"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Okay, so I'm a teacher, right?

I'm constantly reading curriculum, every grade level, music, art, -----you name it.

What is the word I am seeing every day? Global.

Okay, so I'm a student, right?
I'm in public administration.

So what is the word I'm seeing in all of my textbooks?


Global. Globalism.

New World Order. One world. Cultural change.

I'm telling you, you cannot get away from it.

The antiChrist's kingdom is definitely on the march. He is the ruler of globalism. He is the ruler of the New World Order.

Our education system and our government is infused with the globalist jargon. The infants in our schools are spoon fed the milk of the new order.

Eyes wide open. Trust me. If you don't have a solid Biblical worldview you will be sucked into the globalist one. There's no escape except Jesus Christ.

Opposing Views?

When you hear two entirely opposing viewpoints you go with the one that matches your worldview.

This is why worldview is centrally important.

I believe in the Bible. I believe it is the Word of God. It sure clears up moral issues for me.

If you believe in a moral and just God, also one who is merciful and defines Himself as LOVE, then you've got a pretty solid worldview.

It's not about us. It's about God.

Wednesday Oasis

I've had much to do lately. More than usual.

Since one of the music teachers had a severe accident last summer I've been filling in her position almost constantly since the beginning of the school year. I had October off. I took other jobs that month.

The students have settled in to being naughty more regularly, and it's a challenge to keep them motivated and in line every single day. A substitute does not have the same authority that a teacher has. We do not threaten to alter a grade...

The plans have mostly been made up as I go.

It's been challenging.

After school I scoot over to the hotel (not stopping) and work until 11 pm.  I try to read a textbook at the hotel, but lately my brain is overtaxed and I'm just tired.

This old lady has to snatch a few minutes here and there to get her studying done and her papers written!

Add to that the winterizing of a country home, family needs, and health things-----I eat about two real meals a week!

I've tried to keep Sundays free, so I can get to the jail, and to church, and to the nursing home...

Today I decided to turn down three subbing jobs AND I was not scheduled at the hotel.

It was time to give a report on stuff here on the blog to my favorite readers.

I want to invite you to the Minnetonka Chorale Society's Christmas Concert on December 15 at 3:00 pm. I have a solo, the alto air in Benjamin Britton's Ceremony of Carols. Come and enjoy an afternoon of gorgeous music! I will post the invitation next. I'm going to have to fit in some practice time because the old English language is REALLY hard. (I keep slipping into German pronunciation!). The intervals are also pretty tricky in the solo. I'll have to go over it a zillion times before the concert. Our director is working with me, but it's still a challenge.

Thankfully I can practice while I fold laundry at the hotel.

We had a real cold snap a couple of weeks ago, accompanied by a little snow. Temps have warmed up some, so I've been getting the plastic sheeting up on the porch screens. This is a time-consuming fall project that is incredibly beneficial to keeping the house warmer all winter. It's just so hard to get it done in the fall. So many other things happening.

My husband has been playing mechanic on the mower, Cheri's car, and Ed's car. He's not finished yet. Still so much to fix. Day by day...

Ed has had some severe back pain. He carries a heavy back pack to the U every day, and now, after 3 months of it, he is finding it's not working. He's missing class to see the chiropractor today. Something had to give.

Cheri is doing well at school and her new job. All is well. I think. She weaves through each day with all of her interests and obligations.

Margaret is back home. Finally. She's full steam ahead with Caribou Coffee again. They are so thrilled to have her back! She is on a panel discussion this weekend at Midwest Mountaineering featuring the Pacific Crest Trail.  She's excited to be a part of it.

I've had some truly fascinating things happen because of my Masters in Public Administration. For one of my projects I had to contact a government official about Strategic Planning. It was very educational for me, and I have a much more comprehensive view about how our local county government works. Our county has a budget that is bigger than the budgets of entire states. There are 12 states with smaller budgets. The official was very kind and spent over an hour talking to me and answering my questions.

I wrote one paper already, but another project is due stemming off of this interview....

It is very interesting.

Because I am interested in spiritual matters and politics those subjects are never far from my thoughts. This whole impeachment scam brought to mind the inquiries about Obama and his birth certificate questions, his transcripts, etc. Politics is truly tit for tat. Trump needs to expect that he will be investigated until the cows come home.

I think that what sticks in the craw of normal voters is that injustices happen and they are politically ignored (the uranium thing, Benghazi, Hunter Biden...) and then the other side is implicated for like crimes and misdemeanors-----every malfeasance SHOULD be addressed, but some are prosecuted and some are ignored depending upon how much POLITICAL power one has. It's such a double standard.

Also, the media is so one-sided that you cannot trust any one source. You must compare several sources, and who has the time for that? I certainly don't!

I get my news from Twitter these days. I get a far more comprehensive view from reading everyone's reactionary tweets than from any News source. If a news source is biased, which it has been proven to be, I take the news with a grain of salt.

I'd rather hear something straight and make my own opinion.

These hearings give plenty of material for that, but I'm just limited with my time to listen or watch. I'd prefer giving a trusted, like-minded, and intelligent source the time to process the information for me.

The sheep are separating from the goats.

There's the spiritual side of it.

Have you read Jonathan Cahn's book yet? How about Carl Teichrib's book? Have you read Johanna Michaelson's book, "The Beautiful Side of Evil?"

Get reading. You need some perspective on what is REALLY going on in the world.

Satan is a nice looking guy dressed up in light. You and I are probably being deceived about something even now. Politics are his stomping grounds.

God is greater. He's greater than all of this, and HIS purposes are being worked out minute by minute, faster and faster these days as the Rapture nears. It won't be long until we'll be leaving here...

The God that made the love of a sweet and loyal dog cares about you. He loves you. I've had these sweet moments lately with Corwyn and her adoration. I've never met a human as forgiving as a dog. It's true. I love my humans, but they all have a sin nature and they can easily get frustrated with me. I am rather annoying. My dogs have always just loved me.

God made them that way, and His love is greater. My little human brain can't comprehend God's love. I know it is great, because of the loving way He made creation, the love he put in animals' souls, and the sweetness of His own forgiveness of our sins.

My humans all need to experience this! I need to remember it daily!

I could write pages more. There are things happening right now that I hope to write about someday future if I get a chance. They are still too fresh in my mind to write about now, and some things need time to process and heal.

Life is interesting. We're not dying of boredom at Corgi Hollows.

Exactly the opposite.

It's a season, right?

Monday, November 11, 2019

Gender Leadership

Such is the title of a chapter in my leadership course textbook. Gender matters, and it is more profoundly affecting than most would like to believe.

The problem with this issue is that people want to belittle the incredible dichotomy between men and women. And, yes, there are only two genders.

I once met a hermaphrodite, and my heart went out to him/her. At the moment he was a man. He truly had a choice, and being male was the easiest path for him. I know these genetic anomalies exist.

But aside from that tiny percentage of the human population everyone else has two X's or an XY genetic chromosonal make-up.

We cannot avoid it.

After reading my text book I was struck by the nature of inequality in the best sense.

More woman have educational degrees than men. More woman have the ability to manage and execute goals, strategic plans, and other industrious activity.

Proverbs 31 is a great chapter of the Bible that addresses this gift. Women are simply gifted, genetically.

Add to that the ability to carry and procreate offspring, manage hormonal moods for 20 to 40 years, and you have a fearsome being.


As I am pursuing my degree in administration I see some interesting things. I'm experiencing the full gamut of what it is to be a female pursuing a career in this modern age.

Since my goals for getting this degree hedge more on eternal outcomes (millenialism) I have a unique ambiguity and non-bias to the pursuit of a path after graduation. I'm able to objectively analyze the female mind and its reaction to modern feminism----"I can do anything you can do better!"

In many ways, yes, I can.

My mind is constantly prioritizing cleaning and meals, laundry and work schedules. Where are my children? What must be prepared for this, that, or the other thing----?

I cannot get away from it.

My textbook mentioned women getting the brunt of household obligations. Women with families often have to "give it their all" and be super women, or make difficult decisions to back down from either family OR career.

It's a tough one.

The old school would simply say that women belong barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, baking cookies for bake sales and pleasing their men.

It's not that simple.

I am the antithesis of feminism. I am a woman with a husband and children, happily a wife and mother. I LOVE to be creative at home. I truly believe that is what women, all women, are called to being, and bless the women that can be content and financially able to pursue that "career."

I am thankful for brains that are inspired by information and enjoy learning. It's a gift from God! I am thrilled to be able to pursue something more, and I realize that in this world there are those that only value the check-marks of educational degree. Sometimes you must check the box on life experience to gain ground.

It's just the way it is in modern society.

I am not creative enough to be a Proverbs 31 woman. I've tried, and I fall short. I know it is an ideal, and life choices dictate our roles, but I am discovering how truly wired we women are in unique and gifted ways ----to be nurturers and nesters.

Even as grandparents we embrace that role!

I am so blessed to have had two decades of being able to be home with my children, home-schooling them, raising them.

"Why did the woman divorce the grape? She was tired of raisin children."

When Cherie told me that joke when she was about 3 (she's a genius) I lost it. I know it isn't THAT funny, but I laughed until I cried.

Yes, it is tiring raising children. It's exactly what women are genetically wired to do, and I hope EVERY young woman has the opportunity to do that at some point in their lives. I know it doesn't happen for everyone.

Those who can pursue careers in business and education are given the grace (and extreme talent) to bless those domains.

But we are wired for more.

Thoughts on a Monday morning, and now back to studying....