"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Friday, August 30, 2013

Check it Out!

If you haven't found this website, I would ask that you go there, see what you've been missing, and think about the linkage of ideas and articles they've presented.


I've been encouraged by so many of the stances they've taken on multitudes of issues.

This past week, as we prepare for the first of five upcoming weddings, I've had a quiet song playing in the back of my mind.

What is true conversion?

My husband and I sit and drink coffee before he goes to work on some days, solving the world's problems, and bouncing theological ideas back and forth.

It's a great way to start the day, if we don't get too worked up!

Yesterday we discussed this tantalizing subject of  "true conversion."

Who, really, is saved?

Is every church-goer saved?

Is every "believer" saved?

Is everyone saved?

I know I'd get a zillion different answers from a zillion different people, because quite frankly, we are all products of our experience and upbringing. We all have read different books and commentary.

We really are all at different places in our lives.

I happen to be reading about George MacDonald lately. His ideas got him pitched out of the church, yet he persisted and wrote so much about God's love.

There must be a "red-line" somewhere, where God has certainly decreed that one person is "saved," and another not, and no, the three options listed above don't cut the red line.

We can go to Scripture. That is MY red line, and because there appear to be MANY standards for belief within Scripture I'd be pretty sure to at least THINK about them all.

1. Fruit.
2. Love
3. Confession of belief
4. Repentance (turning away from sin)
5. Sorrow over sin
6. A knowledge of and obedience to Christ's commands (He that loves Me keeps My commands)
7. Growth or progress spiritually
8. Baptism (ja, it's there)
9. Persecution

Now, we all know that the thief on the cross went straight to heaven the day he died. He clearly had no time to display much about his conversion to Christ in his life.

Comforting to us.

But it doesn't stop there.  Perhaps you know this. I'm not writing to the one who is confident in his salvation.

I'm writing to you who are torn with doubt, experiencing the first trials of spiritual growth, going through deep waters.

I'm writing to the one who has a false sense of security. The one who has allowed sin to dominate in some areas,  who has a "blind spot" about the world and its devices.

You see, as I get older, and as we see The End nearing, I see a greater gulf between "believers" and "non-believers."

I'm asking the question----Are you a believer? Does your life show it?

A popular question I've heard lately, "Is there enough evidence in your life to convict you of being a follower of Christ?"

Along with this is the truth that Satan is working overtime as a deceiver. He has managed to convince a whole lot of people that it's what we DO that earns our salvation......WORKS.....

And that is false. Only the grace of God saves. You can't EARN salvation.

But wait-----didn't I just say that there were things in a saved person's life---works----that show salvation?

Bear with me here.....

The things I listed above are signs of a true conversion, not works that save.

Our salvation is in Christ Alone. He will save us, when we turn to Him for that salvation. He DID IT ALL.

Once you rest on that, the works of righteousness just begin to flow-----out of a loving heart that HE is forming in you.

Baby believers don't have all the answers. They have little experience of the love of God, but they certainly know the most important thing: JESUS SAVES. They have the joy of a clean heart before God, and the wonderful assurance of the Holy Spirit.

And can we be deceived after that?

Of course.

The Bible tells us that even "the elect" will be deceived in the last days.

So start looking around and asking yourself---------HOW AM I BEING DECEIVED??????????

You might be surprised at what the Lord starts to show you.

I was.

Watch out.

Thankful, so thankful----that Jesus is coming soon. The end is truly near.

Here is another link that is helpful:

And this:

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