"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I've written about forgiveness before, how it has shaped my life, how I've learned to forgive and the deep effects of being unforgiving.

Recently I learned another lesson.

I was feeling rather thin-skinned lately. I felt I needed to forgive other people more for slights and barbs I felt were directed toward me than they needed to forgive me for my misdeeds toward them.

But then the light bulb went on.

When there is mutual unforgiveness there is disharmony.

If there is a slight, and the slighted one does not forgive, the next thing is that the slighter feels slighted!

Laughable, but true.

Forgiveness is a daily thing. Something horrible, "unforgiveable," may have happened far in the past---10, 15, 20 years ago----and if that isn't TOTALLY forgiven---it will haunt you, especially if it's a family person. (Those people just don't go away! :))

Scars are remembrances of that thing, but only a way to cherish the one who hurt you!

Blessing your "enemy" is really the only way to truly forgive.

Asking forgiveness is the first step, and it is very humbling. But even if it isn't asked, you must forgive.

But what about those people who you hurt, but you never knew you hurt them?

Better find out what the trouble might be. I'm thinking that your need to forgive THEM may bring you a  clue that they need to forgive YOU.

Interesting. Slights and Slighters. Forgivers. Clear the air, and live in peace.

Forgive, and live in forgiveness.

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