. I'm treating for Lyme's disease, but I still have aching joints. There are few things I hate more than ticks.

For refreshment last evening I made a lovely  new recipe. Very easy:

I got it from the "Joy of Rhubarb" cookbook.

Lola's Rhubarb Cake:

4 cups fresh rhubarb, cut up. 1 cup sugar. 1 small package of strawberry jello. 1 white cake mix---prepared as directed ( I used two whole eggs instead of 3 egg whites). Layer the ingredients as listed, bake at 350º in a big iron skillet (or 9 X 13) until done (toothpick clean), about 30 to 45 minutes.

Delish. With ice cream.

A few more pictures from my weekend away: (All photos, Dave Zdon)

   Gorgeous, huh??? :)

Minnesota is beautiful.

Corgi summer.

Yes, my dogs missed me. They were so happy to see me they didn't leave my side for 3 days.

This week is catch-up week. (As if that ever happens!)


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