"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Friday, January 8, 2021

For Such a Time as This

 The last few days in our country have been pivotal. We knew they were coming! 

Prophecy helps us interpret the signs of the times, and we can see exactly where we are on God's divine timeline. 

Doesn't that give you hope? 

As the attorney Lin Wood revealed last night on Parler, the Bidens have sold America to the Chinese Communist Party.

We're next to be sold, if the Lord tarries. 

Trump obviously tried to put a cog in the wheel, but today there is no sign of earthly hope. We can read all the innuendos and symbols and surmise that something is going on, but ultimately those of us who have no inner access to the machinations of Big Government can't predict if this is truly "it" for patriotism.

The global reset has made a giant leap forward. Bread and circuses are promised, and people have lost the energy to oppose totalitarianism. 

Now, dear ones, we rest in God's grace. These things must come to pass. Those deluded by the Left, the WEF, the WHO, the illuminati, will perhaps still be saved, if they are not too far into the Deception. 

I am grieving for those who have lost their souls to the Delusion. 

There was such a spiritual attack this past week. Everyone I know (closely) went through a fiery trial over the past seven days. Satan did what he could to discourage the Lord's Own. 

I went through one, too, and was abused by someone I had thought I could trust. It was nasty, but the Lord has given me strength, despite the pain. 

Like a compass, God's commands and promises are our lifeline to peace. When we anchor ourselves according to His direction we will overcome even unto death. 

I feel like I can relate to Job (from the Bible) more today than before. Through suffering we find our foundation in Jesus Christ. 

When Satan fuels the rage there is little check. 

Watch. The Germans who got on board with Hitler were (most likely) "good" people before he came to power. They had put their faith in a world order, and not the God who orders the world. 

Donald Trump is a sinner that God chose to be president of the United States. God raises up rulers and He brings them down. Trump opened the door for us to see the corruption in the governments of the world, and what we saw through that door was revolting. 

Could Satan be so disgusting? 

Yes. Yes, he is the author of the Holocaust, torture, terror, and evil. He is the prince and power of the air. The devil has jurisdiction over this earth and he has never been kind. 

Thankfully God has given us Blessed Hope! We know that despite persecution and death (terror and torture!) we have a glorious eternal life ahead. He even promised us an escape (like He did for Enoch) before destruction and tribulation (the Great Tribulation) comes on the earth. 

Noah (Israel) will be protected through the fire, but we who walk with God will be snatched away. 

So, today, examine your hearts. Are you walking with God? Are you filled with the Holy Spirit? Are you ready to face this day with the presence of Christ, no matter how it ends? 

Believers be ready. Be rapture ready. 

It is by God's infinite grace that He tarries! He is not willing that ANY should perish, but that all should have eternal life. 

What is this life? It is but a vapor. 

Pray for those who are lost today. They need Jesus so badly. We have hope, peace, strength, and encouragement. 

Instead of being angry we look up. 

Lord, thank you for your promises, your Holy Spirit, and your peace that passes ALL UNDERSTANDING. 

You cannot know it unless you surrender to Him, repent, and put your trust in Him.

These last few days were so pivotal for me. My faith and Christian walk has prepared me for such a time as this. You and I (dear ones) are Esther before Xerxes. We stand for Biblical truth before the god of this world. 

Satan hates us. He is rage. 

His attacks are only temporal, and we have the greater power in us. Greater is He who is in me, than he who is in the world. 

Satan must flee. 

As Watchman Nee titled his book, "Sit, Walk, Stand," I think this is the time we stand. 

God bless you, dear ones. Stand. 


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