My niece sings a song with this phrase in it.
I am troubled by where she's going with that phrase----but this morning, Tuesday, Aug. 20, MY heart is on fire for truth.
In this world we WILL have trouble, but take heart, HE has overcome the world!
I'm doing my morning perusal of prophecy news and articles. My heart just began to burn--blood pressure probably rose, too---about the utter disparity between believers and apostates.
When Francis Schaeffer wrote the "Evangelical Disaster" many years ago he started with a memorable illustration of watershed issues.
A single drop of water on a mountain peak can end up in an entirely different ocean from its touching neighbor on the tip of the mountain----due to its inclination. Watershed issues separate, they divide!
Those of us inclined to believe the Bible is inerrant have a proclivity to LOVE Bible prophecy.
Those of us who don't mock us.
Take Gary DeMar (and co.--RC Sproul, Hank Hanegraaf etc.) and that spite toward us prophecy lovers!
I'm a nobody to such illustrious personages, but they attack the same world-view that I have found to be absolute truth.
Biblical prophecy cannot be ignored IF you have a high view of Scripture.
As we see current events we KNOW that Biblical prophecy supersedes all else. Things WILL come to an end, and the atrocities described in Revelation WILL come to pass.
And no, they haven't already. That view would mean that you discount reams of Scripture, simply ignoring it.
That is something none of us should do.
Stop listening to the church! (The church is chock-full of apostates---That's predicted, remember? The Bible says so!) Stop listening to your current preaching idol! Stop listening to the radio, the TV, and Internet! Stop reading the magazine or newspaper------
UNTIL you filter it through God's Holy Word. Why do you trust men?
Trust His Word. Trust His Holy Spirit.
Then fasten your seat belts, because is gets really interesting for those of us who watch!
There is no more satisfying, loving, fascinating and rewarding place to be in life! We truly have the answer to all mysteries-----wrapped up in the Mystery that God loves us, and saves us, if we place our trust in Him.
It's not scary for us, because we know Who wins. We know that perfect love casts out fear. We know that this world IS coming to an end, and that a new world order will take place.
We will be the bride of Jesus Christ, and the lover of His Truth.
Do what you can to save the world, (have bees, recycle, protest GMOs, save energy, buy organic, don't pollute) but place your trust in Jesus----He really saved us. The absolutely BEST thing you can do is tell someone---people--- compassionately how to become a Christ-follower.
It will save their souls. The earth is beyond saving.
The Bible says it.

I am troubled by where she's going with that phrase----but this morning, Tuesday, Aug. 20, MY heart is on fire for truth.
In this world we WILL have trouble, but take heart, HE has overcome the world!
I'm doing my morning perusal of prophecy news and articles. My heart just began to burn--blood pressure probably rose, too---about the utter disparity between believers and apostates.
When Francis Schaeffer wrote the "Evangelical Disaster" many years ago he started with a memorable illustration of watershed issues.
A single drop of water on a mountain peak can end up in an entirely different ocean from its touching neighbor on the tip of the mountain----due to its inclination. Watershed issues separate, they divide!
Those of us inclined to believe the Bible is inerrant have a proclivity to LOVE Bible prophecy.
Those of us who don't mock us.
Take Gary DeMar (and co.--RC Sproul, Hank Hanegraaf etc.) and that spite toward us prophecy lovers!
I'm a nobody to such illustrious personages, but they attack the same world-view that I have found to be absolute truth.
Biblical prophecy cannot be ignored IF you have a high view of Scripture.
As we see current events we KNOW that Biblical prophecy supersedes all else. Things WILL come to an end, and the atrocities described in Revelation WILL come to pass.
And no, they haven't already. That view would mean that you discount reams of Scripture, simply ignoring it.
That is something none of us should do.
Stop listening to the church! (The church is chock-full of apostates---That's predicted, remember? The Bible says so!) Stop listening to your current preaching idol! Stop listening to the radio, the TV, and Internet! Stop reading the magazine or newspaper------
UNTIL you filter it through God's Holy Word. Why do you trust men?
Trust His Word. Trust His Holy Spirit.
Then fasten your seat belts, because is gets really interesting for those of us who watch!
There is no more satisfying, loving, fascinating and rewarding place to be in life! We truly have the answer to all mysteries-----wrapped up in the Mystery that God loves us, and saves us, if we place our trust in Him.
It's not scary for us, because we know Who wins. We know that perfect love casts out fear. We know that this world IS coming to an end, and that a new world order will take place.
We will be the bride of Jesus Christ, and the lover of His Truth.
Do what you can to save the world, (have bees, recycle, protest GMOs, save energy, buy organic, don't pollute) but place your trust in Jesus----He really saved us. The absolutely BEST thing you can do is tell someone---people--- compassionately how to become a Christ-follower.
It will save their souls. The earth is beyond saving.
The Bible says it.
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