"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


I just had to share the excitement around here.

Our first grandchild is on the way!

We will be a country-length away from that precious little life, but we are thrilled that a new eternal being is growing, developing in our family!

It's Jim and his wife, having a baby later this year.

Please pray with us for the healthy start to its life.

We couldn't be more pleased.

Ed has a spinal tap tomorrow morning, and he is going to try it without anesthesia!
There will be a anesthesiologist present, in case things go awry. We are hoping that it goes well, because it would be so much easier on Ed to avoid the side effects of anesthesia each spinal tap.

Would you pray with us that it goes well?

Our leukemia journey continues, but it seems easier at this time. Please pray with us that it continues to be easy, that Ed can be healthy, that his counts stay in the prescribed window for chemotherapy.

We are still reminded of his condition daily, as he takes his oral chemo and we watch for any sign of sickness developing.

Joe's wife has started a beautiful jewelry business "P.31" #morepreciousthanrubies.

Her work is really lovely, and the jewelry very durable and sport-friendly. I am one of those people who puts on a necklace for months at a time, swimming and all, regardless. This is exactly the type of jewelry that I needed!

Check it out on Etsy.

We are always reminded of our fleeting presence on this earth. As we live in our new house and experience a new sort of country life, with grandparents right next door, we are struck with the whimsical nature of our existence! Who could have thought we'd be where we are today?

I am amazed.

I enjoy the lilies that the previous owner planted, her color combinations and her thought into beautiful views. I thank her daily, and think of her.

It seems a twist of nature that we are in this place, in this time.

How quickly life changes!

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