"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, November 11, 2019

Gender Leadership

Such is the title of a chapter in my leadership course textbook. Gender matters, and it is more profoundly affecting than most would like to believe.

The problem with this issue is that people want to belittle the incredible dichotomy between men and women. And, yes, there are only two genders.

I once met a hermaphrodite, and my heart went out to him/her. At the moment he was a man. He truly had a choice, and being male was the easiest path for him. I know these genetic anomalies exist.

But aside from that tiny percentage of the human population everyone else has two X's or an XY genetic chromosonal make-up.

We cannot avoid it.

After reading my text book I was struck by the nature of inequality in the best sense.

More woman have educational degrees than men. More woman have the ability to manage and execute goals, strategic plans, and other industrious activity.

Proverbs 31 is a great chapter of the Bible that addresses this gift. Women are simply gifted, genetically.

Add to that the ability to carry and procreate offspring, manage hormonal moods for 20 to 40 years, and you have a fearsome being.


As I am pursuing my degree in administration I see some interesting things. I'm experiencing the full gamut of what it is to be a female pursuing a career in this modern age.

Since my goals for getting this degree hedge more on eternal outcomes (millenialism) I have a unique ambiguity and non-bias to the pursuit of a path after graduation. I'm able to objectively analyze the female mind and its reaction to modern feminism----"I can do anything you can do better!"

In many ways, yes, I can.

My mind is constantly prioritizing cleaning and meals, laundry and work schedules. Where are my children? What must be prepared for this, that, or the other thing----?

I cannot get away from it.

My textbook mentioned women getting the brunt of household obligations. Women with families often have to "give it their all" and be super women, or make difficult decisions to back down from either family OR career.

It's a tough one.

The old school would simply say that women belong barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, baking cookies for bake sales and pleasing their men.

It's not that simple.

I am the antithesis of feminism. I am a woman with a husband and children, happily a wife and mother. I LOVE to be creative at home. I truly believe that is what women, all women, are called to being, and bless the women that can be content and financially able to pursue that "career."

I am thankful for brains that are inspired by information and enjoy learning. It's a gift from God! I am thrilled to be able to pursue something more, and I realize that in this world there are those that only value the check-marks of educational degree. Sometimes you must check the box on life experience to gain ground.

It's just the way it is in modern society.

I am not creative enough to be a Proverbs 31 woman. I've tried, and I fall short. I know it is an ideal, and life choices dictate our roles, but I am discovering how truly wired we women are in unique and gifted ways ----to be nurturers and nesters.

Even as grandparents we embrace that role!

I am so blessed to have had two decades of being able to be home with my children, home-schooling them, raising them.

"Why did the woman divorce the grape? She was tired of raisin children."

When Cherie told me that joke when she was about 3 (she's a genius) I lost it. I know it isn't THAT funny, but I laughed until I cried.

Yes, it is tiring raising children. It's exactly what women are genetically wired to do, and I hope EVERY young woman has the opportunity to do that at some point in their lives. I know it doesn't happen for everyone.

Those who can pursue careers in business and education are given the grace (and extreme talent) to bless those domains.

But we are wired for more.

Thoughts on a Monday morning, and now back to studying....

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