"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Passover Details Fulfilled in Jesus

Joseph Farah's book, "The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament" is a wonderful "read."

Here I quote from the chapter about Exodus, about the Passover. (pp. 22-23)

"-Each family was to sacrifice a lamb (v.3). Jesus is the Lamb of God (John 1:29).

-The lamb must be without blemish (v. 5). Jesus also had to be ---and was---without sin (1 Peter 1:19; Hebrews 4:15).

-The lamb must be slain by "the whole assembly of the congregation" (v.6). Jesus was sentenced to death on the cross by "the multitude" of "the people" (the assembly) who cried "Crucify him" (Mark 15:8-14).

-The blood of the lamb must be sprinkled on the lintels and doorposts of each dwelling (v.22). Think of what that blood-spattered door would look like---forming the image of a cross.

-Each inhabitant of the house must feed upon the lamb (v.4). To be saved, everyone must partake of the Lamb of God (John 6:51-56).

-The lamb must be eaten with the bitter herbs and unleavened bread (v. 8). These requirements foreshadow the need for true penitence, obedience, and sincerity through Jesus' offering of salvation."

As we approach this season of Passover, the remembrance of the cross and Resurrection Sunday we can remember that the pattern was set from the beginning of time.

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