As someone who believes in the God of the Bible I have been aware of His compassionate dealings with all of His creation.
He has rules. He does care. He does judge.
But boy, is He ever giving the world a bunch of warnings and time to heed them!
He came as a person, a human being, and few believed Him. Believe me, if He came again few would believe now as well.
But some of us have been touched by the Holy Spirit, and we recognize Him as Love, and the Savior of the world.
Hell is real. So is heaven. There is only one way to get to heaven, and it is through Christ Jesus, the Messiah, alone.
I am always amazed by the binding together of those who believe the Bible, simply as it is written. We come from all sorts of backgrounds, we are no official denomination. We are simply believers, and that binds us like nothing else can.
We may differ on some doctrinal points, agree to disagree, and we may have seen visions or not---but we all believe in Christ Jesus, and in Him alone. He is sufficient.
We need not add anything to that. We see what is happening in the world and we are justified in our narrowness. The road is narrow. The gate---few can find it.
Be sure you are on that narrow road.
There is no special prayer you must say, no daily ritual that saves. Simply having faith in Christ, and Him alone, is what saves.
So don't add yoga, don't add to the Scripture. Don't do things that other idolatrous religions do. Steer clear of all other faiths. Don't burn incense, don't offer sacrifice. Don't kill your baby, abort it, as a blood sacrifice to a god of materialism. Don't join the Catholic church. The current pope is a Jesuit, and be aware of the Jesuit oath:
The Jesuit Oath
The last thing I want is to offend my Catholic friends and relatives. I LOVE them! That is why I have to warn of this upcoming deception! I have such compassion for them!
Don't become a Freemason. Your only oath ever should be "Yes," or "No."
Marriage: follow God.
To be in violation of marriage is to either be unsatisfied sexually (women) or violated (men)--and to break God's commandment to not commit adultery. The biology is self explanatory. People need to follow God's plan. Don't be a spiritual goat regarding this issue. We have seen such a separation of sheep and goats having to do with the definition of marriage alone!
How Satan laughs at the complete apostasy and deception our churches have fallen to.
To call evil good, and good evil.
Thankfully time is short. God put the signs in the heavens, and the age of the Water-bearer ---more popularly and heathenish in name---Aquarius, is about to begin.
The Millennium of God's Kingdom on Earth is about to begin.
But first there is a time of trouble. I believe it is at our door, time-wise. We either go through it, or escape it.
Many Jewish people will be beheaded for believing in Yeshua. Many others will also die for their johnny-come-lately belief in Christ.
People will be forced to take a mark on either their right hands or their foreheads in order to buy or sell. That mark will be a spiritual condemnation. No one who receives it enters God's kingdom.
Many will choose the kingdom of Satan over the Kingdom of Love.
We are facing a Shemitah year in September. I don't know what that means exactly, as we cannot predict the future. I do know that the last two Shemitahs brought about financial crisis.
I know that the world economy is in in pretty bad shape right now. We have a debt of trillions.
How easy for an elitist government to take control of a panicked people!
Natural disasters are going to be more frequent. Look around. They already are!
Disasters also bring about famine, ruin, hardship, and change. Get ready.
It isn't popular to predict gloom, but believe me, God has everything we need to know to avoid the ultimate gloom----hell.
This is a warning! He is warning us! Gently, He urges us to be light and help in this darkening world.
It is the beginning of August right now. What will we see this month leading up to the Shemitah? (The 29th of Alul, September 13, the Feast of Trumpets, Rosh Hoshannah, Jewish New Year)
I wonder, and I watch.
Take a stand among your friends and relatives. Warn them. Be willing to look foolish for Christ.
If they heed your warning they will only find blessing. If they mock you they will only find death.
You have nothing to lose but your pride.
Fasten your seat belts!
Jonathon Cahn:
Don't be hoodwinked!
(And take a look at his shirt there:) Is that another September 23 reference?)
Google images
He has rules. He does care. He does judge.
But boy, is He ever giving the world a bunch of warnings and time to heed them!
He came as a person, a human being, and few believed Him. Believe me, if He came again few would believe now as well.
But some of us have been touched by the Holy Spirit, and we recognize Him as Love, and the Savior of the world.
Hell is real. So is heaven. There is only one way to get to heaven, and it is through Christ Jesus, the Messiah, alone.
I am always amazed by the binding together of those who believe the Bible, simply as it is written. We come from all sorts of backgrounds, we are no official denomination. We are simply believers, and that binds us like nothing else can.
We may differ on some doctrinal points, agree to disagree, and we may have seen visions or not---but we all believe in Christ Jesus, and in Him alone. He is sufficient.
We need not add anything to that. We see what is happening in the world and we are justified in our narrowness. The road is narrow. The gate---few can find it.
Be sure you are on that narrow road.
There is no special prayer you must say, no daily ritual that saves. Simply having faith in Christ, and Him alone, is what saves.
So don't add yoga, don't add to the Scripture. Don't do things that other idolatrous religions do. Steer clear of all other faiths. Don't burn incense, don't offer sacrifice. Don't kill your baby, abort it, as a blood sacrifice to a god of materialism. Don't join the Catholic church. The current pope is a Jesuit, and be aware of the Jesuit oath:
The Jesuit Oath
The last thing I want is to offend my Catholic friends and relatives. I LOVE them! That is why I have to warn of this upcoming deception! I have such compassion for them!
Don't become a Freemason. Your only oath ever should be "Yes," or "No."
Marriage: follow God.
To be in violation of marriage is to either be unsatisfied sexually (women) or violated (men)--and to break God's commandment to not commit adultery. The biology is self explanatory. People need to follow God's plan. Don't be a spiritual goat regarding this issue. We have seen such a separation of sheep and goats having to do with the definition of marriage alone!
How Satan laughs at the complete apostasy and deception our churches have fallen to.
To call evil good, and good evil.
Thankfully time is short. God put the signs in the heavens, and the age of the Water-bearer ---more popularly and heathenish in name---Aquarius, is about to begin.
The Millennium of God's Kingdom on Earth is about to begin.
But first there is a time of trouble. I believe it is at our door, time-wise. We either go through it, or escape it.
Many Jewish people will be beheaded for believing in Yeshua. Many others will also die for their johnny-come-lately belief in Christ.
People will be forced to take a mark on either their right hands or their foreheads in order to buy or sell. That mark will be a spiritual condemnation. No one who receives it enters God's kingdom.
Many will choose the kingdom of Satan over the Kingdom of Love.
We are facing a Shemitah year in September. I don't know what that means exactly, as we cannot predict the future. I do know that the last two Shemitahs brought about financial crisis.
I know that the world economy is in in pretty bad shape right now. We have a debt of trillions.
How easy for an elitist government to take control of a panicked people!
Natural disasters are going to be more frequent. Look around. They already are!
Disasters also bring about famine, ruin, hardship, and change. Get ready.
It isn't popular to predict gloom, but believe me, God has everything we need to know to avoid the ultimate gloom----hell.
This is a warning! He is warning us! Gently, He urges us to be light and help in this darkening world.
It is the beginning of August right now. What will we see this month leading up to the Shemitah? (The 29th of Alul, September 13, the Feast of Trumpets, Rosh Hoshannah, Jewish New Year)
I wonder, and I watch.
Take a stand among your friends and relatives. Warn them. Be willing to look foolish for Christ.
If they heed your warning they will only find blessing. If they mock you they will only find death.
You have nothing to lose but your pride.
Fasten your seat belts!
Jonathon Cahn:
Don't be hoodwinked!
(And take a look at his shirt there:) Is that another September 23 reference?)
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