"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Friday, June 27, 2014

Another Friday

It's morning.  The eternal week in the hospital is about to close. Today the port will be accessed and we'll hope for the best. Chemotherapy goes on as slated.


We're tired. We're numb. We're realizing that we must focus on the twelve hours before us,  and not more. There's only so much we can handle!

Getting home again is tops on Ed's list.

The infection appears to be gone, and the blood counts have reached an acceptable threshold.

NOW the newness of normal with leukemia sets in.

Staying at a major children's hospital makes you appreciate good health. Of course. We live our lives without too many reminders of chronic illnesses so when you see the evidence all day, days on end, it impresses. What a blessing it is to go about daily life for most people.

I am grateful.

Spirits have been up and down over the last week. They are rising as this day goes on. Good.

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