"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, August 24, 2020

Updates and Thoughts

 If you have been a reader of Corgi Hollows for any time (and I've been "blogging" for quite some time now) you probably know where I stand politically and spiritually.

Every once in awhile I sense a shift in the earth's foundation, and 2020 is that shift in so many ways. Naturally for me, God took my husband home to be with Him, unexpectedly, and COVID-19 has had multiple repercussions in all of our lives. 

This is an election year, and things are heating up with the political conventions going on right now: Joe Biden's dementia is on full display, Marxist Harris is the upcoming world leader, and Trump continues to amaze despite his blunders.

We're all being played.

God is in control. How often do we need this reminder? I need it every hour. 

Though Satan should buffet---(*It is Well With My Soul)--and he and his minions DO buffet (oppress, attack, pierce) I am strongly anchored in my faith in the God of Scripture.

If your God isn't the God of the Bible you are buffeted, and you will perish.

Let's talk about Trump. I am solidly with Wayne Grudem on Trump. I love his policies, I pray for the man, I don't understand the far-reaching implications. Is he anti-Christ? I don't know. I can only vote pro-life, pro-Israel, and pro-conservative policies.

Those are his hallmarks right now. 

I am anti-communist, and if I don't vote for Trump I tacitly allow communism to seep into America, the country I love and have given up years of my relationships and life for. I am a patriot. I think Donald Trump is a patriot, too.

Are the Freemasons and the Illuminati all a part of the Founding Fathers and their ilk? Of course. Just read a little history and you'll be informed. Is Trump a part of that cabal? I still don't know. I read a lot, but I'm not convinced either way yet.

God is working out His master plan and America is running pell-mell toward destruction.


God will hold everyone accountable.

Don't let fear of the Marxists in power control you. They are in power (especially in my state, in our colleges and universities, and especially in our churches and seminaries!). IF you are being driven into a debate about race you are being driven into Marxist indoctrination.

Don't buy it. Don't imbibe on the Marxist buffet. 

Race. God made one race: HUMAN. I like what Ken Ham says at the Creation Museum and the Ark. We are all made up of the same DNA. The melanin in our skin should never separate us, divide us, or define us. Race and class is a satanic and human construct. Don't buy the leftist indoctrination on race issues. The left foments these issues to attack truth from God. Just ignore it and LOVE everyone. Remember what Paul says: there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female in Christ! WE ARE ALL THE SAME!

Making race THE issue is a tactic of the left to divide and conquer. 

And we will be conquered, unless Christ chooses to come and get us first. Are you prepared to meet your death at the guillotine? Are you prepared to have your house burned down by the Marxists of Black Lives Matter? 

Are you prepared? 

Because we have passed the point of no return and that is coming.

Ed and I discussed the spiritual blindness of our culture this morning at length. We can see the humanistic thought that has pervaded our churches and our culture. The moral compass has been smashed. We operate on feelings and whims as a nation, as churches, as families. 

When you throw out the Bible you throw out the moral compass. 

So how many of you actually believe that God's word is inerrant, inspired, and for today?

I can wager that there are few of us left in this age. The leftist seminaries took care of that. The "Higher Criticism" fomented by the Jesuits within our bastions of education destroyed the foundations of our belief in Scripture. 

Interesting, isn't it? We are watching the fruit of Jesuit infiltration in all of our institutions. 

Economics, education, religion, politics, culture. The Roman Catholic Jesuitical influence has been extreme and comprehensive. Marxist ideas are hand in glove with the Jesuit oath.

My heart breaks for our nation, the loss of its moral compass, and its inevitable demise.

But I'm a prophecy watcher, and these things must come to pass. 

I'm looking for the King of kings. I'm waiting for the bridegroom. I'm looking for our blessed hope. I am not discouraged, I am thrilled to see that our time here is short and soon to end. 

Maranatha, Lord Jesus Christ! 

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