It's been a busy week.
One trip to the clinic last week, one planned for this week. Next week Ed will be admitted to the hospital. The chemotherapy that he is to receive is so strong that he needs "rescue drugs" at the ready. Also, he will be carrying a back-pack pump which infuses IV fluids into his port even at home.
Fun times. (:/)
No, I'm not looking forward to this next "phase." It is going to last two months, with four hospitalizations.
So these two weeks of rest have been splendid.
Thank you, readers, for your kind letters of encouragement. You brought me to tears, thankful for your prayer, thankful for your kind words. You blessed me. It is a joy to know that you are praying.
Over the weekend there were many activities. Ed went camping with my husband. This was a sort of victory for him. Since we left the Boy Scouts due to their new policies last fall Ed has mourned the loss of fellowship with other boys, but even more he missed the camp-outs which occurred almost monthly.
Because he was ill last year we didn't get the camping equipment out once.
They went to Fort Ridgely, near Fairfax, Minnesota. The weather was perfect. They took just the pup-tent, and that was enough for one clear night.
Wildlife was minimal. The coyotes were quiet. (They must have moved up here!)
After journeying home the afternoon was taken with honey harvest.
One hundred twenty pounds of raw pure delicious honey! We're selling it for $10 / lb., and that isn't enough to cover costs. We are a small "operation"---and the bees are kept primarily for the good of the environment.
Of course we keep some honey for ourselves...and for my parents on whose land the bees live. If you want some, leave a comment. I can ship it to you. It's going fast...
It's wonderful stuff.
Honey harvest is always a little stressful. The weather must be warm enough for maximum viscosity, and it should be done indoors because the local bees are very interested in the product.
The LORD gave us an unusually warm day yesterday for the end of September. (Thank you Lord!) And the honey came out well. The extractor flings the honey out of the beeswax cells.
Ed helped with the whole operation, and we're all glad it's done for the year. Now my husband can look forward to bedding the bees down for winter sometime this fall. The stress of getting the honey harvested is over.
This weekend is Jan Markell's prophecy conference. It's in Eden Prairie, and we plan to take a van-load of interested folks. Won't there be much to discuss this year??
Those of us who have been watchers for years observe all the new prophecy buffs with interest! Yes, it's okay to show your interest. Things are unfolding so fast now it's almost like reading aloud from Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel, and Ephesians! We are truly appointed for "such a time as this."
Yesterday was my niece's birthday, and she was visiting from Connecticut. It was fun to have birthday cake with her and her friends! Cherie and I got to see them.
Margaret struggles with school and work, changes, and family stress. I think she is wonderful, but this early semester anxiety seems to get her down. Remember her in your prayers.
Cherie got glasses last week and I had trouble figuring out who she was a few times! She claims to love them. I think they are cute.
My oldest son is about to finish up at his officer's training school. He and his wife will be moving to Washington, finding jobs and a place to live. My great-aunt, who lives out there, says that jobs are easy to find, but housing not so much.
Pray they can find an apartment that allows a dog AND a cat---and that's affordable! God CAN do the impossible!
Our other grown son and his wife are still snug in their place a few miles away from Corgi Hollows, waiting for their move to Oklahoma in January. They will be taking their beautiful new German Shepherd with them.
Our Blackberry needed a visit to the vet last week. Her age is showing, and she's been having problems that a little estrogen is supposed to fix. Let's hope so. It's hard having a dog needing help when the people in the house need more help!
So, tonight:
Ed tried out a new boy's club called "Trail Life." It meets at a monstrously large church in the city across the river from us. He liked it. We'll try to make it a part of his life, as much as possible.
After spending the day cleaning, I'm tired. My husband is in Indianapolis for the week, and last time he was there for business Ed was diagnosed with Leukemia. It's sort of amazing to see how the summer went. It's amazing to see all of the things that have happened at Corgi Hollows in just that time frame!
This is my testimony...
Listen to Kim Hill's memorable songs. They play in my mind on occasion, and tonight I was hearing them again. They encourage me.
And, yes, they are 80's songs---the greatest era.... !
One trip to the clinic last week, one planned for this week. Next week Ed will be admitted to the hospital. The chemotherapy that he is to receive is so strong that he needs "rescue drugs" at the ready. Also, he will be carrying a back-pack pump which infuses IV fluids into his port even at home.
Fun times. (:/)
No, I'm not looking forward to this next "phase." It is going to last two months, with four hospitalizations.
So these two weeks of rest have been splendid.
Thank you, readers, for your kind letters of encouragement. You brought me to tears, thankful for your prayer, thankful for your kind words. You blessed me. It is a joy to know that you are praying.
Over the weekend there were many activities. Ed went camping with my husband. This was a sort of victory for him. Since we left the Boy Scouts due to their new policies last fall Ed has mourned the loss of fellowship with other boys, but even more he missed the camp-outs which occurred almost monthly.
Because he was ill last year we didn't get the camping equipment out once.
They went to Fort Ridgely, near Fairfax, Minnesota. The weather was perfect. They took just the pup-tent, and that was enough for one clear night.
Wildlife was minimal. The coyotes were quiet. (They must have moved up here!)
After journeying home the afternoon was taken with honey harvest.

One hundred twenty pounds of raw pure delicious honey! We're selling it for $10 / lb., and that isn't enough to cover costs. We are a small "operation"---and the bees are kept primarily for the good of the environment.
Of course we keep some honey for ourselves...and for my parents on whose land the bees live. If you want some, leave a comment. I can ship it to you. It's going fast...
It's wonderful stuff.
Honey harvest is always a little stressful. The weather must be warm enough for maximum viscosity, and it should be done indoors because the local bees are very interested in the product.
The LORD gave us an unusually warm day yesterday for the end of September. (Thank you Lord!) And the honey came out well. The extractor flings the honey out of the beeswax cells.
Ed helped with the whole operation, and we're all glad it's done for the year. Now my husband can look forward to bedding the bees down for winter sometime this fall. The stress of getting the honey harvested is over.
This weekend is Jan Markell's prophecy conference. It's in Eden Prairie, and we plan to take a van-load of interested folks. Won't there be much to discuss this year??
Those of us who have been watchers for years observe all the new prophecy buffs with interest! Yes, it's okay to show your interest. Things are unfolding so fast now it's almost like reading aloud from Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel, and Ephesians! We are truly appointed for "such a time as this."
Yesterday was my niece's birthday, and she was visiting from Connecticut. It was fun to have birthday cake with her and her friends! Cherie and I got to see them.
Margaret struggles with school and work, changes, and family stress. I think she is wonderful, but this early semester anxiety seems to get her down. Remember her in your prayers.
Cherie got glasses last week and I had trouble figuring out who she was a few times! She claims to love them. I think they are cute.
My oldest son is about to finish up at his officer's training school. He and his wife will be moving to Washington, finding jobs and a place to live. My great-aunt, who lives out there, says that jobs are easy to find, but housing not so much.
Pray they can find an apartment that allows a dog AND a cat---and that's affordable! God CAN do the impossible!
Our other grown son and his wife are still snug in their place a few miles away from Corgi Hollows, waiting for their move to Oklahoma in January. They will be taking their beautiful new German Shepherd with them.
Our Blackberry needed a visit to the vet last week. Her age is showing, and she's been having problems that a little estrogen is supposed to fix. Let's hope so. It's hard having a dog needing help when the people in the house need more help!
So, tonight:
Ed tried out a new boy's club called "Trail Life." It meets at a monstrously large church in the city across the river from us. He liked it. We'll try to make it a part of his life, as much as possible.
After spending the day cleaning, I'm tired. My husband is in Indianapolis for the week, and last time he was there for business Ed was diagnosed with Leukemia. It's sort of amazing to see how the summer went. It's amazing to see all of the things that have happened at Corgi Hollows in just that time frame!
This is my testimony...
Listen to Kim Hill's memorable songs. They play in my mind on occasion, and tonight I was hearing them again. They encourage me.
And, yes, they are 80's songs---the greatest era.... !
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