"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, December 31, 2020


 "Perhaps Today?" 

I've talked about a little magnet I saw that said that. It was on the refrigerator of a very dear friend, someone who was like a mom to me, and is the mom two of my dearest friends. 

It refers to the imminent return of Jesus Christ for His Bride. "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour, Jesus Christ:" Titus 2:13 

In a moment, in a twinkling--- Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the LORD. (I Thess. 4:17) 

When we rightly divide the Word of Truth we see two different events, differing in character, nature, and description, described in Scripture. 

One is an unexpected but anticipated meeting with Jesus in the air, the other is a return to earth, a second coming to earth of Christ, one to reign for 1,000 years. 

Rightly dividing the Word makes all the difference, that is why Jesus commands us to do this. 

Quite frankly, if this weren't the case, and we were looking for the Antichrist instead of Jesus, I'd be nervous wreck right now. Instead I have hope. Blessed hope for this new year, with all of the demonic forces raging against us. They are. Have you been watching the news? There is a conflict brewing, and if I didn't have Jesus I'd be terrorized. 

Putting your head in the sand isn't going to help. Be prepared. Have a store ready for hunkering down for awhile. Since we do not know the timing of the Rapture (but the "season" is pretty clear) we must be prepared for persecution, for need, for trouble. 

And I pray that we can come forth like gold through the fire. 

As a watchwoman I warn. I watch. Today I'm posting a YouTube video that features a woman who is also watching. She is articulating what I've been studying for years. Consider this another articulate warning. 

There will be those that mock and scoff---thankfully the Christian mockers will be swept up anyway (smile) ---but those left behind will know that we have tried. We tried to warn. 

2020 was a harsh year for me, for many. Unspeakably harsh. I am coping. God is my strength. 

I've lost my song for now. I anticipate that when I see Jesus I'll get that back. 

Come, let us reason together. Let's TRUST the One who is trustworthy. 

Come Lord Jesus. Come quickly. 


Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown

2021 Recommended Reading


Image may contain: text that says 'The Plague Allbert amus Abert Camus Modern ModernLibrary ibrary College Editions The Creature from Jekyll Island THE HARBINGER JONATHAN CAHN BONHOEFFER PASTOR, MARTYR, PROPHET, SPY RIGHTEOUS GENTILE VS. THE THIRD REICH Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn THE GULAG ARCHIPELAGO WITNESS WHITTAKER CHAMBERS HISTORY BEALON'

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


 Here is my Christmas gift to you: a bit of encouragement. 

I say these things in all humility, as a work in progress, willing to be corrected. When any person states definitive "truths" we consider the source, and I am the source here, so please take this knowing I can only speak from experience, my reading, my studies, and I KNOW my status before the Most High God. 

Through my extreme loss this past year I have found God to be my Comforter. 

Worldview matters.

Knowing about genetics has helped me considerably through facing this Covid 19 crisis.

Knowing Bible Prophecy has helped me considerably through this crisis. 

Friends matter, and crisis reveals who really is your friend. They come through, through thick or thin. God has blessed me with incredible friends. 

To have a friend is to be a friend. Give, without expecting anything in return. God sees, and He does reward you! (This is true!) 

God appoints your days, so live each one to His Glory. Stop worrying----about ANYTHING! He set your birthday, your dying day, or your rapture day in the "stone" of His glorious timeline. Live for Him. 

Accept His blessings. Don't rebuff the one who blesses you! 

Be kind. Be kind to those that hurt you. When Jesus says "Love your enemy" He meant this. It is perfectly okay to have boundaries with those people. There is nothing in the Christian life that demands slavery to being abused. God will deliver you. Scars are scars. They leave a mark that never goes away. Forgiveness is commanded (70 x 7) but scars remain. Lessons are learned. Directions are changed. God closes doors (and doesn't always open windows!).

Here is truth you need to consider: Jesus is God. Jesus believed the Septuagint (Old Testament). Jesus said that He fulfilled the law, He did not nullify it. Righteousness matters. Righteousness reaps reward!

I was reading about R.A. Torrey's prayer for revival. Revival caught on (in relation to his church praying!) on the north side of Chicago. As I've developed a relationship with Chicago since my childhood (I went to school there, briefly, too) I noticed something: Chicago has neighborhoods. Some are avoidable, some are fine to drive through. Guess where the nice ones are? 

Of course there are a zillion factors, economic and geographic, that can be added to the reasons why the north side of Chicago is nice and the south side isn't. I wonder about righteousness and its effect 100 years ago, and the subsequent prosperity it divulged on following eras. Seeing things from a spiritual perspective I'd give God the glory. 

I know that the poor inhabitants of those "gold coast" dwellings are rife with troubles, despite their wealth. Believe me, I know. That is now, though. God will bless righteousness. That is a truth. 

Righteousness will have a purifying effect on all of society. We are responsible to keep righteousness as our goal, chart our lives with righteousness, and see how GOD provides. 

We need to repent from sin daily, plead for guidance and wisdom. I have cried out to God daily for guidance and wisdom since June, in particular. 

I'm a pessimist. I imagine the worst. That is how I conquer fear! I imagine the worst, and then I give God the glory for keeping me from that! (This is the true key to happiness and overcoming fear, I believe)

I am Mrs. Dismal Forebodings in Hannah Hurnard's books. 

The Bible is God's Word-----or it isn't. If Jesus quoted it, referred to it, taught it---then I am convinced it is true, inerrant, infallible, reliable, and historical. This argument about Scripture is so simple that a small child can come to faith in Jesus knowing a few truths from the Bible. All the higher criticism is merely fluff. 

Higher Criticism is actually a tool of the devil. 

"Did God Say?"

We can study God's Word each day, every day, all day of our entire, decades-long lives, and we will NEVER run out of truth and guidance, wisdom, and encouragement. That is the power of God's Word. Who dares to apply "higher criticism?" Not I. 

I just love JD Farag, a pastor from Hawaii. His sweet love for Jesus and enthusiasm is catching. He ends each prophecy update with the ABC's of salvation. 

Here is my variation of his simple plan:

Accept/Admit that you are a sinner.

Believe and trust that Jesus died and rose from the grave as a sacrifice for sin. 

Confess that Jesus is your Savior, say it. The spiritual beings around you cannot read your thoughts (but they've been around a long time, so they are pretty good at guessing) and they need to hear you SAY that you belong to Jesus. Say it out loud. Say it to the people around you. How else will they hear without a preacher? 

You need to pass this truth on to others. 

I've got a Corgi to walk, some baking to do, a house to clean, and laundry. I work at the hotel on Christmas Day, so I am trying to get things done early. Swedish Smorgasbord is being prepped by all of us. It is so nice to share the work! Ed just finished his last test. He's going to be making Swedish meatballs for tomorrow night. I'll post the recipe. They are GOOD. This year we are using just grass fed beef, raised by my cousins up north. What a blessing. 

I hope this encouraged you. I feel like it was counting my blessings. That is always wise. 

Monday, December 21, 2020

Merry Christmas

 I cannot believe it's been so long since I've written. I've formed hundreds of thoughts to say on this blog since I last wrote, but my life has been excruciatingly difficult with finals these past few weeks. 

Now I finished finals last Thursday. Ed finishes this week, and Cherie finished last weekend. We all attend different institutions, so it's a trick to keep on top of schedules. 

For the most part I do not keep on top of it. I've had little brain power for anyone but my own selfish outlook. 

We are all okay, the Christmas tree is up and decorated, tests and papers are done for better (or worse) and we are getting goodies, treats, and cards in the mail with notes. Cherie made Almond Crescents, Ed made Rosettes. Margaret has been the one making sure we all have nutritious soups and protein to counter the December sugar. 

Snow has been here, but it's been pretty unseasonably warm here in Minnesota. I hear a blizzard is coming on Wednesday, and I think we are ready for it. 

I think we are. 

Since Brian died I have been wary of our ability to survive without him. 

Remember, he was the genius who did it all: car work, house repairs, appliance repairs, financial decisions, YOU NAME IT------HE DID IT.

So far I've had the relief of friends helping out, usually only 'phone call away. That is a HUGE blessing. 

God is still good. You know that. I know that. He takes care of us. 

In this crazy time of election fraud I remember that every single day. God wins, He has everything planned out, His plans will come to fruition in His timing, and we are all getting a front seat for the most interesting events about to unfold. 

If you don't know Jesus, personally, as your savior, you need to repent today and put your trust in Him. 

It's going to get unpleasant, downright nasty, here on earth. 

What about peace on earth? Goodwill toward men?

God promised us peace on earth through the kingdom of His Son, Jesus Christ. God's good will toward men was the gift of a savior. 

How little we are to believe that there is in us anything to deserve God's mercy! He is merciful, though, and He provides a way to be transformed into His presence, holy and perfect. 

Christmas is a time to focus on this transaction, redemption. 

Merry Christmas, dear ones. 

Sunday, December 6, 2020



New Order


2020 12 06 John Haller's Prophecy Update "On the Edge"

Warnings and Alerts

Come on, folks! You and I both know that 2020 is the craziest year since ----? 

I'm pushing 60, I've watched prophecy stuff for my entire life (yes, even as an infant! My grandfather was a dispensational pastor) I was bottle fed on the significance of prophecy, and I must say that 2020 has been jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire regarding prophetic developments. 

We, who actually study prophecy, know some of the things to watch for regarding the times called the "Last Days." 

Wars, rumors of wars, famines, earthquakes, ...there are lists in the Bible for you to contemplate. 

One of the "Big Ones" is the One World Government under the Antichrist. All students of Bible Prophecy are aware of a coming world order that comprehensively rules under someone who claims to be a Savior. 

Prophecy deniers (preterists, etc.) want to believe that the Bible only reports history, does not prophecy. For a view of Scripture that adheres to inerrancy that is a hard-sell. It has been demonstrated that the Bible is a book of accuracy in all things, and we look to the detailed descriptions of the end times for clues that are about to manifest. 

I believe that we are seeing prophecy unfold. 

Scoffers will deny current events until they are blue in the face, (I know this!) but the details will stump them every time. Yes we've had famines, earthquakes and wars! 

But the signs of the end are magnitudes above what has been endured through history. 

God doesn't lie. The Bible says he CANNOT lie. (One of those hard truths, I think, that I must simply accept.) 

One of the intriguing prophecies in Scripture talks about a "mark of the beast." This mark is predicted to be on the right hand or forehead. The number associated with the mark is 666, and there is much speculation about what that can mean other than a simple ordinal. 

It is wise to be aware. 

If the vaccination for Covid-19 has a patent number #060606, has nanotechnology for identification (smart dust), has something called "Luciferase" as an ingredient----I'm suspicious as a prophecy watchwoman. 

I'd be reluctant to get the vaccine on those grounds alone, but having a vaccine for the common cold is ludicrous in itself. The corona virus, specifically Covid-19 has killed a tiny fraction of what the regular flu kills yearly. The risk, though real, is minimal. 

People don't even know if they test positive. There is no way to prove you've had it, that you are immune---that you DON'T NEED A VACCINE! 

This plandemic, bandied about for years by the global movers and shakers, has always been "an opportunity" to take over control of the human population. 

You get Luciferase in your system, you're good. You can now enter the New World Order.

Klaus Schwab, on a recent video clip, extolled the virtues of artificial intelligence, fusing the human genome with computer technology, and the future of the human race. 

We all know about genetic entropy (and experience it daily!) but fusing our human genome with a man-made genetic code hardly sounds kosher. It is doubtful that AI can reverse the natural results of entropy.

In fact, it smacks of Nimrod and his tower of Babel aspirations. 

Unless this crazy development is understood better, or slowed down, I think we're on a track for the Bride of Jesus Christ to get outta here SOON!!!!

WE know from Scripture that the true church, the bride of Christ, is raptured out of here before the Antichrist reveals himself to the world. That is deduced by reading Revelation, and the absence of the church in chapters 6 through 22. (Or, that the church mentioned is in heaven already.) 

Take the time to research this upcoming vaccine. Are you going to get it? Do you REALLY want Luciferase in your body? Lucifer is another name for the devil, and having something named like him flowing through your veins doesn't appeal to me. It just doesn't. 

People die from lack of knowledge, so I am warning, telling, informing. I fully expect to be scoffed at, but I know that there are a few ears that will hear, will think about and consider these facts, and maybe will seek the Lord about these things rather than listening to the mouthpiece of the globalists, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, and NPR. 

These are paid promotions for the NWO. 

Vaccines aren't what they used to be. Jonas Salk was a lovely old fellow who truly helped people with polio. Vaccines have been around for a long time (Jonathan Edwards died from a vaccination in 1758). 

Read the list of ingredients in your next vaccine. You'll be interested to note that vaccines aren't exactly what you may have expected. Troubling for me is the aborted fetus. Mercury. Do you just trust the doctor? The pharmaceutical companies that rake in billions? 

Think before you act. This stuff has been brewing for decades, and we are at a fork in the road. 

Your decision probably has spiritual implications. 

Don't forget to watch the video posted from Instagram below. It probably won't be up for long. Big Tech likes to silence those of us who are warning, watching. 

Covid is a ruse. We're being played. 

Build up your immune system with vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and quinine (tonic water). Get fresh air. If you are a someone with an "underlying condition" wear a mask, and consider having your groceries delivered to your home. 

The rest of us can be out and about, preaching the Gospel, working, and acting normally. 

Don't let the globalists win just yet. 

They will, for a time, but perhaps not yet. 



Saturday, December 5, 2020


 When I was young I remember my friend’s mom, Judy, talk about the evil monster in the living room who spewed evil all day. Even Christians turned the monster on from time to time. 

What a picture of the TV. 

I remember that remark from time to time. These day when lies are broadcast even more blatantly this illustration seems appropriate. 


Thursday, November 26, 2020


 It's 2020, and Thanksgiving is hardly a theme for any of us. 

We shouldn't be surprised, we knew that things would get "insane" as the Antichrist kingdom came into focus! 

Can we give thanks in light of a manufactured "pandemic?" A farce of an election? The loss of loved ones? 

I try to be objective, but there are times when the truth just screams to the masses and they simply squeeze their eyes shut tighter---and tune into Fake News all the more. Ask yourself: "What channel is my TV tuned to?" If your TV is on you are hearing LIES. Fake news. Distortions. TURN IT OFF. 

Are you ready to stand alone? 

If the election fraud is exposed, fully, there will be evidence that those who are against the "Great Reset" are more than those who are for it. Many are still under the delusion that Joe Biden is the most popular man in history. They believe he actually got 80,000,000 votes by sitting in his basement. 

Fat chance. 

But I am thankful. If America does become a Banana Republic my worldview doesn't change. We Christians understand persecution better than most. 

We expect it.

We had our internet fail on us these last few days. We've been blissfully unaware of most things except our own little Corgi Hollows. We've been cooking, studying, and trying to get assignments turned in on the neighbor's internet. It's a hassle, but it works. Our cell phones work, (data is pricey) but our main phone doesn't, so, sorry if you tried to call. Everything shut down while I was talking to Brian's mom the other day. That was something! 

The hard part is that our communications company hasn't even promised us a time frame for getting it going again! Thanksgiving, and all. 

Can we give thanks when things just don't go as they should? Or as we THINK they should? 

Yes, we can. The illustration from Corrie Ten Boom about the tapestry often comes to mind when I face trials and tribulation. We are seeing the knots and chaos of the underside---God is seeing the beautiful picture He is weaving from the top. 

Some of you know that Brian would cross stitch when he was under extreme stress. His work looked perfect from the top and the bottom, as he planned his stitches perfectly to create the picture in lines (not crosses) on the back. He had the knack. His engineering mind was interested in the puzzle of both sides. 

Some of us have lives like that. They are well-planned and relatively free of storms and loss. 

Mine has been very stormy this past year, and Corrie Ten Boom's tapestry gives me great comfort. My cross-stitch work looks like that, too---pretty on top, but chaos underneath. 

As hard as I try to do the right thing I find another rug yanked out from under me relatively frequently. These "rugs" only remind me that the foundation I really stand on is Jesus Christ. 

Now the "rug" I'm thinking about is the whole vaccine issue. Having done so much more reading about vaccines and immunity, immune systems and viruses, alternative health, and the corruption with Big Pharma---I am a skeptic, and it will be tough to convince me that any mandatory vaccine is beneficial to society. 

Yes, we are concerned about the "common good." That is the theme of my Public Administration studies. Americans value personal freedom, though. We like the Magna Carta. The law of the lesser Magistrate. We enjoy freedom of speech and conscience. We want to follow the God of the Bible! 

"The Great Reset" would have us put the "Common Good" above our own individuality before God.

You all know that we have heard so many different names for the Antichrist Kingdom, right? 

The Devil always has some idea about how to elevate his own people into power, and whispers these alluring thoughts about the New World Order, or whatever he wants to call it currently (Great Reset). As believers we can have confidence that his earthly power has no effect on us. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. 

And this makes me thankful. 

You can call me stupid, dumb, backward, oafish, or whatever diminutive you prefer----Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world! 

I am a believer in Jesus Christ, and I was informed by His Word that I would be mocked and scoffed at! I know that there are those shaking their heads at me---but I would implore them to follow Christ. They will face such horrors after we are gone. 

During the Great Tribulation 1/4 of the earth's population will be slaughtered, and after that another 1/3 of the remaining population will be wiped out. Do the math. That is a catastrophic proportion to 8 billion people. 

God's Word is so specific. 

Are you alarmed? 

If I didn't know Christ I would be. 

Your chances of making it through the Tribulation are slim. You have about 2/5ths of a chance. I'm not good at math, but correct me if I'm wrong. Your chances are slim. You need Jesus now. Today. 

I think that the church is FULL of wolves. The whole Critical Theory thing has erased the faith of many in God's Word. People cling to their own version of god, the one that they personally invent and approve of. 

God the Creator is abhorred! 

Just ask around. Ask yourself! Where do you stand on the authority of Scripture? Where do you stand on God's justice? Where do you stand on sin and morality? 

Where do you stand collectively or individually? 

There are some big clues in how you think and where you will be in the Great Tribulation.

Get right with God. This is truly the only thing to be truly thankful for on this American holiday of Thanksgiving. 

Yes, I'm thankful for God's provision. He has been good! He is good! I stand on the promises of God, and I am THANKFUL! 

And yet I grieve for those whose worldview shuts out the truth, are blinded spiritually, and are headed for death and destruction. My trials and tribulation pale in comparison. 

Get your lamps filled with oil! Be ready for the Bridegroom! 

He comes. He comes quickly! 

Even so, Lord Jesus, quickly come! 


Saturday, November 21, 2020

Fear Pornography

 As we all watched the protest in Washington DC and other places there was a scent of fear from some about mass crowds and the implications of COVID-19 and its ramifications. 

If you watch "the news" you are probably unaware of how viruses mutate, flow through a population, and eventually run their courses. You would think that you could actually keep your body from coming into contact with COVID-19

Routinely I remind those I love to be aware of the science behind epidemology, virology, and sickness and its spread, in general. 

You can avoid viruses, in a bubble, but realistically, most humans come into contact with other humans regularly, especially in America: grocery stores, clinics, the mail, restaurants, hotels, pools, fitness places, etc.

We’re headed into another tyrannical globalist lockdown which will have little effect on the spread of the disease. 

Sheeple will believe the media and think that it’s going to protect them. They are so frightened to live right now. 

Believe me, vaccines are the next globalist war. Fear will be the main weapon in forcing vaccines on the world population. Fear is addicting like pornography. It’s so fun to be scared!

Don’t let fear porn take over your life. Just do a little research and free yourself. 

It’s Time

 Friends, we have been watching the Antichrist kingdom form for centuries now. The place we are today happened because of years of conspiracy on the part of the devil. 

He’s in a place of earthly power and things are going to start to get real. Will you stand up to the globalist agenda? 

Sadly, families will be turned against each other. This divisive election started the division and it’s not going to get any better. 

Remember, pessimism has a bright side: everything turns out better than you expect. 

Right now you need to gather your likeminded kindred and pray hard. God IS our refuge and strength. 

He is a present help. 


Just Listen to Him






Friday, November 20, 2020

Heat is On

 I will not present a false narrative, pretending to be impervious to the global and national developments in the last few weeks.

I am acutely aware. 

I don't have my partner to affirm things with me, support me, have a united front----I go this alone, and I know that.

But I am not alone. We are not alone. 

God is our Refuge and our strength. He is our Present Help. 

How well I know this these past five months.

Brian has been with Jesus five months now, and I imagine him, every day, singing, loving our kids, Sera and Jean, and worshiping the Savior. He's talking with the saints of old, his family, and loving an existence that far surpasses this old world. 

I know this because I read my Bible and I believe it.

Where would we be without God's Word? 

And as we see things that the infamous year of 2020 has brought forth I have a solid foundation: JESUS CHRIST, the WORD, SAVIOR.

I am, and have never been afraid to talk about the spiritual world. If the Bible is true (and I believe it is) the spiritual world is far more real than the one I see and feel. 

This world will pass away. 

Life is indeed precious. God made it. We exist in Him and by Him, therefore we trust Him in all things. 

The questions that I have about life and death are all wrapped up in trust. I trust my God. 

We're going into the cold winter (apparently "dark winter" has globalist implications) and I wake up every day and say "Lead me, guide me, protect me, Lord!"

What else can I do? I can do nothing on my own. My life is completely in His hands. He owns me. 

Margaret changed the tires on the car yesterday, purchasing a lug wrench to assist her and magnify her physical strength. I know that there are strong women everywhere, but I am not one of them. I admire my energetic and versatile daughter. Snow tires are on. Brian would be proud of his girl. 

I have a list of helpers that I can call if  I'm desperate, and I've called. How I appreciate these friends!!!

I foresee the Lord's help through these blessings to me. I've already experienced it. I know God provides, and He has given us wonderful friends. I am so thankful, thankful to these stalwart friends, thankful to God for giving them to us. 

But back to current events------

As I look at the gradual strangulation of the Antichrist kingdom I am unfazed. I expected this my whole life, being a "prophecy watcher." 

But do you see it? Do you see this latest development that fits the prophetic narrative? 

I am not afraid of controversy. Bible prophecy is rife with controversy. I am a Pre-Tribulation rapture believer. I see differences between the Second Coming and the Rapture. I see a description of both, different events, in the Bible. I read the accounts of predicted events during a time of Jacob's Trouble, the seven-year Tribulation. I don't believe we are experiencing those catastrophic events yet, but they are certainly on the horizon.

I think that the passing of 1/3 of humanity is going to be so stunning that those who are living in that time of Tribulation will know and understand exactly what is happening. They will be expecting Christ's return (with his bride, the church!) to reign on this earth for 1,000 years. 

And even though they have heard the truth they will continue in their rebellion against Him. They will serve the devil instead. 

That's predicted. 

As we see what is happening in our world today, many of us are especially keyed on what might constitute the "mark of the beast." We see so many possibilities, any of which could be a prototype for such a thing. 

People will know what it is. They will willingly take it, knowingly take it, so we need not be worried about being tricked into it. 

God will keep his elect from that mark, but He does tell us that even SOME of the elect will be deceived by things at the end. He has mercy on us, though, and saves His elect. 

This is to help us with our fearful tendencies. God's promises are sure. When we trust Him he provides for us until death in this body (OR RAPTURE!) We expect persecution, but we trust in His salvation. 

Are you one of the elect? God uses that word in Scripture to refer to those He calls His own. We become the elect by putting our trust in Jesus Christ and His saving grace, His sacrifice and His resurrection. He paid the price for our sins on the cross. We repent and put our faith in Him. That constitutes election. 

We are born again in the Spirit, washed, made righteous. It's God's work alone, not ours. We need only believe. Grace, faith, not works. 

And, He asks us to spread the Word, to tell others, to teach, to make disciples. Go into all the world and preach the Gospel. This command is for all of us. Are you obeying Christ? Are you seeking to do His will?

Are you practicing the fruits of the Spirit? (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Self Control, Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness, Faithfulness) 

It's hard, but it's good. 

God asks us to do hard things, but the blessing that results is priceless. 

Now we see the election fiasco that will result in unrest no matter how it ends. I believe that there has been massive fraud. We will see if the courts decide that. When hundreds of people are giving testimony (sworn affidavits) of fraud it seems hard to refute. Also, the connections of "Dominion" and "Hammer" and "Smartcount" and leftist organizations are simply stunning. 

We've all been had. 

Donald Trump may be a criminal (and the left certainly believes that!) but he's saving America and the due-process of elections. There needed to be a house cleaning, swamp draining, cabal uprooting.

I know that the cabal wins in the end. We all know that. 

Whitaker Chambers stood up against the Communist Party years ago. In the beginning of his book he says that when he left the CP he knew he was leaving the winning side. 

Leftist/Communists are winning. We can only hold the line for a little while longer. 

Donald Trump, Mr Jehu, is the unlikely hero that gives us a margin. 

Johnathan Cahn has written some prescient books that give uncanny parallels with Biblical characters and current notables. Really, you should read his stuff. You may not agree with his Messianic Jewish doctrines, but you certainly can be open-minded toward his ideas about current events! 

Trump is playing a role that God planned for him. I have no idea where he stands spiritually, but I know where the Socialists/ Leftists/Democrats stand, and I cannot possibly relate to that.

I hope that Trump wins this election. A margin for free enterprise is sorely needed. 

I pray that he is raptured with all believers in the near future. I cannot say if he is a believer. I hope so. 

Redemption comes to the most unlikely people. 

I have "friends" all over the world who are completely immersed in the globalist schtick. I call them friends, but I have no spiritual connection, no philosophical connection, no common worldview foundation. I simply know them. 

I pray for them to have their blind spiritual eyes opened. I pray for them to become born again (John 3). I realize how blind they are, and I have compassion. I cannot force them to believe, I can only love. It's so hard, but the Lord calls us to serve, to love, to be patient. 

But I can stand on Christ's firm foundation. I trust that He won't budge. 

There are many that call themselves Christian who are not born again. There are many who identify as Christians yet do not obey the Bible, nor believe it. These, too, are of concern to me. 

I went to a "Christian" college my freshman year. It was there that I was taken off course spiritually, questioning the authority of Scripture. It took years, and the homeschool movement, to steer me back on course. 

Are you one of the "woke" Christians-in-name-only who believe in a Jesus of their own imagination? 

Have you thought about it? Who is Jesus to you? Is He the righteous Judge? Lover of your soul? 

Is He worth giving up everything for? (Wealth, relationships, family, status, your future?) 

Yes. Yes He is. His promises are eternal, and how REAL that eternity is to me, right now, with my husband's passing. I look up into the Big Dipper, the Bear, the Sheepfold constellation at night when Corwyn goes out. Jewish tradition teaches that that is the place in the universe where souls abide after death. Is heaven somewhere in that region? I don't know, but I like to think of Brian up there. 

I do know that to be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD, and that is Biblical truth. 

I know whom I have believed, and He is able to keep that which I have committed to Him against that day. Strong words. Sweet promises. I hold Him to it. 

Perhaps today, perhaps tomorrow---our passing from this life is absolutely uncertain. Only the promises we find in the Word of God are sure. God's Word abides forever. 

What is His Word? 

God tells us that the Bible is HIS WORD. 

Do you have a Bible? I have one for you. Email me at corgihollows@gmail.com and I will send you a Bible. Free. English. You need to read it, and believe it. 

Subbing these days with google classroom and the teacher virtually teaching is really a breeze for me. I think this is the last day I'm subbing for 2020. Our governor is shutting down our state again. 

Since I'm unlikely to get a vaccine I'm wondering about future jobs. I don't get unemployment, because I do not work for the school district. I work for Kelly Services. I'm considered part-time. 

The research that I have seen in the alternative media suggests that those with flu vaccinations and the trials of the Corona vaccine have resulted in more virulent cases of the virus. The body has a God-given immune system. Some have ruined it through bad diet, smoking, alcohol, or other heath compromise, so these people need to be very careful. I've always had a love/hate relationship with my immune system: as a teacher and a musician I'm supposed to have a pretty good one. I do get colds often, so I try to remember to take my vitamin D, vitamin C, and eat right. I try to keep my core warm: always wearing a vest and warm socks. It's so strange, but if I go barefoot I get a sore throat almost immediately. 

The theory behind that is that my body is working so hard to stay warm it channels its energy into that instead of fighting invasive germs that want to attack my immune system. I haven't seen a refutation of that in my life, nor my kid's lives. STAY WARM. 

I'm pretty sure I had Covid-19 last spring, when a few of the classic symptoms showed up. Further proof was this past September when I suddenly noticed odors----keenly---noticeably----after weeks of suppressed ability to smell. Corona was here in Minnesota last December. We have a huge Chinese population, particularly at the University of Minnesota. (We've hosted Chinese students transitioning to the U from China for years and years.) I believe we had a form of Corona here right away. 

Most of my friends have had the virus now. 

My mom, who is 87, still shops for groceries and things. She's cautious but not afraid to expose herself to the virus. 

I am exposed to it everyday, all day, at both of my jobs. I wash laundry from people all over the country at the hotel. I wear gloves, but I have come into close contact with the virus multiple times. 

This virus/pandemic was certainly planned (all the stuff is on the WEC website) and we all know that it is definitely a virus, definitely real, definitely manufactured, definitely a tool for globalists.

A vaccine is just another tool. I don't want to be part of that, I already got the virus. 

Someone asked me to get an antibody test. Maybe I will at my annual thyroid check up. Maybe I won't. Maybe whatever! 

Let's pray that Trump wins this election and the vaccine will only be optional. Biden would make it mandatory. 

Have you heard of nanodust? Smartdust? Do just a LITTLE research and find out about it. It's coming to a clinic NEAR YOU. Just be aware. 

We conspiracy theorists have done a little research. The globalists never hide anything. They know that putting things out in the open is only going to reach those of us who are actually looking for parallels with prophecy! The rest of society (the sheeple) just mindlessly watches the media and goes along.

When I inform someone of a policy or development I usually see eyes glaze over or perhaps an uncomfortable chuckle. 

That is the current mindset. 

Do yourself a favor. Ask how many hours of television you are watching daily, weekly. How many radio broadcasts are you hearing? The media is controlling the narrative. Is their worldview affecting yours? 

I've turned it off completely. I'm still a functioning member of society (as of today.) I'm studying to be someone who can run an organization---an administrator---and I'm completely aware of what is going on in the world.

 That is what a solid worldview can do for you. 

First hour is over. The kids are rustling their backpacks. Better get ready for second hour...

Monday, November 9, 2020

Who Is Corgi Hollows?

 It is time for a little more definition.

Some of you know my name, my background, and all of what I'm going to write here, so you can skip this post. There are many of you that are new to me, particularly through the prophecy community on FaceBook, so an explanation is in order.

You don't have to scroll through 10 years of posts, either.

I'm a woman who recently lost the love of her life in June. My husband died on a hike of a heart attack, unexpectedly, suddenly. I'm four months from that, and still figuring out life from here out. We'd been married for 30 years.

I'm the mother of five incredible children, two are married, I have two grandchildren. 

My youngest son, whom I call "Ed" here on this blog, was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and leukemia six years ago. He is brilliant, just like his dad. His health journey has been remarkable, and GOD is glorified in his life. He has two artificial knees, courtesy the Mayo Clinic, and the best orthopedic surgeon in the world. "The best of the best," we were told. His knees should last for decades. Challenges.

My other four children are equally brilliant and gifted, but Ed's health has become an all-encompassing fact of my life. He is doing very well right now. My children are all believers in Jesus Christ.

I am a teacher. I have a degree in education. I'm a student (working on my masters degree in Public Administration) with two classes, currently, and I have two jobs: I substitute teach at a local Minnesota public school district (all grades!), and I work at a hotel, checking people in and folding tons of laundry. I'm busy. 

I'm a musician: piano, flute, organ, and voice. I am an artist, I'm a writer. I have no grand illusions about my talents---I use them as they are called for. I'd love to knit and draw all day, but I'm otherwise occupied.

I have a darling Corgi and three very individual cats. I live in the country outside of Minneapolis on a farm that I grew up on. I keep an eye on my aged parents who live in a house right next door, the house in which I grew up. I love horses. My uncle had two horses that I loved growing up---they were my best friends out here in the country. We live in a house my uncle built back in the late 1940's.

I had an accident with a horse when I was seventeen, my back broke, and this has had a lifetime affect on my health. 

I was a short term missionary in Germany back before I got married. I worked with the Turkish Muslims there in Wiesbaden. I also helped in planting a church in Ingolstadt. (From whence comes the Illuminati.) I speak German, I learned some Turkish, and I studied Spanish. Languages are interesting to me. 

My faith is THE most important thing to me. I am completely at peace spiritually, as I know that our Heavenly Father saved me through the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross.

I didn't do a thing to earn my salvation. (And no one does.)

I do think that a life following Christ is a life of repentance and good works, so if I do not see that I am apt to judge myself, my children, and others. It's what I believe. 

As a believer I think about human concerns and issue like philosophies and theories. I'm rather cynical about philosophy and intellectuals. I see where people try really hard to get around God's revealed identity in the Bible, most of these people have a background in a Christian college or seminary. I see people selling books that soften the simple truth of God's word. 

That tends to frustrate me. 

I do not like seeker-friendly churches (I think they soft-sell the commitment to Christ and undermine the power of the Holy Spirit to call one's soul.) 

I do not approve of the "Prosperity Gospel." God has called us all, rich OR poor, and a transaction of belief is no guarantee of anything but sustenance (needs) until death. Bread and water, essentially. 

I reject Darwinism and any idea that supposes "race" is an issue before God or man. Racism is sin. WE are all one human race, and God sees neither Jew, nor Greek, male nor female, slave nor free. He sees us as people needing salvation. I believe in the Biblical timeline and see scientific evidence for a "young earth."

Many of us have been blessed far beyond our wildest dreams. Those blessings are from God. He cares about each detail of our lives, including parking places...merging traffic, what we find on sale or offered to eat or wear...(yes, I'm one of those people :)_) The God that crafted the atom is interested in the minute details of my life. 

God owns my entire life: the roof over my head, the things in my house, my time, my thoughts, my relationships. I exist for God.

We live the appointed days. God appoints our days. Nothing can change the length of our lives-----a hard fact to swallow, but it gives great comfort when one's husband dies. 

I believe in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. I just haven't found any doctrine that matches it Scripturally. It is a doctrine that gives hope and a future to the Bride of Jesus Christ, the church. Prophecy matches this doctrine, and current events are right in line with it.  RIGHT IN LINE. 

I don't argue. There just isn't time for that for me. Someone else can argue----I just tell. I'm always reading, so I can consider many different ideas, but I'm pretty camped out on the following worldviews.

As an American citizen, one who lives in Minnesota, I am well aware of leftist thought. I am a patriot. I love America, and I think that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are brilliant documents. I think the Bill of Rights is great. 

I think these "manifestos" are in line with the Judeo-Christian worldview/paradigm, and they do not work well outside of that paradigm, contrary to the hopes of those Enlightenment thinkers. We must have a Creator to explain our existence and our morals. 

As a young person I read many things about communism. I think communism is satanic. Socialism is a branch of communism, therefore I reject "social justice," leftist thinking, critical theory, and anything Marxist, liberal, or progressive. 

Communism is not needed where there is a moral Creator. 

We are called to serve each other in Christ Jesus, pour out our LIVES for others. 

There is a caveat, though: when you and your beliefs are rejected you allow that rejection. You back away and "shake the dust" off your feet. Rejection is to be expected, according to Christ, so it shouldn't come as a surprise. Love your neighbor, love your enemy, but do not expect that they will understand you. 

If they do not respond to the message of the Gospel you do not need to force them! Simply love them and go on! 

You will meet resistance, but only the Holy Spirit can change a heart. Pray for those who persecute you. 

As an outspoken believer I have been "persecuted." Not nearly like those in China or north Africa. Not even close. When criticism comes my way I think about what it means to stand for Christ, and I pray that I do not cave, OFFENSIVE as it is. 

The Gospel offends. 

Politics offends too, and I support political movements that are pro-life, pro-Israel, and anti-globalist (deep state, new world order, the great reset, yada yada yada...)

I see these movements as enemies of Christ, i.e. "Antichrist."

The Antichrist spirit has been around since the Garden of Eden (and I do believe in the garden of Eden.) 

I believe God's account of creation in Genesis. I think Satan is a real person with diabolical rebellion against God. I have grappled with his existence, the strength of his power, and his role in our personal lives. I've come to have a healthy respect for his minions, and I see his influence in our society is overwhelming at times. We are at war. 

I have met, face to face, those that have bowed to his control. I know that he has certain power, but I also know who wins: JESUS, the only begotten Son of God. 

Any persecution on this earth is nothing to the hell coming for those who do not come to Christ in repentance and faith. Hell is real, and Satan knows he's going there. 

So do the demonic forces, and they tremble. 

I am a believer in the supernatural. 

I believe in eternal life. 

I spend time in reading the Word of God, the Bible, daily, and it feeds my soul and my mind. 

It shores up my fortress in the Holy Spirit, protects me, and strengthens me. 

This election and its subsequent consequences (evidence of fraud) is a time of definition for all of us. Whose side are you on? 

Whom do you serve? 

These questions are vitally and spiritually significant. I strongly support individual liberty and conservative values. I detest state control. Living in "blue" Minnesota has marked me for life, being a student and involved in the arts community I am constantly exposed to liberals and I see the smug self righteousness that characterizes them. It's revealing and very off-putting. I become more conservative the older I get. 

You do know that liberals have their own standards of right and wrong? God's standards are wrong---to a liberal. Liberals know better than God. That is why conservatives are deplored.

I hope that election fraud is exposed. I hope that the world powers do not seize our American freedoms. I hope that corruption is rooted out, treasonous acts exposed, justice served.

IF you are innocent you have nothing to fear. 

If you are guilty you should be punished. Justice is like that. Justice WILL come, if not in this life, eternally. For the sake of many here on earth I pray that justice comes now. ALL corruption will be punished by God. Everything that is hidden will be exposed. 

I pray for the souls of those who believe that they are "good to go" by doing good works (in their eyes) and all set to meet Jesus. 

Work out your salvation with fear and trembling, friend. 

That's Corgi Hollows, dear reader who is new to this blog. Find Jesus and join me. Thanks for your time.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Last Days, Last Minutes, Last Seconds

Spiritually we must be on the far right of the historical timeline. Amir Tsarfati makes an argument that we are the generation that has seen the fig tree leaf out. I think he is right! Israel is the fig tree. How can a nation be born in a day?! 

Bible prophecy is fascinating. 

I have a really great Christian thrift store I visit in the town where I teach. Often I find books there for 25 cents a piece. I found one titled, "The Rapture," by E. Schuyler English.

I started reading it, and it is quite a scholarly work, deeply researched and referenced. It was first published in 1954, so it's been around awhile. If you can get a copy I'd recommend it, but it is definitely a old book, and probably hard to find. 

I love the study of comparisons and contrasts: the Rapture versus the Second Coming. They are two different events, and when you put the Nation of Israel into the equation you have a very concise and clear picture of things that are happening RIGHT NOW.

Prophecy must be fulfilled to the letter, according to Scripture, for it to be truth.

I give little credence to modern "prophets" because they are so often wrong. I hear what they are saying, but I skeptically wait to see if what they predicted comes to pass.

Many modern prophets say that Donald Trump will win the 2020 election. I say wait and see. 

I don't claim and have never claimed to be a prophet. I am a prophecy WATCHPERSON. If something appears to align with the prophetic timeline from the Bible my ears perk up. 

There's a lot of background noise out there. It's important to be discerning. You must know what you are looking for and dismiss the white noise. The worldview that I stand on is that Scripture is true, and if anything happens that aligns with Scripture and its prophecies I mark it as part of my paradigm. That isn't such a radical view, but it radically and diametrically opposes anything but foundational Biblical Christianity. 

God is the judge. I am not. 

I judge what is right for myself. 

Come along with me in my logical paradigm! 

With Covid-19, my husband's death, the political climate and the encroaching end-time events I have found myself on quite the island. I'm not stranded, nor alone, but I have definitely seen the boundaries of my camp. 

Those I trust are on my island. 

Others can come and live here, but not those who are opposed to foundational Biblical Christianity. This is MY ISLAND. 

We talk of division as a nation. I have experienced it in every area of my life. Taking a stand is divisive, and it isn't wrong to take a stand. 

Is it? 

Instead of just "being offended" I have offered an offense. 

I do not agree with -------(you can name it!) 

That division is real, and it has ramifications. 

I ask you to stand with Christ, as I daily desire. Which Christ? 

The Christ of Scripture. 

Don't preach to me that I worship the Bible. I worship the Christ of the Bible. I worship the Creator of the Bible, the One who says MY WORDS ABIDE FOREVER. 

I trust His Word. I trust my God and my Savior. 

And I DON'T trust my own definitions of God. I am only human. My logic and reasoning don't match with God's. 

In an interesting conversation with my professor the other day we discussed "apparent contradictions in the Bible." In many ways he appears to be a reprobate, but I think he has been exposed to enough truth to reject it and seek to find his own path to God. 


He did admit that the contradictions are "apparent" and not definite. 

That's a beginning. We can talk. 

He is circling my island. 

Because the hour is so late I can get easily discouraged by my look-out. Those of us on the island are trying to "preach Christ," to share the Gospel, to be light (and salt) in a decaying world. 

We're calling it...

10, 9, 8, 7, ....

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The Fox in the Hen House

 This election has revealed one thing more than anything else to me, and it isn't a comforting thought. We must  acknowledge realities, as we see them, and attempt to fix the damage that has been done.

A vote for Trump is a vote against abortion, for Israel and against the Great Reset (the deep state, new world order, globalists, pedophiles, one world order....------you know)

A vote for Biden is compromise. 

Sadly, there are so many people within the "church" who have listened to the Ron Siders, Jim Wallaces, Tony Campolos, Ed Stetzers, and various other foxes that have undermined Biblical authority and morality. Now there are a fleet of foxes that grace our Facebook feeds daily---like the David Platts, the Tim Kellers, the Dallas Willards ----those foxes that introduce Marxist ideologies via their Frankfurt School and their guru Peter Drucker. 

Marxism is so wily. It's just about everywhere, and the left has adopted it whole-hog. 

Brian and I were reading Whitaker Chambers' book on our way out to New Hampshire. In the very beginning he talks about leaving the Communist Party and acknowledging that he was joining the "losing side." But it was the right side. It was the side for God. 

Leftists are bought out by pressure, cash, and indoctrination. 

Marxism has never worked. Socialism has always killed. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, all Marxists, have wrought havoc on the earth's population. 

And it is unconscionable that there are leftists WITHIN THE CHURCH promoting socialist values and ideology. 

Wake up, my dear ones! 

If there is a link to leftist thinking with any author, pastor, teacher, theologian you need to prayerfully confront them and back away. I've confronted several people in my life----and backed away. A warning is sufficient. Don't argue. Perhaps your warning will be heeded at some critical moment. 

The Holy Spirit is the One who convicts. 

Donald Trump is a sinner like you and me. His policies are godly ones: life, Israel, patriotism, and anti-deep state. I am hopeful that we can hold the line against Marxists for awhile longer. 

We need to call out those foxes that are decimating the hens. The church that is Biblically based and oriented will see the danger. The church that has bowed to Critical Theory is in stark danger spiritually. They are the next to fold to liberal theology, just like the almost nonexistent denominations like the Presbyterians, Methodists, and Lutherans---all in spiritual ICU. There is no power in liberal theology: it simply socializes. There is nothing to hold a soul to account, nothing to feed the mind and spirit. 

That is why the stone structures of Europe, once so grand and the center of life, are empty tombs. 

Paganism has eclipsed the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as the Bible predicted it would, but the Gospel is still the truth, and Another Gospel is being slipped into the church coffee urns. 

This one demands that we accept a non-Biblical construct like Critical Race Theory (race shouldn't even EXIST! WE are ONE RACE: HUMAN !) to be saved. 

Dear ones, do not fall for this poison. Marxism is so slick. It tastes so sweet: equity, rights, social justice for all----

It's really a massive scheme to tear away our freedom----yes freedom to sin, too. 

God's ways are best, and He allows every human being to be born into sin, to choose Jesus Christ as Redeemer, and follow Christ willingly. He never forces. 

Freedom matters. 

Choose life. 

Watch the Following Video

 I saw this from Jon Harris on Twitter this morning. I have not heard of Michael O'Fallon before, but I think he is exactly right.

I'm not fond of his "profound" style, but I guess he can't help it. 

Listen to what he is saying. 

Ed couldn't stand his style, but I kept saying "he's right!" 

Ed agreed. 

So much is at stake in the world. Can America hold out as a beacon on the hill? Surely not for long. Too many international powers and the wealth of the elites are up against American sovereignty. 

We believe in liberty, in freedom of conscience, freedom of religion. 

That's not on the docket for the Great Reset, aka New World Order. Let's be real. 

Hold on to your freedoms as long as you can. Rapture is coming soon, people. 

The Great Reset | The Causes of Things Ep. 25

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Watch while you can




Confirmed: Biden Deals


Some Banned Articles





Obama's Army


The Season of Rancor

 I think that Psalm 37 is one of my favorites, if not favorite. Each verse speaks to me deeply. It starts with a command: Fret Not. 

In November, every four years, in the USA, there is a presidential election. 

Because I do like politics (I can't help it, it's one of my interests---and lo and behold, though I've tried to steer myself toward more worthy pursuits like art, music, and education I've found myself smack dab in the middle of the poli sci department earning my masters degree in poli sci-----!) 

I do like politics. I think worldview matters. I have hashed out the philosophies of this world and landed on a Biblical Worldview for myself and what I promote. 

Politics are rife with fret. 

I acknowledge this, so I understand my spiritual fretting, but I also recite to myself Psalm 37 during this season of rancor: FRET NOT!

It is so easy to fret when people are blinded by lies and corruption! 

It is so easy to fret when they are duped by strongman powers that control the Deep State and the Media. 

It is so easy to fret when they are unconcerned, nor caring about the globalist mandates from the CFR and the WEC, the CDC, and the WHO---the organizations that will demand a mark to buy or sell, a vaccine, a chip,----to be numbered in the world "reset."

It is easy to fret, because too many people think these organizations are just conspiracies. 

They are real, and they have an agenda: global government. 

Come on, man! 

---Like Joe Biden says. Charles Schwab, the globalist on record, is gunning for an economic/currency reset. Start there, and you will find yourself in a sea of globalist goals, chief of which is population control and the preservation of earth's resources for the elite. 

This is not a Biblical worldview, but it is in the Bible. 

I'm sure they are well aware of the Biblical doctrine regarding the kingdom of the Antichrist. How could they be blind to it? They are implementing it. 

And those of us who are aware and studying, watching, observing-----We're the ones that are called unstable, conspiracy theorists, whacko.

I read my textbooks and they are full of globalist terminology. This is the goal of government everywhere: control of the earth under a new order. 

And so we read our little text books as public servants and cow tow to the bigger guys.

And this is why I like Donald J. Trump. He SAYS he isn't a globalist. He SAYS he is pro-life (which is inherently against population control), He SAYS he is pro-Israel, (and that is a Biblical doctrine from the time of Abraham in Genesis). I like him, for now. 

He's a brash, uncouth, bragging personality, but he is EXACTLY WHAT THIS CORRUPT SOCIETY DESERVES. I'm voting for him with absolute support. 

You see, I know what is at stake. 

This whole corruption scheme with the Biden family: Joe, Jim, and Hunter; China, Russia, Ukraine---they are sitting on the top of the elitist heap and fear nothing but the true believers in Jesus Christ, Jesus, who will come, who will reign supreme and condemn them to the fires of hell. They are all in the clutches of evil, and that is why it is no surprise that the laptop of Hunter is filled with pornography and pedophilia. These people belong to the god of this world. 

Because GOD IS JUST, sin will be judged. 

God is merciful, too, so repent, and HE will be merciful to you. 

It is possible that President Trump will lose this political race. I hope he wins. I hope he wins for the sake of the unborn, the peace in the Middle East, and the mountainous fight against the deep state within the FBI, the CIA and the layers of public administration.

Christians have given over the "little guy" positions in government for far too long. My classmates are mostly liberal harpies with anti Christian stances. I do not fit in. 

Dear ones, choose to serve God in all things, but remember that we have daily choices that will affect the lives of our grandchildren. Those of you who do not have grandchildren haven't quite thought this through. Your worldview is selfishly limited to your own affairs. Think about the generations that are to come, waiting for Christ's return! 

I want to believe that my grandchildren will be swept up in the Rapture, but each person must make the decision to follow Christ. 

Do not follow the world. Do not follow Joe Biden. Do not risk your eternal destiny for the lies of this season of rancor. 

Follow Jesus. 


Psalm 37

 (A Psalm of David.) Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.

2 For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.

3 Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.

4 Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

5 Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

6 And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday.

7 Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.

8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.

9 For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the earth.

10 For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be.

11 But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.

12 The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth.

13 The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming.

14 The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow, to cast down the poor and needy, and to slay such as be of upright conversation.

15 Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken.

16 A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked.

17 For the arms of the wicked shall be broken: but the LORD upholdeth the righteous.

18 The LORD knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be for ever.

19 They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.

20 But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the LORD shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away.

21 The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again: but the righteous sheweth mercy, and giveth.

22 For such as be blessed of him shall inherit the earth; and they that be cursed of him shall be cut off.

23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.

24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand.

25 I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

26 He is ever merciful, and lendeth; and his seed is blessed.

27 Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore.

28 For the LORD loveth judgment, and forsaketh not his saints; they are preserved for ever: but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off.

29 The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for ever.

30 The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment.

31 The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide.

32 The wicked watcheth the righteous, and seeketh to slay him.

33 The LORD will not leave him in his hand, nor condemn him when he is judged.

34 Wait on the LORD, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it.

35 I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree.

36 Yet he passed away, and, lo, he was not: yea, I sought him, but he could not be found.

37 Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.

38 But the transgressors shall be destroyed together: the end of the wicked shall be cut off.

39 But the salvation of the righteous is of the LORD: he is their strength in the time of trouble.

40 And the LORD shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in him