"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Last Days, Last Minutes, Last Seconds

Spiritually we must be on the far right of the historical timeline. Amir Tsarfati makes an argument that we are the generation that has seen the fig tree leaf out. I think he is right! Israel is the fig tree. How can a nation be born in a day?! 

Bible prophecy is fascinating. 

I have a really great Christian thrift store I visit in the town where I teach. Often I find books there for 25 cents a piece. I found one titled, "The Rapture," by E. Schuyler English.

I started reading it, and it is quite a scholarly work, deeply researched and referenced. It was first published in 1954, so it's been around awhile. If you can get a copy I'd recommend it, but it is definitely a old book, and probably hard to find. 

I love the study of comparisons and contrasts: the Rapture versus the Second Coming. They are two different events, and when you put the Nation of Israel into the equation you have a very concise and clear picture of things that are happening RIGHT NOW.

Prophecy must be fulfilled to the letter, according to Scripture, for it to be truth.

I give little credence to modern "prophets" because they are so often wrong. I hear what they are saying, but I skeptically wait to see if what they predicted comes to pass.

Many modern prophets say that Donald Trump will win the 2020 election. I say wait and see. 

I don't claim and have never claimed to be a prophet. I am a prophecy WATCHPERSON. If something appears to align with the prophetic timeline from the Bible my ears perk up. 

There's a lot of background noise out there. It's important to be discerning. You must know what you are looking for and dismiss the white noise. The worldview that I stand on is that Scripture is true, and if anything happens that aligns with Scripture and its prophecies I mark it as part of my paradigm. That isn't such a radical view, but it radically and diametrically opposes anything but foundational Biblical Christianity. 

God is the judge. I am not. 

I judge what is right for myself. 

Come along with me in my logical paradigm! 

With Covid-19, my husband's death, the political climate and the encroaching end-time events I have found myself on quite the island. I'm not stranded, nor alone, but I have definitely seen the boundaries of my camp. 

Those I trust are on my island. 

Others can come and live here, but not those who are opposed to foundational Biblical Christianity. This is MY ISLAND. 

We talk of division as a nation. I have experienced it in every area of my life. Taking a stand is divisive, and it isn't wrong to take a stand. 

Is it? 

Instead of just "being offended" I have offered an offense. 

I do not agree with -------(you can name it!) 

That division is real, and it has ramifications. 

I ask you to stand with Christ, as I daily desire. Which Christ? 

The Christ of Scripture. 

Don't preach to me that I worship the Bible. I worship the Christ of the Bible. I worship the Creator of the Bible, the One who says MY WORDS ABIDE FOREVER. 

I trust His Word. I trust my God and my Savior. 

And I DON'T trust my own definitions of God. I am only human. My logic and reasoning don't match with God's. 

In an interesting conversation with my professor the other day we discussed "apparent contradictions in the Bible." In many ways he appears to be a reprobate, but I think he has been exposed to enough truth to reject it and seek to find his own path to God. 


He did admit that the contradictions are "apparent" and not definite. 

That's a beginning. We can talk. 

He is circling my island. 

Because the hour is so late I can get easily discouraged by my look-out. Those of us on the island are trying to "preach Christ," to share the Gospel, to be light (and salt) in a decaying world. 

We're calling it...

10, 9, 8, 7, ....

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