What a weekend.
Two of my adult children flew in for a few days and we have had a sweet reunion. Life is a continual surprise of unplanned events that coincide with the expected ones, and it sure keeps it interesting.
Today I intend to wash the last windows and dust the floors of "The Cabin" for the last time before listing it for sale. We project to have it on the market by Wednesday.
That neighborhood has had a 24 hour turn-over in the housing market, so we MIGHT see it sell in a jiffy. It certainly is pretty! New floors, painted inside and out, new roof, clean as a whistle.
It's a milestone.
As I cleaned that house this past week I was flooded with so many memories. I had to stem the tide of sadness. Why do we grieve the past, even when it's sweet?
For things lost?
As we head into a hyped-up time in human history I can understand the reluctance to become enthusiastic over things to come.
If you aren't a believer it really is going to be horrendous.
I don't know when the Lord will call His bride home, but He indicates in the "Olivet Discourse"---chapter 24 of Matthew---that there will be signs of the times of the end.
WE are in the end, because WE see these signs.
Surely the people of Germany who believed in the Word of God (Despite liberal theology there were always a few...) were convinced they were witnessing the end of time when Hitler rose to power. What an anti-Christ he was!
But now we have Israel, a fulfillment of the Ezekiel prophecy, the sign of the end---and that is only one sign. We have the pedestal of hindsight. We can see the "leaves on the fig tree," as Christ allegorized for us.
We can see the global economy becoming a reality. We see the moral decay. We can easily imagine a global pestilence, sweeping over entire cultures, as super-bugs come into being. We can see the technology needed for the mark of the beast.
We see natural disasters on a daily scale----earthquakes, fires, sinkholes, volcanoes, sun spots.
How long do we have?
I certainly have a peaceful outlook today. There is barely a breath of breeze this quiet country morning in the the middle of the North American continent.
I could be so lulled to spiritual sleep.
But there is this hype in all I see worldwide. This is a time I think we do need to prepare for.
Extra food, extra water, extra cash...
Both Believers and Luciferians are seeing the signs. SOMETHING is coming.
----Or manufacturing the signs???
Remember...Conspiracy theories are all lumped together in one giant movement-----Satan's. Satan is the master Conspirator. If you haven't figured that out yet, you need to read the book of Job in the Bible. There are clues to his mentality, his purpose, his ability.
But God is the victor. God is the Creator, Satan, the created.
God is allowing the Great Conspirator to bring things to a grand old close, and we are witnessing the rumblings of the end even now.
Final warnings are being issued.
Get in the ark of salvation in Christ Jesus now.
Here are some facts:
The oceans, vast as they are, are polluted. Radiation from Fukushima has pretty much contaminated the entire Pacific, and it's only a matter of time before it spreads to all the oceans.
(Google Images)
Perhaps you've heard that there is a particle of dust from every square mile of the earth all across the earth---the efficiency of world-wide wind patterns brings us that phenomenon. We truly are a small world.
Air quality suffers in the most populated areas of the world.
Food shortages are an emerging specter, with the introduction of mono crop culture.
Bees are dying.
Christianity is being eliminated through terrible persecution throughout the Middle East.
Europe is a vast wasteland of spiritual power, at least good spiritual power. There is such a tiredness to most of Europe. They scoff at us provincial Bible believers. Apostasy is rampant, in all of western culture.
But the truth is, the Bible has never proved itself more true.
All of these trends prove one thing to me: TIME IS SHORT.
Yes, I'm required to police up my own little neck of the woods---right here in good old Minnesota. I'm responsible to be a steward of God's gifts to me. I'm asked to spread the good news of Christ's salvation to everyone I know, and I'm supposed to be a loving servant to ALL PEOPLE.
That is what the LORD requires of me.
So, in light of that, I write. I warn. I cry out, "WATCH!"
Yesterday at church I commiserated with another prophecy watcher. He observed that the evangelical church seems completely asleep, totally unaware of the events happening in the world. Perhaps people are just afraid? Hiding from reality? Confused?
Repent, believe, trust.
Fire and brimstone preaching is completely in order at this time.
I actually do believe in Hell, and it isn't described as a fun place. The Bible says that the gate to salvation is narrow, and few find it.
I don't like that verse, but I believe it. The popular idea of hell on earth is a pale analogy. Hell is awful.
Everyone is going there, according to the Word of God, except those that repent and put their trust in Christ Jesus. Everyone. No exceptions. God is a righteous judge.
So get holy today, in the blood of Christ Jesus. Avoid this terrible time of tribulation on earth, and an eternal horror of punishment in Hell.
Stop spreading a message of peace and prosperity, the false Messiah of the message that God forgives everyone.
Yes, He loves everyone, but mankind is saved only through HIS terms, His conditions.
Religion will not save you. Religion is a lie from the pit, a false path. A brilliant foil from the Great Conspirator.
Faith and trust in Christ are the true path to salvation.
Whatever comes in September, those who love the LORD JESUS CHRIST will be just fine.
I don't need to list the events we're anticipating in September. There is ample information all over the internet. I watch with interest. I hope.
I do look for that Trumpet to sound, the dead in Christ to rise, and those who remain to be caught up....harpazo, rapture.
As I've been cleaning I keep thinking a phrase: "Get your house in order!"
Isaiah 38:1 In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came unto thim, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order: for thou shalt die, and not live.
2 Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the LORD
God is a God of order. He wants us to be ready for His plans. I'm trying!
I'm looking! I'm hyped!
Two of my adult children flew in for a few days and we have had a sweet reunion. Life is a continual surprise of unplanned events that coincide with the expected ones, and it sure keeps it interesting.
Today I intend to wash the last windows and dust the floors of "The Cabin" for the last time before listing it for sale. We project to have it on the market by Wednesday.
That neighborhood has had a 24 hour turn-over in the housing market, so we MIGHT see it sell in a jiffy. It certainly is pretty! New floors, painted inside and out, new roof, clean as a whistle.
It's a milestone.
As I cleaned that house this past week I was flooded with so many memories. I had to stem the tide of sadness. Why do we grieve the past, even when it's sweet?
For things lost?
As we head into a hyped-up time in human history I can understand the reluctance to become enthusiastic over things to come.
If you aren't a believer it really is going to be horrendous.
I don't know when the Lord will call His bride home, but He indicates in the "Olivet Discourse"---chapter 24 of Matthew---that there will be signs of the times of the end.
WE are in the end, because WE see these signs.
Surely the people of Germany who believed in the Word of God (Despite liberal theology there were always a few...) were convinced they were witnessing the end of time when Hitler rose to power. What an anti-Christ he was!
But now we have Israel, a fulfillment of the Ezekiel prophecy, the sign of the end---and that is only one sign. We have the pedestal of hindsight. We can see the "leaves on the fig tree," as Christ allegorized for us.
We can see the global economy becoming a reality. We see the moral decay. We can easily imagine a global pestilence, sweeping over entire cultures, as super-bugs come into being. We can see the technology needed for the mark of the beast.
We see natural disasters on a daily scale----earthquakes, fires, sinkholes, volcanoes, sun spots.
How long do we have?
I certainly have a peaceful outlook today. There is barely a breath of breeze this quiet country morning in the the middle of the North American continent.
I could be so lulled to spiritual sleep.
But there is this hype in all I see worldwide. This is a time I think we do need to prepare for.
Extra food, extra water, extra cash...
Both Believers and Luciferians are seeing the signs. SOMETHING is coming.
----Or manufacturing the signs???
Remember...Conspiracy theories are all lumped together in one giant movement-----Satan's. Satan is the master Conspirator. If you haven't figured that out yet, you need to read the book of Job in the Bible. There are clues to his mentality, his purpose, his ability.
But God is the victor. God is the Creator, Satan, the created.
God is allowing the Great Conspirator to bring things to a grand old close, and we are witnessing the rumblings of the end even now.
Final warnings are being issued.
Get in the ark of salvation in Christ Jesus now.
Here are some facts:
The oceans, vast as they are, are polluted. Radiation from Fukushima has pretty much contaminated the entire Pacific, and it's only a matter of time before it spreads to all the oceans.
Perhaps you've heard that there is a particle of dust from every square mile of the earth all across the earth---the efficiency of world-wide wind patterns brings us that phenomenon. We truly are a small world.
Air quality suffers in the most populated areas of the world.
Food shortages are an emerging specter, with the introduction of mono crop culture.
Bees are dying.
Christianity is being eliminated through terrible persecution throughout the Middle East.
Europe is a vast wasteland of spiritual power, at least good spiritual power. There is such a tiredness to most of Europe. They scoff at us provincial Bible believers. Apostasy is rampant, in all of western culture.
But the truth is, the Bible has never proved itself more true.
All of these trends prove one thing to me: TIME IS SHORT.
Yes, I'm required to police up my own little neck of the woods---right here in good old Minnesota. I'm responsible to be a steward of God's gifts to me. I'm asked to spread the good news of Christ's salvation to everyone I know, and I'm supposed to be a loving servant to ALL PEOPLE.
That is what the LORD requires of me.
So, in light of that, I write. I warn. I cry out, "WATCH!"
Yesterday at church I commiserated with another prophecy watcher. He observed that the evangelical church seems completely asleep, totally unaware of the events happening in the world. Perhaps people are just afraid? Hiding from reality? Confused?
Repent, believe, trust.
Fire and brimstone preaching is completely in order at this time.
I actually do believe in Hell, and it isn't described as a fun place. The Bible says that the gate to salvation is narrow, and few find it.
I don't like that verse, but I believe it. The popular idea of hell on earth is a pale analogy. Hell is awful.
Everyone is going there, according to the Word of God, except those that repent and put their trust in Christ Jesus. Everyone. No exceptions. God is a righteous judge.
So get holy today, in the blood of Christ Jesus. Avoid this terrible time of tribulation on earth, and an eternal horror of punishment in Hell.
Stop spreading a message of peace and prosperity, the false Messiah of the message that God forgives everyone.
Yes, He loves everyone, but mankind is saved only through HIS terms, His conditions.
Religion will not save you. Religion is a lie from the pit, a false path. A brilliant foil from the Great Conspirator.
Faith and trust in Christ are the true path to salvation.
Whatever comes in September, those who love the LORD JESUS CHRIST will be just fine.
I don't need to list the events we're anticipating in September. There is ample information all over the internet. I watch with interest. I hope.
I do look for that Trumpet to sound, the dead in Christ to rise, and those who remain to be caught up....harpazo, rapture.
As I've been cleaning I keep thinking a phrase: "Get your house in order!"
Isaiah 38:1 In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came unto thim, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order: for thou shalt die, and not live.
2 Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the LORD
God is a God of order. He wants us to be ready for His plans. I'm trying!
I'm looking! I'm hyped!
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