"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Wednesday, February 6, 2019


I thought that the SOTU last night was remarkable. I've never been one to praise President Trump much, but how could anyone find fault with his remarkable pro-life, pro-USA speech?

Anyone with a heart for God's morals, that is.

I'm sure the tide will turn and the left will have its say, and even heyday, but for now we can be thrilled that such God-honoring statements were made by a world leader.

Don't disagree with me unless you have watched the speech. It was tear-rending.

I remember watching Bill Clinton's apology to the country years ago, and believing him, so I may not be a good judge of speeches. I admit it. I was inspired last night with all the pro-life statements.

I was appalled at the KKK-clad leftists and their open hostility for life, the USA, and anything but themselves. It was on display. Did you see Chuck Schumer smirk at the reference to killing babies?

I did.

Nancy Pelosi was rude. She was in her own world, shuffling papers, grimacing, forgetting to sit down ----it was embarrassing.

These Democrats are killing. Their true colors are showing, and they are repellent.

I have great caution about Republican Party strongholds and their ties to the Deep State Swamp, but I believe there are far more pro-life individuals in the Republican Party than there are on the left. I'm convinced that President Trump is pro-life, and whatever other issues he has that we disagree on, the abortion one "trumps" many, if not all others.

It is a statement of the heart. It defines.

You cannot be pro-abortion and love God. It's impossible.

God is the creator of life. He is the One that knits the babe together in the womb. He is the source of all life, all humanity, all animal-kind, all plant-life. He loves LIFE.

He has created a planet that can sustain ALL the LIFE HE CREATES.

The humanist plot to depopulate the earth is Satanic. WAKE UP people. The New Order proponents  "hide" themselves and their agenda in plain sight!

I can't imagine President Trump is party to this demonic agenda, but my trust never has been in him. My trust is in God.

Mountains will rise and fall, figuratively, financially, politically---and my hope is bed-rocked in Christ, live or die.

And it's getting closer to that.

It's a time for repentance. There is always forgiveness for any and all sin, and we all need to repent of sin in our hearts, souls, and minds.

At the jail the other night I introduced the concept of the seven deadly sins to the ladies. As most of these inmates are incarcerated on immigration violations they come from other cultures, and the seven deadlies were completely new to them.

Pride, Anger, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Envy, and Greed

We discussed these sins, and how they affect us. What an interesting discussion! "That's why I'm here," candidly confessed one woman----

That's what we're all dealing with, I assured her. We ALL need to repent of these things in our minds and hearts. They lead to evil.

When will we realize our sin?
When will we repent?
When will we get right with God?

I'm away from Corgi Hollows this week. Things are humming along there with extra inches of snow and much ice. Cherie, newly licensed, has had her first "spin-out" driving from school. She calmly reported that she found the car doing a "360" and when it stopped she backed out of its landing spot and drove on home.

Passages. Rites. Driving experience. A mom's heart quakes, but I pray that God puts angels on all sides of my kids' cars, buffering them. I know that accidents occur and God has His perfect plan for even allowing accidents, but I do pray for safety and quiet commutes!

Cherie likes the community college. I'm glad of that. If I get accepted in the fall we'll have at least three college students in the house.

We'll see. I've got a lot of Marie Kondo'ing to do at home, so the Lord may have other plans for me. My mother, who is a housekeeper extraordinaire, cannot fathom the pace and standards at Corgi Hollows. She gave me the Kondo book several years ago (before the big move) in an attempt to help me.

Oh, I vacuum, dust and mop regularly----at least every two weeks! The constant movement of five interacting lives leave challenges to my housekeeping skills. You'd think "older" children would be a piece of cake to have around the house and keep it up. I find that we all feed on each other's tendency to leave textbooks, library books, favorite books, mail, and "projects" out where we ALL can "appreciate" them.

Maybe you can relate. It's a daily battle for me. That, and the laundry.

Anyway, I'm having a respite from all that this week, ensconced in a hotel room somewhere in the Midwest. I'm along on my husband's business trip. It's sort of a "staycation," since there are no beaches or sun, no warmth, no attractions. I'm resting, thinking, reading, blogging, knitting----without a distracting Corgi in my lap, nor demanding cats to snuggle with. I don't have to go out and brave the snowdrifts, either.

It's good for me. Enough of that to come next week.

My reading list is rather heavy, and sort of depressing, but I punctuate it with L.M. Montgomery's Anne and her well-loved stories. I've time to catch up on prophecy videos and other current issues too, and that has suffered since beginning teaching again. I miss listening to Gary Stearman and others while putzing around the house after home-schooling obligations. There's so little time to hear the latest in the world of events pertaining to Bible prophecy. I must be VERY choosy about what I listen to. Our bi-weekly prophecy study has become a real help these days.

Anyone is welcome to join us on these Sunday evenings. We meet the second and fourth Sundays around 6:30 pm at Corgi Hollows.

We serve a bite to eat and get down to business.

It's a time of fellowship and learning, and we badly need these connections in times like these.

You are welcome. Email me at corgihollows@gmail.com for directions. We welcome you.

Maranatha! Come Quickly, LORD JESUS!

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