"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, June 22, 2015


So many things to say, so many things to think on...and life just keeps happening! This is a post of superlatives.

It seems that each day is full and memorable, with hardly a chance to appreciate every sweet moment.

I. Love. This. House!

I'm watching a thunderstorm roll away to the east from my bedroom windows right now. The sky is ominous and dark above a huge white mass of cloud. The storm left a green velvety track beneath, and this first full day of summer is cool and refreshing.

Over the weekend we hosted a gathering of family and friends. We had 30 people here, great food (potluck), and lots of love.

Several people who had either grown up in the house or lived in it at least awhile were here, and it was fun to have them. The changes were interesting to them in particular.

I look forward to having many more gatherings!

Last week several gals from our church came out for lunch and a walk through a peony supplier farm in the area. Fun day!

Peonies are regretfully short-lived. I think they eclipse any other flower for beauty, show and scent, but God in His wisdom made them fade after just brief days of glory.

Cut on Saturday, today they drop their masses of petals in a heap beneath the vase. Two days of beauty.

We saw, at the farm, a yellow showy peony called Bartzella that I would love to own. I am a fan of all things pink, but these yellow peonies are just breathtaking! Expensive, too. Maybe next year...

It takes several years for peonies to establish.

And I wonder how much time we really have. We are looking at events worldwide that seem to indicate the earth is truly short-lived.

Let's not put our heads in the sand.

Climate scientists scream "climate change." Geneticists discuss the demise of the human race (and, by the way, there is only ONE HUMAN RACE. We are all humans, no matter what our DNA patterns, all saved by Christ's grace when we put our trust in Him. Macro-evolution is a lie from the pit. Get over it!)

Politics stink. We are all disillusioned.
(I'm backing Ben Carson for president, by the way, for now, at least). The New World Order seems to be looming upon us.

As we see spiritual forces rally for the end of time I am struck by the shortness of time. We are short-lived!

Such deception. People are frightened, amassing in hoards of easily driven mentalities. Fear is tangible.

I was listening to NPR the other day on the way to our old home. The subject was (of course) the environment, and the whole interview was laced with an undercurrent of fear, of dire need, of desperation. Scaremongers all, all media, it seems.

Jesus tells us not to fear. We are NOT to fear. We are to live in trust and hope that our Heavenly Father knows our needs, that He provides----

Even when heads roll, literally.

Do you think about heaven much? Every once in awhile I write about it. I get a new insight from some speaker or article.

Lately I've been thinking I've landed right square back in the middle of heaven on earth. This bucolic setting that I grew up in is just about paradise to me.

Oh, yes, life has been pretty unbearable the last couple years, but we seem to have arrived at a place of peace and restoration.

The minute you think that, though, the next crisis seems to hit....."Murphy's Law," right?

But we are ready to face it. God's grace is so infinite and good, so available and free. As hard as this old earth can be, we have the supernatural power to face the hardship.

Been there, done that.

Job. Read it when everything seems unbearable.

So, even a sense of peace in a non-spiritual sense, in a particular circumstance, can only ever be short-lived. We KNOW that things are nearing climax. We have the signs of the times.

How many of you are preparing for financial collapse this fall? If you do not share faith in Christ I would advise you to prepare. Buy a generator. Stuff some money under the mattress.

I'm not. We haven't.

I am waiting for Christ's intervention. The Bride of Christ awaits a wedding feast, and I am looking for that...not a monumental societal collapse.

I'm ready. I advise you to get ready too.

We "don't know the Hour," but that is another term for the "Feast of Trumpets." Look it up. The timing of the beginning of the feast is not known until the priest in Jerusalem looks out from the Temple mount and declares the beginning of the feast. It was the vernacular name for Rosh Hoshanna.

Jesus knew this, of course. He is God. He knows everything.

He told us that for the world His return for the Bride would be a surprise---like a thief in the night---but for believers, watchmen, the signs would be like a woman giving birth----pang after pang until the baby appears!

I see birth pangs. I feel them. I'm watching for them. I always watch on the Feast of Trumpets!

I read that in some Jewish groups the men stay up all night on the feast of trumpets. It's a tradition. They are supposed to be watching.....

"The trumpet will sound! The dead in Christ will rise first and then we who remain will be caught up...TO MEET HIM IN THE AIR!"

The banquet of the Lord will begin, and we will prepare (in paradise) for a predicted return to earth on WHITE HORSES. ( Read Revelation)

It's all there. Just believe it. The word of God is showing its absolute truth and prophetic reliability every single day.

Satan, aka Lucifer, is the master of deception, and he knows his time is extremely short. He is deceiving as many people as possible right now. We all have been lulled into a fugue of spiritual darkness by our TVs, sports, entertainment, phones.

Yes, it's true. The powers of darkness are truly closing in, and we have little time. We are short-lived.

Will Jesus snatch His Bride away this Feast of Trumpets? I would be remiss if I didn't sound my own warning to my loved ones. I think it extremely likely. This September should be fascinating anyway, with so many world events concluding. Are you watching?

Watch. Prepare. Believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, sacrificed on the cross for the sins of mankind. Put your faith in Him and begin to devour the Scripture. READ THE WORD OF GOD. Jesus saves.

I have trusted my Lord and Savior for 48 years now. I've been through many dark moments, dark trials. I attest to His faithfulness, and His love, His never-ending peace and strength. He, alone, is the answer to our prayers----not religion, not tradition, not church.

Jesus only. Yeshua Ha Meshiach. Jesus, Messiah. Salvation.

Leave the trappings of your past, and follow Him.

He is coming SOON.

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