"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, January 31, 2019



Glamour magazine has published this article about the threat to abortion rights. Not surprisingly Glamour has an opposite view of mine on this issue.

It's an issue.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am anti-abortion, in all cases.

I used to leave the door open for the life of a mother, or rape, but no longer. Science has proven, and testimonies have been given, that the instances of the need for aborting a baby in those cases are virtually non-existent, (Less than 1% of 1%) and in EACH of the cases where the mother's life was in jeopardy the outcome, with the birth of the baby, with normal expert/special care, was positive.

As a person of faith, and trust in God, I am more and more convinced that putting outcomes in His hands while obeying His standards leads to good over evil in each and every case.

This world is full of trouble, and it's full of death. We are a fallen people.
Medicine is a gift from God, but medicine abused is a natural tendency of fallen human nature. The Nazi Regime and the workings of the Gestapo are a prime example. Check out Mengele and his diabolical medical studies.

Abortion is right in line with Dr. Mengele's ideology.

Abortion is murder.  It was 1973, and I was about 10 years old. There was a bumper sticker that was passed out at church, I think, or perhaps a pro-life demonstration, bright orange with black letters dripping blood spelling this out.

I thought about it back then. Yes. Yes, abortion is murder. One life is snuffed out, and that is murder.

Recently the disgusting decisions in New York, Vermont, Delaware, and now Virginia ---where abortions have been enabled further, even to the point of 40 weeks/birth----have ignited discussion about abortion again.

I don't think there is quite the horror among believers (those who claim to be believers) that there should be.

When Moloch was offered infants in the ancient world (Often the first born, left on a terrible, tortuous, furnace-heated statue to die an excruciating death) God told the Israelites how horrified He was. This practice was demonic. "I couldn't even think of it" God says, who knows all.

Abortion is likewise horrific, and even worse in some respects. God created the womb as a safe place. To invade the womb and torture an innocent child peacefully developing there is horrifying.

There are many, many films and photographs of baby parts, babies screaming in pain, babies defiled and tortured, babies who should have lived-----murdered.

And the world turns their heads away. The Church has dropped the ball. That is why abortion rights are GROWING----not lessening, in this political climate. The evil ones have power to make Moloch only happier.

After all, it is just the same as infant sacrifice in the ancient world. Infants then were sacrificed for prosperity, food, and pleasurable living. What are abortions for today (besides eugenics)? Personal prosperity, selfish goals, ----it's MY BODY!

Well, no, it isn't. A baby is not YOUR body. The baby's body is the baby's.

Ultimately the mother of the baby is the one who sacrifices the child, but there are often horrible accomplices to the act, and they hold every bit as much responsibility for the murder of the child.

Parents who give ultimatums: "Abort the baby, daughter, or you don't have our support."
Fathers of the baby; "I don't want to have any responsibility for a CHILD! I just want sex."
Friends of the mother; "I'll take you over to Planned Parenthood because you don't want your mom or dad to find out..."
Planned Parenthood: "Please choose abortion, we sell the parts of your baby for great profit."

You bear the burden of murder JUST AS MUCH. Anyone who is an accomplice to murder is GUILTY.

Can God forgive any of you?

Yes. Yes, He can and does. God, perfect, just, holy, and merciful, forgives these terrible crimes.

Jesus died on the cross for sin, and that includes murder.

REPENT, and follow Christ. Confess your sins. Yes, there will be grief! Yes, there is regret! Yes, there is loss, and scarring, and an unchangeable history.

But there is forgiveness, if sought.

Cry out to God. He hears your voice. He will forgive.

FIGHT abortion on every front: Let people know how horrible it is, and how laws should be changed to make abortion a murderous act. SAVE the LIVES of the little ones.

If you have had an abortion, or you know someone who has, love is the answer. Love that person into the kingdom of God. God is love. There is mercy at His mercy seat.

But never, never, never justify an act of murder. Never minimize the horror of baby sacrifice. Never argue against those who reveal the horror of baby sacrifice. Never cease seeking the heart of God on what is happening in the culture, and how it is viewed by Him. Never, never lose sight.

Sin is always sin. It's defined in the Bible. It is distilled into 10 commandments. Jesus gave us the Sermon on the Mount, and in it he sharpens the seriousness of sin-----looking at a woman in lust IS adultery, hating a brother IS murder.....

Sin doesn't change much. It's still wrong. Jesus died for our sins.

Repent and follow Him.

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