"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Snow Day, Gift from God

The snow is thickly coming down this morning, breaking all snow records for the month of February in Minnesota.

My school was cancelled. Cherie's school has a late start, which means her class was cancelled and she will not need to drive today. Ed will venture out soon, crazily, in this winter storm. My husband made it to work this morning, and so did Margaret---so there is hope. (Edit: Ed's school just cancelled completely!)

But I------I get to sit by the fire and read.

(smiley face!)

Days like this are gifts. There is not supposed to be anything but normal on the schedule and snow has transformed the day into a gift.

When you have heat and food and all the pets are snoozing by the fire comfortably you have the makings of a wonderful day.

You really SHOULDN'T go anywhere.

When my mom was a little girl, a pastor's daughter in a southwestern Minnesota country church, if a blizzard came through their family was literally holed up for days---until the plow could come through and release them from the deep snow.

It was a way of life, and no one expected anything else.

These days we have places to be and things to do, activities on the calendar and lists of stuff. Our fast-paced world is incredibly different from even 50 years ago.

I'll need to wash the dishes and do some laundry. Maybe I'll vacuum today, and since it is Wednesday I'll water the plants. There's always that kind of thing happening. Tomorrow it's back to subbing (at the high school) and a math test for Cherie that should have been today. She's actually taking the C.A.T. on this gift of a day today. This fulfills our Minnesota home-schooling requirement for the school year (BLESS THOSE HOME-SCHOOLING PIONEERS WHO CRAFTED THE MINNESOTA HOME-SCHOOLING LAWS BACK IN THE LAST CENTURY!)

I love home-schooling. It is the best of possible worlds for any schooling. Children can work at their own pace, mastering subjects as they wish. They are not unduly influenced by their peers, but rather by their siblings and their parents. Drugs aren't an issue, nor alcohol. Clothing can be simple and there is a lack of sophistication in each child that one sees so regularly in the public schools.

I love my public school students, and believe me, after 2 years of subbing I know almost every face in the system. I think they are wonderful, each and every one, but I also want to hug them and give them the freedom of learning that my own kids have had. Don't worry. Hugging isn't allowed. We can't even touch kids.

The little ones run up to me with open arms and I must gently divert these precious hugs.

I have accidentally touched a child on the wrist or forearm in an exuberant gesture of affirmation on occasion. That's a no-no, and this old grandma just shakes her head and pretends it didn't happen....What else can I do? I'm just a normal human being who enjoys the successes of EVERY ONE!

The world is crazy. Truly, really, absolutely.


Yesterday at school the principal got on the intercom for the weekly pledge of allegiance. She began by saying that the word of the week is "Karma." She briefly defined it and encouraged students to make good karma.

I wanted to add, to the class, "Karma is a concept that comes from the Buddhist RELIGION."

Just want to keep it real, folks.  But I kept my mouth shut. I resent that there are yoga classes at the school---HINDU RELIGION---- and all types of gender allowances. These things are so antithetical to my own faith, but they are forced down our throats at the school.

Remember; Bible stuff, talk about the Christian faith, is NOT encouraged. We do have some Christmas carols sung around Christmas, and all the kids love them.  Granted, most of the kids ARE Christian. The one Islamic family that I know of that attends this school is always given their preference on participation in any activity.

Rightly so.

Since I have the time, I have some questions---rhetorical, provoking thought, perhaps. At least these thoughts and questions have been on my mind for some time. It's a bit of doctrine, theology and Biblical interpretation to chew on.

Question Num.s 1-5: Why do preterists have such a negative and fearful outlook? Isn't this anti-Biblical? Why are they so quick to point out doom and gloom? Why must people prepare for persecution? Doesn't persecution happen everyday, everywhere in some form? Why do they attack other believers in Jesus, but especially those who hone to a Dispensational viewpoint?

Why do they insist that Dispensationalism comes from someone named John Darby when it is mentioned in the New Testament by Paul?


The word is even Biblical.

I am not a hyper-Dispensationalist. I believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the gift of healing, even the gift of tongues. I was baptized in the Holy Spirit when I was 16, and it was a remarkable experience that I cannot deny or denigrate. I do not speak and have not spoken in tongues, but I firmly believe that the Holy Spirit is active and powerful in the world today, and one MUST try the spirits to discern them. God is at work, but He does not conflict with His Word. Everything MUST be tested by Scripture. To work in the Spirit is to be a master of the Word. Not many people are, and I certainly am not. I am very careful to analyze whether or not something is truly of God or NOT. I have been fooled, and I am not above being fooled again. I find it safer to stay with a solid stance on Scripture. Perhaps I'm sort of a doctrinal hybrid. I am thrilled by the supernatural stories of people coming out of Islam and Buddhism and following Christ through supernatural experiences. I am very wary of manifestations that mimic demonic activity, masking as the Holy Spirit. God is a God of order. Healings must truly be healings, not temporary surges of adrenaline or demonic psychic surgeons. I'm wary. Does the life of the minister reflect Jesus Christ absolutely? It's always a good question to ask. You can eliminate many "faith healers" by examining their lifestyle. It must be consistent with Scripture!

That is why I am so critical of popular preachers and doctrines. I recognize that they can be false!

I am a Bible-believer, and I believe in the inerrant Scriptures. Interpreting Scripture is all fine and good----I'm in the exegesis camp. I'm very wary of eisegesis. Exegesis= taking out of, Eisegesis=reading into. We should never search for and find Scripture to back up our presupposed doctrines! That is Eisegesis.

We can confidently let Scripture speak for itself. We can study doctrine to rightly divide Scripture and see the bigger picture of history and God's ultimate plan. It all fits together beautifully.

It's wonderful to have archaeology as a science to support and back the Word of God, but ultimately we can trust God's Word to give us every wisdom for our existence.

Back to the preterist people: Why are they so gung-ho on taking down those who believe in the rapture of the church (like Enoch, Elijah, and even the body of Moses---.  Jesus Himself was taken up in the air! Raptures happen, and they are Biblical!) Not only is there the verse 1 Thess. 4:17, which specifically mentions the believers being caught up (raptured) there are multiple references to Christ's coming for the church.

Each of these references are routinely dismissed and over-interpreted by Preterists. And they are militant about it.

Perhaps it stems from the heavy Roman Catholic influence on the church, or even the influence of Martin Luther.

These early Reformers were indoctrinated in church theology, and it was hard to break away from it completely, even if they stood on the premise of Sola Scriptura, Sola Fides, Sola Gratia. That Catholic stuff didn't go away easily.

The basis for a Biblical worldview plants its foundation on the writing of the Gospels and of Paul, primarily. There are writings from Peter, James, John, and Jude as well, and they all mesh together in a wondrous message of hope and blessing for believers. Persecution, yes, but ultimate hope and escape from God's wrath.

When I encounter someone who insists that "The Rapture" is a figment of imagination I point to the beliefs of the early church, before the tainted paganism of the Roman church lost the blessed hope of Christ's sacrifice for our rightful punishment. God's wrath is not for believers. The early church clearly expected the Rapture in their lifetime! Paul had to reassure them that no, they did not miss it!

Jeremiah 30:7 speaks of Jacob's Trouble. This is a time (dispensation) mentioned in Daniel that lasts for seven years. It hasn't happened yet, because there are specific descriptions of events that are literally out of this world and there's no record of such things in world history, but there certainly are many ideas about how they WILL occur and play out---in the future.

Theologians dismiss the events described in Revelation as hyper-realistic. I read a book by a Lutheran pastor about Revelation a few years ago. She completely dismissed the entire book, chalking it up to sensationalism. Naturally I didn't agree with her, but it's good to get the perspective of those who don't believe in the Bible, but pretend to be people of faith.

Those who insist on tainting their Biblical understanding with theology will naturally question the very word of God. God is above theology.

Why those very people have the knives out for those of us who DO interpret Scripture "plainly" as one would with an understanding of history, culture, AND the help of the Holy Spirit is beyond me.

I can't quite get it.

So I ignore it. Their time would be better spent evangelizing the atheist or the lost tribe, the cultist, the pagan.

No one can take away the blessed hope that God gives us in Jesus Christ.

The rapture is just part of that promise and hope.

And, by the way, IF there is a New World Order that comes before the last days, why would ANYONE want to stick around for that?

Be the first to sign up for elimination. There's no way anyone can survive the technology of our current world system without becoming a part of it, wholly and fully. The Bible prophesies buying and selling with a mark. One cannot exist without the mark in the new order. If you take the mark you are eternally doomed.

Better a quick earthly demise and an eternal glory than a prolonged earthly existence (awful) and eternal fire.

It's all there. It's pretty plain.

Stop the attacks already! Live the love of Christ and encourage one another! Choose the high path, and you may find peace and joy instead of anger and despair.

Blessed hope.

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