"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, April 20, 2020

Something Shifted for Me

Perhaps it is this virus, and the fear that I'm seeing in people I know and love, perhaps it is the sense of blindness I am witnessing---both spiritually and ideologically, perhaps it is the time to ponder the events that are expected in light of the return of Christ. Perhaps it is my classwork, my studies, my obligations being a student and earning my masters degree---

Perhaps it is because my son, a soldier, is deployed, half way around the world. Perhaps it is that I have concern for my two darling grandchildren growing up in a world that is so divided. Perhaps it is because I am trying to witness to a pagan that seeks to draw something dear to me away from God---

Perhaps it is because I have dealt with so many hard things over the past years (cancer, illness, loss) and seen God's sustaining power---

Perhaps it is something about timing after all, but something has shifted in my sphere.

As someone who has grown up in the faith, an "evangelical," now more just a Bible Believer, I define ALL of life's experiences in light of faith. I cannot help it.

I'm reading the biography of Eliza George, daughter of slaves/sharecroppers, missionary to Africa. Her faith inspires me. I aspire to be like her.

It was a different time, a different era, but I am convinced that we don't have to be so different in our outlook.

I'll be honest. Here at Corgi Hollows it is quiet and peaceful. The cupboards are not bare (not even close) and we are blessed with fresh air and sunshine. I have never found it more difficult (even when my brother died last fall and I was distracted) to keep on going with my assignments. I realize God put me in this program and I am accountable to Him, so I plug on. But I want to quit every day.

This time of quiet has been a blessing. I am reminded, in Scripture, every day of the promises the Lord has made. Being someone who studies prophecy I am in awe of what is happening in the world.

The virus is just a vehicle. We are at least 1,007 years from the "end of the world," but we are seeing the time of Jacob's Trouble coming into focus.

I watched both "Before the Wrath" yesterday and the copper scroll YT video. I posted that below.

Perhaps it was the copper scroll video that shifted things for me.

He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

Cowboy Jim, an unlikely (therefore totally God-chosen) figure has *probably* discovered the temple treasures. Watch the two-hour video. The timing is incredible, and we are in awe of God's miraculous actions in preserving things for SUCH A TIME AS THIS.

We'll see, but I'm thinking things are about to happen in Israel: the right agreements will be drawn up to give the Jewish people permission to extract the treasure to build the temple.

Prophecy. Fulfilled. Something is shifting.

We have the ID2020 on the horizon, (that has to do with buying and selling) and we have the "cabal" of the deep state and Luciferians coming out into the open. These people control Hollywood and the music industry, ergo the media. We've all been spoon-fed their agenda. This is earth, where the prince and the power of the air is one devil. He has cohorts and powers and principalities under him, but he reigns right now.

I was surprised to have a conversation with a preterist once who believed Satan was now bound. Shocking to me. I didn't realize that such a view of God's timeline would require the devil to be a non-player. It does, though.

The devil is actually worshiped by MOST of the world. The creator of the universe, Jesus, is actually their bad guy.

Jesus, love itself, lover of our souls, righteous and pure, holy, is their enemy. It is an upside-down world view. They really believe it! Deception is complete.

I believe that the two narratives I've been hearing through this Covid-19 crisis have shifted my views, too. As I wrote last week I believe that utter blindness plagues our 2020 world. There are very few people who are willing to even hear about things like Hydroxychloroquine and zinc, or the medication they've found in Israel. There are those that summarily dismiss the dangers of vaccinations ---the hundreds of thousands of people affected terribly by vaccines!

Those people do not matter, apparently. I think many people are essentially "good" people. They are sinners, of course, but they are good citizens and follow the government's lead in most things. They are proud of being liberal-minded, open, accepting (of everything but God as He defines Himself in the Bible!) --of god as they define him. God is whomever you want him to be.

Idolatry, really. This mindless liberal thinker so bent on the consumption of worldly pablum is beyond my reach, certainly. Not God's, for with God all things are possible---

But something has shifted, and the Remnant is beginning to stand alone.

The Remnant are those who are watching for Christ's prophecies to be fulfilled. The Remnant are seeing things coming into focus, things coming to pass, that verify God's Word. He has not forgotten us.

There is so much information out there. The internet is a blessing to us, but also (of course) a source of confusion and only those who are truly alert to specific events described in the Bible that are to come (and are happening now) are able to discern these things! It isn't magic. It isn't even some elite group!

We watchers are a rag-tag bag of believers who actually take the Bible seriously. We (heaven forbid!)  are not intellectuals. We tend to be DIY theologians, repentant, simple believers. We may be smart, and we certainly cultivate wisdom, but we are not the movers and shakers of this world. God picks the awkward and the weak. He picks the ones where it is pretty obvious that HE is the one that makes things happen. He picks those with ugly teeth, funny accents, homely, weak. Every once in awhile there is a Tim Tebow out there who shines, but even he has been maligned. God uses weak people.
I love it. I'm one of them! We are the great "unwashed," but washed in the blood of the Lamb. Our physical unattractiveness frames God's beauty in our spirits! The beauty that shines is His! We have no part of it. As Paul did, glory in the thorn.

I remember once I brought up prophecy in a women's group I was a part of, not a Christian group. One of the women said, "Oh I don't like prophecy. It's SCARY.  I just think it is confusing!"

That is the spirit of this age in a nutshell. Afraid. Fearful. Confused. Undiscerning.

So this is a time of shifting for me. I am no longer concerned (as much) about those who are spiritually blind all around me. Does that sound bad? I care, of course, but I think the time has come to focus on what is happening on the scale of God's timetable. Get ready.

Get your house in order. Focus on preparing for Christ's appearing in the cloud (Revelation 1:7). Are you ready?

Eliza George related her conversion experience. She was about 15, and she had heard the Gospel her whole childhood. She went to revival meetings every night for a week, going forward each night to repent and find faith. It was after a week of mental torture that the preacher spoke on John 3:16 and the heavens opened for her. She converted.

It was a dramatic moment for her.

How many of us have wrestled with God over our spiritual blindness?

Something needs to shift for all of us.

For me it is to FOCUS on HIS RETURN, at all costs. No turning back. Only JESUS!

Follow along! Don't be left behind.


Dear one, if you are in my circle of closeness, I will tell you the truth to your face. For those of you who follow me (still) on social media I will start being more obnoxious about what is happening in the world. You are warned. Believe me, I care about your soul WAY MORE than I care about your life here on earth. I realize that you have people close to you that you have great concern for. I urge you to take a stand for Christ and let the "chips fall where they may." Risk rejection. Jesus asks you to put your hand to the plow and NOT LOOK BACK.

It's really all about Jesus.

Those of you who have intersected in my life and still do on occasion through social media, I urge you to seek truth. I know several of you are witches, atheists, and politically opposite of myself. I lump you together because we simply disagree. I'm praying for you. I won't stop. I know that Satan has gripped you for years and it IS hard to shake the darkness. I want to believe that you are simply unaware of the dangers of worldliness. Sadly I acknowledge that spiritual blindness is probably the real issue. This requires a spiritual transaction. Only God can bring that about.

Some of you rationalize sinful lifestyles. You are caught in the web of deceit. I don't fault you, I understand you, but I grieve for you. You are deluding yourselves. Some of you are pastors who have lost their first love of the Word of God. You are in danger of great judgment.

Some of you have bought the lies of the devil, hook, line, and sinker and you are going down with a millstone around your neck. You wink at evil, abortion, sodomy, sin. You have believed in doctrines of devils, hyper-grace, which does not lead to repentance. Watch out! You say you know Jesus, but you reject His Word and His commands. You despise His followers. You know who you are. You prefer the hiss of the serpent, quietly condoning the works of the devil.

Come out from this, my people. Stand for Christ. It is hard. The lions will tear you to pieces, but this momentary affliction gives way to eternal joy at Christ's hand.

Those of you who are enslaved to drugs and alcohol, those of you dear to me, I urge you in Christ to be sober. This is not a time to let substances cloud your thinking. True conversion does not need any form of "spirits." If you are still using alcohol ask God to convert your soul.

You are not safe. You are under the influence of evil, and that is not of Christ.

Give it up. You know you should!

I care about you, and I pray for you. When you come to Corgi Hollows I will hound you. So stay away if you don't want change!

I saw someone die who laughed at things I held dear. I cared for this person. I don't know where he is right now---heaven or hell? My heart aches for this, as those he cared for are living in sin and sadness right now.

Why should you have any question about eternity? God has given us a spirit of wisdom and truth! Everyone should KNOW that you are SAVED.

There are several of you I wish I knew about. I realize it isn't for me to know, always. God knows your heart. But don't you want to know if someone is with Jesus after they die?

Your doctrines of demons bring that assurance into question. WE CAN'T KNOW.

But we'd like to. Give us some peace.

Take a stand for Christ. For yourself, for us.

Conversion is a very powerful thing. Ask Eliza George. Ask Paul the Apostle.

Many are called, but few are chosen.

Be chosen. Be bold, be born again.

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