"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Time for a Post---

Twenty-Nineteen started with a frenzy of activity, and just today I feel I can take a breath and reset my stops and buttons---pipe organ imagery very appropriate in my thoughts.

Cherie has started "college." She's not sinking, she's swimming, and she is coming to terms with life outside the home-school cocoon.

The weather has cooperated with her driving, and she is able to manage the ice and newness of operating a motor vehicle fairly well. Is it going to snow?

Last night was the first Track and Field meeting, the upcoming spring sport, and it is almost remarkable that our lives are going to ramp up even more vigorously as training begins. Cherie is much more able to handle life on her own now.

The dogs are content. It's practically lethal taking them out on the icy snow around the back. They slip and slide happily. Yesterday Topaz the cat walked with us, and two eagles swept up in the sky from the south. I worried that they were looking for a snack, but they swooped away to the west when I called, loudly, to Topaz, who was trying to climb a tree at the time.

Ed received his Associates of Arts degree in Mathematics. He's still prepping for a transfer to the U, and some sort of computer science degree, but we take all the milestones and celebrate!

My grandson helped me celebrate my birthday last weekend. This was a priceless bonus to having him live in the area now! My dad turned 92 (we share birthdays) and he is in phenomenal condition for his age.

At the nursing home where Margaret and I did the music for Sunday service the preacher announced that he'd seen my dad the day before at the grocery store and he didn't look over 70!

I have to agree. Dad is getting older, but it's amazing how he gets around! #blessings :))))

We had a weekend filled with guests and fun, and much talk over puzzles by the fire.

My friends (who are like sisters to me) lost their mom in November. They are now orphans, as their dad passed a few years ago. It is touching to hear them work through the grief of losing a parent, the changes, the unexpected repercussions.

Grief, we know, is a long process, with many stages. There is eventually an acceptance, but many find that stage far off and long in coming. One must wait.

I read a blurb about an Alaskan couple who planned their suicides last September. You can't help feeling so terribly sad about something like that.

There is so little respect for life in this world. The godless worship the earth, and see themselves as the beginning and end of all things.

God calls us out of that to serve Him and serve His divine purposes----that which He made us for.

I'm reading in the January ICR  magazine about red shift. It's always interesting to me. The article pointed out that God spent five days creating Earth, and one day creating the heavens.

Earth is special. The Alaskan couple surely felt that, but they neglected to see that Earth is the place for human life to thrive and exist. We are made for God.

Satan hoodwinked them into believing they were here for their own purposes and masters of their own fates.

Spiritual blindness abounds!

Are you watching American Politics with interest?

I am.

I observe with delight that those who promote abortion are thwarted by Trump's policies. I laugh with glee at the Deep State's demise.

I cheer the delay in globalism that is predicted in Scripture. Trump, "nationalist," (that dirty word!) is NOT a globalist. He agrees with God that there are and should be NATIONS.

God put our DNA in order that there can be beautiful diversities among the peoples of earth. Male and female he made them, genetic variety ad-infinitum. This is God's plan, His idea.

We are predicted, in Scripture, to be a part of the heavenly realm where the Tree of Life stands with leaves that are for the healing of the nations.

The Nations.

We aren't global, we are nations. Globalism and Nationalism are separate and distinct philosophies. "Globalism" is a unifying monstrosity that defies God, and has since the beginning of time. It cries out that it does not need God, rather that it can play God and survive without Him.

A lie. A lie from the pit of hell, and Satan propagates it.

We are His workmanship, created for good works, in Christ Jesus, which God hath ordained that we should walk in them. Eph 2:10

Accept it, get it right, find balance, find peace.

It's that simple. The earth WILL pass away (and very soon, if the radiation, pollution, chemtrails, fires, earthquakes, asteroids, stars (!), wars, droughts, floods, etc. keep on pace!) as the Bible predicts.

In Revelation the sky will be rolled back like a scroll. The the seas will become sick and most of the marine life will die. Fire is predicted to burn everything, eventually.

We are called to be stewards of the earth, but there is a very mixed-up ideology going around these days that the earth is more important than the humans and life that it exists for.

Backwards philosophy, but typical of today's mentality. The earth will pass away, but we have souls that will live eternally in hell or heaven.

I am a steward of the earth. I am careful to recycle materials. I help the bees and the animals. I'm concerned about the seas and the radiation that seeps into the Pacific from Fukushima. I mourn the animal death statistics that continue to astound and horrify.

God loves life, and I trust that He will avenge the animals. He made a covenant with the animals, and they are His wonderful creations---He will take care of them, and we will see the splendor of His animal diversity for eternity, those of us who follow the Creator.

(It's in the Bible.)

Jesus is the only way, the only truth, and the only life---eternal. He said it, He means it, He's speaking truth to us all. Forsake your idolatrous religions, your works that are like filthy rags, your selfish ambitions!

As Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, in this manner, so was Jesus lifted up on the cross. The Israelites looked to the snake to live, (an act of faith!) so we are to look to Jesus to save. God isn't willing that anybody perishes! He's made a way to have eternal life. Read the book of John in the New Testament and find eternal peace.

Ask Jesus to be your Lord, Savior, Mighty God, then worship nothing but Him.

Forsake your sin, repent, and put your trust in the One who made you for the purpose of serving and adoring Him. You will find truth and rest, peace and joy. You will have come to the fullness of joy promised in Scripture.

Persecution will ensue, believe me! But God wins! God's ways are best.

Escape the global condemnation. We've been condemned since Eve bit the fruit. It's time to look to the Savior! The way is narrow, strait, and difficult to find, but it is ingeniously simple for anyone willing to find it and take it.

Time is short. Time is almost up. The ranks are being assembled, and the Lord of Glory is about to descend with a SHOUT!


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