"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, August 5, 2013

Intel community worried Obama administration disclosed too much about latest al Qaeda threat - Washington Times

Intel community worried Obama administration disclosed too much about latest al Qaeda threat - Washington Times

This article is just the straw that breaks the camel's back for me. Lately I have washed my hands of politics, and I'm seeing so many people I know doing the same. I even saw the words "conspiracy theory" in a mainline publication this morning. Wow. We are literally gathering speed as we roll down the hill toward destruction.

People, the spiritual world now takes precedence.

The earth trembles.

Only those with a solid spiritual foundation can weather this upcoming storm.

Mine is in the Bible, the Word of God Himself. Yes I believe it, and yes, it takes God-given faith to believe.

Last week I saw a photographic image of a beautiful woman lying dead. I will describe it because you must know what is happening in the world: Her heart was gone from her open chest, and a crucifix was stabbed through her mouth.

Horrid, and real. We need to stop pretending that our world is not changing. We have ONLY one hope, and that is in Christ Jesus. He can save our souls.

James 1:21

21 Wherefore putting away all filthiness and overflowing of wickedness, receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.

Now is the day of salvation. We may not have tomorrow. Prophesied events are unfolding before our eyes, and Jesus WILL take His bride home, to save us from the wrath of God.

Don't wait.

Please remember this, if nothing else, today. Lucifer is a being of light. He is a liar. Could you possibly be the victim of the greatest liar of all time? Could you believe something that is an apostasy? Could you be worshiping an idol of your own concoction?

Yes you could. Are you basing your beliefs on your own ideas and experience? Have you no spiritual authority outside of your own mind? 

Ask yourself: Could you just possibly be wrong?

Of course you could. Humans are on a level below angelic beings. We can easily be deceived by them! They are far more powerful than we are, far more able to appear like our only hope.

But they are not.

When you place your faith in Christ Jesus, and learn of HIM through God's Holy Word, the Bible, you are placing your faith in the one true God. You must abandon all else! You have chosen a reliable and proven authority OUTSIDE of yourself.  All other religions are just poor copies of the truth. To say that you are god is only idolatry.

It is a whole conversion, a whole change, a whole repentance that is required by the One True God.  

TRY the spirits you think are your "ascended masters"  by the name of Christ Jesus and by His blood. Try the spirits. You may be completely deceived by a false god.

It's worth a try, because your eternity depends on it. 

As the Truth Project ends, the speaker says: "You never meet a Mortal Soul."

----Everyone you meet has an immortal soul. One to endure hell, DOWN, or heaven, UP.

I didn't make this up. It's all in the Bible. Google an online translation and start searching with any words I've used today. Start reading. The authority of the Holy Bible is transcendent. It is timeless. It never fails. It is more powerful than any other authority. It has endured since the Genesis account----It is God's letter to us of truth. It is the Creator of the Universe entering our dimension to save us from our own tragic end.

His words stand whether we like them or not.

Too many people are falling away from the faith. Too many people never learn the Truth in Scripture.

People are perishing for lack of knowledge, but God's power is strong to save. 

GET RIGHT WITH GOD. Before it's too late.

You can't save yourself. You could never earn your salvation. You can only freely accept God's gift.

Please, please don't wait. 

Time is short.

This is my daily plea, that if you don't know Christ, that you come to him.

I am now getting many readers on my blog. I don't know where they stand spiritually, but I do know that some of my friends and acquaintances read this periodically. Let this be known to all of you readers: There is nothing so important as your eternal destination, and I am your friend who LOVINGLY pleads with you to make things right with God.

Become a believer. Believe. Repent. Turn away from unbelief.

Pursue CHRIST JESUS, and Him alone. 

 "Heavenly Father, let someone come to Christ right now. Amen." 

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