"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Glamour magazine has published this article about the threat to abortion rights. Not surprisingly Glamour has an opposite view of mine on this issue.
It's an issue.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am anti-abortion, in all cases.
I used to leave the door open for the life of a mother, or rape, but no longer. Science has proven, and testimonies have been given, that the instances of the need for aborting a baby in those cases are virtually non-existent, (Less than 1% of 1%) and in EACH of the cases where the mother's life was in jeopardy the outcome, with the birth of the baby, with normal expert/special care, was positive.
As a person of faith, and trust in God, I am more and more convinced that putting outcomes in His hands while obeying His standards leads to good over evil in each and every case.
This world is full of trouble, and it's full of death. We are a fallen people.
Medicine is a gift from God, but medicine abused is a natural tendency of fallen human nature. The Nazi Regime and the workings of the Gestapo are a prime example. Check out Mengele and his diabolical medical studies.
Abortion is right in line with Dr. Mengele's ideology.
Abortion is murder. It was 1973, and I was about 10 years old. There was a bumper sticker that was passed out at church, I think, or perhaps a pro-life demonstration, bright orange with black letters dripping blood spelling this out.
I thought about it back then. Yes. Yes, abortion is murder. One life is snuffed out, and that is murder.
Recently the disgusting decisions in New York, Vermont, Delaware, and now Virginia ---where abortions have been enabled further, even to the point of 40 weeks/birth----have ignited discussion about abortion again.
I don't think there is quite the horror among believers (those who claim to be believers) that there should be.
When Moloch was offered infants in the ancient world (Often the first born, left on a terrible, tortuous, furnace-heated statue to die an excruciating death) God told the Israelites how horrified He was. This practice was demonic. "I couldn't even think of it" God says, who knows all.
Abortion is likewise horrific, and even worse in some respects. God created the womb as a safe place. To invade the womb and torture an innocent child peacefully developing there is horrifying.
There are many, many films and photographs of baby parts, babies screaming in pain, babies defiled and tortured, babies who should have lived-----murdered.
And the world turns their heads away. The Church has dropped the ball. That is why abortion rights are GROWING----not lessening, in this political climate. The evil ones have power to make Moloch only happier.
After all, it is just the same as infant sacrifice in the ancient world. Infants then were sacrificed for prosperity, food, and pleasurable living. What are abortions for today (besides eugenics)? Personal prosperity, selfish goals, ----it's MY BODY!
Well, no, it isn't. A baby is not YOUR body. The baby's body is the baby's.
Ultimately the mother of the baby is the one who sacrifices the child, but there are often horrible accomplices to the act, and they hold every bit as much responsibility for the murder of the child.
Parents who give ultimatums: "Abort the baby, daughter, or you don't have our support."
Fathers of the baby; "I don't want to have any responsibility for a CHILD! I just want sex."
Friends of the mother; "I'll take you over to Planned Parenthood because you don't want your mom or dad to find out..."
Planned Parenthood: "Please choose abortion, we sell the parts of your baby for great profit."
You bear the burden of murder JUST AS MUCH. Anyone who is an accomplice to murder is GUILTY.
Can God forgive any of you?
Yes. Yes, He can and does. God, perfect, just, holy, and merciful, forgives these terrible crimes.
Jesus died on the cross for sin, and that includes murder.
REPENT, and follow Christ. Confess your sins. Yes, there will be grief! Yes, there is regret! Yes, there is loss, and scarring, and an unchangeable history.
But there is forgiveness, if sought.
Cry out to God. He hears your voice. He will forgive.
FIGHT abortion on every front: Let people know how horrible it is, and how laws should be changed to make abortion a murderous act. SAVE the LIVES of the little ones.
If you have had an abortion, or you know someone who has, love is the answer. Love that person into the kingdom of God. God is love. There is mercy at His mercy seat.
But never, never, never justify an act of murder. Never minimize the horror of baby sacrifice. Never argue against those who reveal the horror of baby sacrifice. Never cease seeking the heart of God on what is happening in the culture, and how it is viewed by Him. Never, never lose sight.
Sin is always sin. It's defined in the Bible. It is distilled into 10 commandments. Jesus gave us the Sermon on the Mount, and in it he sharpens the seriousness of sin-----looking at a woman in lust IS adultery, hating a brother IS murder.....
Sin doesn't change much. It's still wrong. Jesus died for our sins.
Repent and follow Him.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Q----Something to Watch
Q is definitely pro-Trump. The people who promote Q are not Christians, but they seem to be promoting an anti-globalist agenda.
If you watch the following short video there are statements at the end that seem to infer a New World Order. Once again we need to be watchful, wary!
The new world order that is coming is Biblical and prophesied. It is a global kingdom ruled by the Antichrist.
How is it going to look?
There will be a global economy with a mark on the hand or forehead that allows you to buy or sell.
If you don't take that mark you will be beheaded----killed.
There are other indications in Scripture about this global kingdom. Events that will happen, things to look for, but the simple symptom to watch for is this global government.
Believers are watching for Jesus.
We can be aware of Q, and conspiracies involving Obama, Trump, Macron, and whoever the next major world leader becomes, but our eyes are on Christ alone.
Watch, with interest.
We know that the Clintons and the Bushes were globalists. Let's see how this plays out.
Politics are fascinating, aren't they?
A Word About Catholicism
I have many friends AND family who were raised in the Catholic church and are at varying degrees of commitment to their faith.
As a SOLA SCRIPTURE, SOLA CHRIST, SOLA FAITH person (sola=alone, from Martin Luther) I claim to be protestant and I fit in that category of believing that "works" do not save the soul from damnation.
I believe in hell.
I believe Jesus is God.
I believe that righteousness should mark the life of one who believes.
I know someone who likes to point out how much Catholics and Evangelicals have in common. We DO have a lot in common.
But there ARE those differences.
I'm an elementary school teacher. I like to break down difficult concepts and teach them to small minds. Here is the difficult concept-----THERE ARE DIFFERENCES that we need to be aware of.
Tradition should never supersede the word of God. I'm afraid Catholics don't know their Bibles very well, as a rule. At least the Catholics I know.
There is a diabolical war against the "Received Text" which was used by the original Protestants. It is a question of authority. Does Scripture have the authority, or the Pope?
The Jesuit order was founded to squash the protestant movement. Protestantism is based on Scripture. The Jesuits learned that the authority of Scripture needed to be undermined. They introduced the Codex Sinaiticus (a forged copy from Simonaides) to undermine the Textus Receptus.
(Do your own research on this. It's fascinating! Kudos to Chris Pinto for his documentation!)
The Jesuits were founded in a cave (like Mohammed and Joseph Smith's experience) by Ignatious Loyola. An angel appeared to him and told him to go after the protestants.
The Society of Jesus was founded, but they have the most diabolical code of secrecy and faith you can ever imagine. It is NOT Christian, but seeks to stamp out and confuse all true faith. The Jesuits pursued missions to the whole world to baptize and introduce nations to Catholicism, not simple faith in Christ. Catholicism fits under the the name Christian, but only peripherally. Christianity, proper, is the worship of Jesus.
Catholicism is a set of beliefs and stipulations that include doing things and venerating (worshiping) Mary----Queen of Heaven----another name for Isis.
Just dig deeper. We are all so willing to go along with the status quo like sheep. Give the people bread and circuses and there will be no problems! Football, beer kegs, and a quick confession on Saturday afternoon is enough to satisfy most of the "faithful."
But that isn't what Scripture says. Plainly, simply, the Scripture contradicts everything the Jesuits and most of what Catholicism promotes. There is a huge difference.
The Jesuits are a communistic organization. They are globalist. They are a secret order, and they promote the annihilation of Bible-believers. Be wary of Jesuits. I knew a mother of a young man who pursued becoming a Jesuit. I remember talking to her about his experiences. (This was before I knew anything about the Jesuits, years ago). I remember her excitement at his commitment to becoming a priest, and months later I read in her eyes and expression that something wasn't right. Something had been disturbed.
Ed used to practice the pipe organ at a Catholic Church. There was a very young priest who came in occasionally to sit and listen, and pray?
He was the most unhappy individual.
Don't tell me that there is peace in such movements as the Jesuits. I don't believe it. How can an organization so diametrically opposed to Christ's teachings offer peace?
The Jesuits are anti-Protestant, not pro Christ.
I know that most people have not done the amount of research that I have done on this topic. As someone who has come face to face with the demonic Jesuit-birthed Illuminati my perspective is naturally biased.
I have seen and I know the dark side to this organization.
So, dear Catholic friends, wake up. So many of you are born again, worshiping Jesus alone. So many of you have lived exemplary lives of good deeds and understanding. God knows your hearts! He is the judge. Not everyone knows the Word of God cover to cover but IS SAVED by God's grace. The mind can only know so much and we are ALL influenced by our own life's experiences. I am not the judge of anyone's life.
God is.
Information and truth are out there, and once we unveil some of the deeper realities we need to make a decision. Do we change, or do we go along with the status quo?
I hope you change. I hope you dig deeper into faith in Christ alone, Scripture alone, and Faith alone.
I believe Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Him.
My faith dictates that I take my head out of the sand and follow HIM.
I am an Activist
We all live for something, even if we have never voiced the intention, "I live for -----"
Sadly, the word that came to my mind is "Hamburgers." Have we devolved to such gluttony?
I want to say that I live for God. I live for His purposes. I want that to be apparent in my life, and I want that to be my personal mission statement. I acknowledge that I was created by Him for a purpose that glorifies Him, and I desire that to be my goal---
But human nature, my human nature, often stands in the way of my goal.
Pardon please, the introspective nature of this post. I do think we all have the same purpose, though, and you would agree with me from a Biblical worldview.
God has purposed that I have an emotional nature. I've taken the Meyer/Briggs personality test several times. I always come out the same: INFJ.
It makes me blog. It makes me draw and paint, it makes me teach children. It makes me feel deeply. Have you seen me cry? Yes, probably. I cry all the time. Once my cousin said to me "Oh, you're crying! You have a soft heart!"
You can't know how my tears have been an embarrassment to me over the years.
But God made me feel, and I do. I get goosebumps and heartache and blueness, and dark days and heartcries and tears, tears, tears.
And I have been driven (is that a bad word, really?) to be active, to promote and pursue the things that God has shown me to pursue.
I am an activist.
I am spiritually minded, and I pray for spiritual depth. I pray for spiritual might, and I pray this for each and every human being God has introduced me too---especially my own children.
It's what I am.
I am pro-life, pro-Bible, pro-Jesus.
I am pro-free enterprise, pro-freedom, pro-Godly morals.
I am pro Jewish, pro Christian, pro missions.
I am pro home-education, pro young earth, pro creation science.
I am pro organic, pro responsible food, pro healthy living
I teach. I minister. I make stuff. I write. I raise responsible and delightful humans. I read my Bible. I don't drink alchohol, don't take addicting drugs, I am wary of vaccines. I exercise. I eat responsibly. I think of ways to help people. I try to help those around me. I try to serve. I think about ways to bridge gaps between people. I have worked with Muslims, with atheists, with those that want nothing to do with Jesus, with illegal immigrants, with those in jail.
I have learned German, studied Turkish, Spanish, Greek, and now Hebrew.
I've written several books, illustrated several books, and I'm beginning graduate studies (again!). I am an example of the amazing capacity of the brain. If you don't pollute it it really can get more information in.
We had a neighbor who enjoyed his alcohol every day. I loved this guy. We sparred about alcohol killing brain cells, and that I knew I needed every brain cell I had! It's true. I couldn't dare drink alcohol. I need to think too badly.
Do you know how hard it is to keep three alphabets straight??? German, English, and Turkish share the same alphabet, basically, but Greek and Hebrew are challenging.
The brain is amazing. God made the brain with virtually limitless capacity for information. It doesn't hurt it to be stretched. I am forgetful, I get confused and my words don't always come out right when I have a severe headache, but the information is just packed in this little head of mine, and it seems to have plenty more room for stuff.
So I study. I do. I exist.
I am not a hater, or a bigot. I am not pro abortion. I am not a socialist/communist.
I am wary of the devil, in all his shapes and forms.
I am not a globalist, nor a deep-state promoter.
I am not one who reads books promoting witchcraft. I believe that Satan is a person of consequence and the ultimate deceiver of each and every one of us and the church.
I am not a Democrat.
I am not someone who will condone Reiki, yoga, witchcraft, or any occult practice. I'll stay away from that stuff.
I am not a member of any secret society, and I vehemently oppose such shenanigans. It's anti-Biblical and has nothing to do with true faith.
I am not a proponent of gender dysphoria, nor sodomy.
I am not trusting of revisionist history, the government, nor any immoral power. I am wary.
I am not trusting of organized religion in any form, including "Christianity." I prefer to be a Bible-believer and follower of Christ, non-denominational. I am not a promoter of personality cults, and denominations tend to be that way.
I am not a main-stream media person. I know that they are an arm of the deep state, and they have unhealthy influence on the entire world. They who control the media control the world. The medium IS the message...
Power in this world is not power in the next.
What we see is not all of what exists.
Call me a conspiracy nut! I proudly claim the title. Satan is a grand conspirator, and he's got the world pretty much wrapped up in his hands to date.
I'm not buying his conspiracy. I'm sticking with the Bible and its message, the truth of Jesus Christ.
I've tried the spirits, and I've found the truth in Jesus.
God wins. Satan doesn't, and he knows it.
The wool has been pulled over the eyes of the world and the church. Deception has run amok. How many of us activists are there left?
I'm inclined to think that there are few.
I know a few of you. You are willing to take a stand against the Dark Lord.
You are witness of the power of Christ to change your life from the bonds of sin and perversion to the shining strength of spiritual victory. You are light. You shine.
You are strong in Christ, and I can see it.
Encourage one another! We may have to stand practically alone in this dark age, but we always have the truth of Christ in our hearts and minds.
We have what the world wishes they had:
Peace, joy, and purpose.
It's worth it to be an activist for such a goal.
God is good!
Friday, January 25, 2019
Commentary on Lucianne About Stone
Reply 3 - Posted by: Janylou, 1/25/2019 11:21:47 PM (No. 11906117)
I hope Barr steps in and puts a stop to these Gestapo tactics.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: stablemoney, 1/25/2019 11:52:44 PM (No. 11906130)
Fox News, Republicans, please listen. The Mueller investigation never was about Russia. That is only a cover to allow the Democrats to spy on Trump, provide them with subpoena and prosecutorial powers, all to investigate Republicans. So, please stop acting like you are winning when all your campaign workers are being put in jail, and claiming there is still no Russia collusion. Mueller knows that, the Democrats know that, but they are winning, getting everything they want, spying, indicting, subpoenaing documents, seizing computers, cellphones, and Republicans are going to jail. The Democrats call that winning, and big time.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Another Downturn
Barack Obama enjoyed eight years of his power, pushing the country toward socialism and its collectivist principles. The pendulum swung with the election of Trump.
Many socialists grieve over the election of Donald Trump, but they must only be patient.
The pendulum swung toward socialism again even with the 2018 election.
We are on the way toward another extreme, and it may be even more so than Obama.
Yesterday there was a vote in New York to affirm and legalize full-term abortions. Essentially this allows the murder of a child seconds before it can be seen outside the womb. This nauseating decision is indicative of our dying world, our dying conscience.
The world slips into darkness, and now we have so little light left.
Don't you feel it?
People rejecting each other, writing each other off, rejecting the Word of God, rejecting those that care and love them: this is everywhere, in everyone's life.
Sickness of body and soul plagues humanity.
According to the brand new congresswoman from New York, Cortez, we have a "new" moral majority. The morals of socialism are now hip and cool.
The fuddy-duddy old moral majority of the 80's and 90's is so passe.
Morals are relative, right?
Well, no, they are not. I saw the decay of God's morals long ago in the church. God's morals are absolutes, unchanging, forever strong. Those who adhere to His morals will find blessing and peace. They will live with Jesus for eternity.
Everyone else ends up in hell.
Those who believe that Jesus Christ is LORD and died for our sins, rose again, and is coming again have a beautiful guaranty that all will be well for them.
For them. Not for those who live in rejection of God's Word.
I think we will be extremely shocked (if we remember) who is going to be in heaven with the savior, and who isn't.
Jesus makes the rules. We are asked to obey and follow Him, believe and trust in Him. It isn't easy, but it's His rules. Reject them at your peril.
One must put one's trust in Christ to be saved. There is no other way.
The world is slipping away. We are on a trajectory toward destruction.
Don't wait any longer to accept the Lord as your savior.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
A correspondence with the Minnesota History Magazine regarding the January 2019 issue:
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Time for a Post---
Cherie has started "college." She's not sinking, she's swimming, and she is coming to terms with life outside the home-school cocoon.
The weather has cooperated with her driving, and she is able to manage the ice and newness of operating a motor vehicle fairly well. Is it going to snow?
Last night was the first Track and Field meeting, the upcoming spring sport, and it is almost remarkable that our lives are going to ramp up even more vigorously as training begins. Cherie is much more able to handle life on her own now.
The dogs are content. It's practically lethal taking them out on the icy snow around the back. They slip and slide happily. Yesterday Topaz the cat walked with us, and two eagles swept up in the sky from the south. I worried that they were looking for a snack, but they swooped away to the west when I called, loudly, to Topaz, who was trying to climb a tree at the time.
Ed received his Associates of Arts degree in Mathematics. He's still prepping for a transfer to the U, and some sort of computer science degree, but we take all the milestones and celebrate!
My grandson helped me celebrate my birthday last weekend. This was a priceless bonus to having him live in the area now! My dad turned 92 (we share birthdays) and he is in phenomenal condition for his age.
At the nursing home where Margaret and I did the music for Sunday service the preacher announced that he'd seen my dad the day before at the grocery store and he didn't look over 70!
I have to agree. Dad is getting older, but it's amazing how he gets around! #blessings :))))
We had a weekend filled with guests and fun, and much talk over puzzles by the fire.
My friends (who are like sisters to me) lost their mom in November. They are now orphans, as their dad passed a few years ago. It is touching to hear them work through the grief of losing a parent, the changes, the unexpected repercussions.
Grief, we know, is a long process, with many stages. There is eventually an acceptance, but many find that stage far off and long in coming. One must wait.
I read a blurb about an Alaskan couple who planned their suicides last September. You can't help feeling so terribly sad about something like that.
There is so little respect for life in this world. The godless worship the earth, and see themselves as the beginning and end of all things.
God calls us out of that to serve Him and serve His divine purposes----that which He made us for.
I'm reading in the January ICR magazine about red shift. It's always interesting to me. The article pointed out that God spent five days creating Earth, and one day creating the heavens.
Earth is special. The Alaskan couple surely felt that, but they neglected to see that Earth is the place for human life to thrive and exist. We are made for God.
Satan hoodwinked them into believing they were here for their own purposes and masters of their own fates.
Spiritual blindness abounds!
Are you watching American Politics with interest?
I am.
I observe with delight that those who promote abortion are thwarted by Trump's policies. I laugh with glee at the Deep State's demise.
I cheer the delay in globalism that is predicted in Scripture. Trump, "nationalist," (that dirty word!) is NOT a globalist. He agrees with God that there are and should be NATIONS.
God put our DNA in order that there can be beautiful diversities among the peoples of earth. Male and female he made them, genetic variety ad-infinitum. This is God's plan, His idea.
We are predicted, in Scripture, to be a part of the heavenly realm where the Tree of Life stands with leaves that are for the healing of the nations.
The Nations.
We aren't global, we are nations. Globalism and Nationalism are separate and distinct philosophies. "Globalism" is a unifying monstrosity that defies God, and has since the beginning of time. It cries out that it does not need God, rather that it can play God and survive without Him.
A lie. A lie from the pit of hell, and Satan propagates it.
We are His workmanship, created for good works, in Christ Jesus, which God hath ordained that we should walk in them. Eph 2:10
Accept it, get it right, find balance, find peace.
It's that simple. The earth WILL pass away (and very soon, if the radiation, pollution, chemtrails, fires, earthquakes, asteroids, stars (!), wars, droughts, floods, etc. keep on pace!) as the Bible predicts.
In Revelation the sky will be rolled back like a scroll. The the seas will become sick and most of the marine life will die. Fire is predicted to burn everything, eventually.
We are called to be stewards of the earth, but there is a very mixed-up ideology going around these days that the earth is more important than the humans and life that it exists for.
Backwards philosophy, but typical of today's mentality. The earth will pass away, but we have souls that will live eternally in hell or heaven.
I am a steward of the earth. I am careful to recycle materials. I help the bees and the animals. I'm concerned about the seas and the radiation that seeps into the Pacific from Fukushima. I mourn the animal death statistics that continue to astound and horrify.
God loves life, and I trust that He will avenge the animals. He made a covenant with the animals, and they are His wonderful creations---He will take care of them, and we will see the splendor of His animal diversity for eternity, those of us who follow the Creator.
(It's in the Bible.)
Jesus is the only way, the only truth, and the only life---eternal. He said it, He means it, He's speaking truth to us all. Forsake your idolatrous religions, your works that are like filthy rags, your selfish ambitions!
As Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, in this manner, so was Jesus lifted up on the cross. The Israelites looked to the snake to live, (an act of faith!) so we are to look to Jesus to save. God isn't willing that anybody perishes! He's made a way to have eternal life. Read the book of John in the New Testament and find eternal peace.
Ask Jesus to be your Lord, Savior, Mighty God, then worship nothing but Him.
Forsake your sin, repent, and put your trust in the One who made you for the purpose of serving and adoring Him. You will find truth and rest, peace and joy. You will have come to the fullness of joy promised in Scripture.
Persecution will ensue, believe me! But God wins! God's ways are best.
Escape the global condemnation. We've been condemned since Eve bit the fruit. It's time to look to the Savior! The way is narrow, strait, and difficult to find, but it is ingeniously simple for anyone willing to find it and take it.
Time is short. Time is almost up. The ranks are being assembled, and the Lord of Glory is about to descend with a SHOUT!
Thursday, January 10, 2019
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Friday, January 4, 2019
Church Issues
We get mad at each other, jealous, frustrated----
We have dirty laundry.
We are usually hypocrites, something we're often accused of, and it most certainly is true a lot of the time.
Let's face it: we have issues.
And we're forgiven!
We've been given a real gift the last 10 years in having a world-wide connection through different social media venues to observe the church on a grand scale across the entire globe.
I have found friends on every continent! (Okay, not Antarctica) I'm thrilled to connect with like-minded believers everywhere, and believe me, I've found many, many wonderful people. I look forward to meeting them in person ----in the near future.
I have also found that there are those I have known personally for awhile whom I cannot relate to on a spiritual level---we simply have traveled different paths, and that concerns me. I want EVERY person I know to be in kinship spiritually! Is that unreasonable?
I know Jesus wants it too. He desires that none perish, but He grieves that many perish for lack of knowledge.
Hmm. We need to do our part in getting the word out.
There is a great deal of deception and false teaching out there these days. The Bible predicted it, and we see it.
There is so much of it that people that WERE seemingly rock-solid in their faith are showing signs of spiritual demise!
The deception has gotten to them.
There is this old adage that says we'll be surprised who IS in Heaven and who ISN'T.
I hate to think of that, but the Bible tells us to "work out our salvation with fear and trembling."
Clearly we can do no works to become saved in Christ Jesus, but there is a definite admonition to understand what it means to be saved.
We are saved by grace. Not works. That's Paul speaking. Jesus's death on the cross was sufficient.
There is this insidious snake of belief that the Bible is not God's inspired Word. There's a snake of hyper criticism that has pervaded most "Christian" colleges and seminaries. This undermining of spiritual authority has lent to complete estrangement from truth in most cases. People start relying on their own interpretations of morality and manufacture their own "truth."
We all have different experiences, and that is the beauty of God's multi-faceted creation, yet there IS Truth, and that is God's truth.
Arthur Holmes wrote a book called "All Truth is God's Truth."
Yes, truth belongs to God, and deception to the devil.
We are in an age of deception, privy to the attacks of the father of lies.
We are not above being deceived----not one of us. When we start to believe our own minds and manufacture things about God that are not in Scripture we've started down the path to deception and false teaching.
It's happened so many times in history it's almost pitiful.
You stray from the Bible, you end up in hell.
On my heart today I think of those that have succumbed to "cheap grace." I think of those that lean heavily toward any particular denomination's teaching, (not Scripture) or emphasize a teaching that even counters what is written in the Word.
I think of those that are in bondage to spirits that have masqueraded as light. People are taken in by the power and refuse to test or try the entity.
I think of those who refuse to see Israel as God's chosen people, a teaching that pervades Scripture, Genesis to Revelation.
I think of those who insist on seeing God's description of creation as metaphorical, unscientific, and only explained through modern philosophies.
I think of those who think everyone is going to be saved, or perhaps annihilated for eternity.
I think of those who don't believe that the mark of the Beast has any significance, that it is just a number and we needn't be concerned about it.
I think of those who think sexual perversion or fornication has little or no impact on one's being.
I think of those that are living in sin, completely in bondage, depressed, suicidal, broken, and believing that God cannot have the power to save them.
I think of those that cannot bear the truth of who God really is, and insist on creating Him in their own image, a god that is everything they like or want.
I think of those who are enslaved to a personality or preacher, a teacher they are enamored with, that they must follow. Perhaps that teacher/preacher is godly! Still adhering to a human being and his or her teaching is a devilish deception from knowing Christ.
I think of those who insist on maligning anyone who doesn't have the same experiences with God, even though there is nothing in Scripture to suggest that certain experiences sanctioned in Scripture are not necessary to salvation. God has made the gateway to salvation fairly simple, it's the Christ-like life that follows that is the mark of a true believer.
I think of those who criticize endlessly those who believe in the Rapture (Harpazo) of the church. It gets wearisome and old to listen to such hopelessness. Denying this Scriptural teaching (or explaining it away from its plain textual meaning) is fruitless to true believers. Scripture is plain. There is a catching away of believers.
I think of those who deny Christ's work in places where becoming a believer is lethal. The Lord is working supernaturally in places like that. People who don't have the written Word of God are still becoming believers through supernatural occurrence.
God is not limited, but He DOES define Himself in His word.
Accept Him as HE is.
It goes against the sinful human nature, but it really marks the true believer from the pretender, or the one taken in by deception or false teaching.
We live in an age of deception. False teachers abound. How are you going navigate these dangerous spiritual waters?
Read your Bible. It is God's word. It's really all you have.
The Holy Spirit will confirm His word in your hearts and you will have fellowship with true believers all over the world.
Jesus is coming soon, and all these discrepancies will vanish. We will see Him as He is, and there will be no more doubt, no more pain, no more deception!
We will know Him, as He knows us.
Walk in faith. Walk in Christ.
Be filled with the Spirit of Truth!
Obey Christ's commands, and test the spirits. Obey Christ, seek His teachings! Seek to know what He commands, and OBEY HIM!