"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Friday, November 20, 2020

Heat is On

 I will not present a false narrative, pretending to be impervious to the global and national developments in the last few weeks.

I am acutely aware. 

I don't have my partner to affirm things with me, support me, have a united front----I go this alone, and I know that.

But I am not alone. We are not alone. 

God is our Refuge and our strength. He is our Present Help. 

How well I know this these past five months.

Brian has been with Jesus five months now, and I imagine him, every day, singing, loving our kids, Sera and Jean, and worshiping the Savior. He's talking with the saints of old, his family, and loving an existence that far surpasses this old world. 

I know this because I read my Bible and I believe it.

Where would we be without God's Word? 

And as we see things that the infamous year of 2020 has brought forth I have a solid foundation: JESUS CHRIST, the WORD, SAVIOR.

I am, and have never been afraid to talk about the spiritual world. If the Bible is true (and I believe it is) the spiritual world is far more real than the one I see and feel. 

This world will pass away. 

Life is indeed precious. God made it. We exist in Him and by Him, therefore we trust Him in all things. 

The questions that I have about life and death are all wrapped up in trust. I trust my God. 

We're going into the cold winter (apparently "dark winter" has globalist implications) and I wake up every day and say "Lead me, guide me, protect me, Lord!"

What else can I do? I can do nothing on my own. My life is completely in His hands. He owns me. 

Margaret changed the tires on the car yesterday, purchasing a lug wrench to assist her and magnify her physical strength. I know that there are strong women everywhere, but I am not one of them. I admire my energetic and versatile daughter. Snow tires are on. Brian would be proud of his girl. 

I have a list of helpers that I can call if  I'm desperate, and I've called. How I appreciate these friends!!!

I foresee the Lord's help through these blessings to me. I've already experienced it. I know God provides, and He has given us wonderful friends. I am so thankful, thankful to these stalwart friends, thankful to God for giving them to us. 

But back to current events------

As I look at the gradual strangulation of the Antichrist kingdom I am unfazed. I expected this my whole life, being a "prophecy watcher." 

But do you see it? Do you see this latest development that fits the prophetic narrative? 

I am not afraid of controversy. Bible prophecy is rife with controversy. I am a Pre-Tribulation rapture believer. I see differences between the Second Coming and the Rapture. I see a description of both, different events, in the Bible. I read the accounts of predicted events during a time of Jacob's Trouble, the seven-year Tribulation. I don't believe we are experiencing those catastrophic events yet, but they are certainly on the horizon.

I think that the passing of 1/3 of humanity is going to be so stunning that those who are living in that time of Tribulation will know and understand exactly what is happening. They will be expecting Christ's return (with his bride, the church!) to reign on this earth for 1,000 years. 

And even though they have heard the truth they will continue in their rebellion against Him. They will serve the devil instead. 

That's predicted. 

As we see what is happening in our world today, many of us are especially keyed on what might constitute the "mark of the beast." We see so many possibilities, any of which could be a prototype for such a thing. 

People will know what it is. They will willingly take it, knowingly take it, so we need not be worried about being tricked into it. 

God will keep his elect from that mark, but He does tell us that even SOME of the elect will be deceived by things at the end. He has mercy on us, though, and saves His elect. 

This is to help us with our fearful tendencies. God's promises are sure. When we trust Him he provides for us until death in this body (OR RAPTURE!) We expect persecution, but we trust in His salvation. 

Are you one of the elect? God uses that word in Scripture to refer to those He calls His own. We become the elect by putting our trust in Jesus Christ and His saving grace, His sacrifice and His resurrection. He paid the price for our sins on the cross. We repent and put our faith in Him. That constitutes election. 

We are born again in the Spirit, washed, made righteous. It's God's work alone, not ours. We need only believe. Grace, faith, not works. 

And, He asks us to spread the Word, to tell others, to teach, to make disciples. Go into all the world and preach the Gospel. This command is for all of us. Are you obeying Christ? Are you seeking to do His will?

Are you practicing the fruits of the Spirit? (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Self Control, Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness, Faithfulness) 

It's hard, but it's good. 

God asks us to do hard things, but the blessing that results is priceless. 

Now we see the election fiasco that will result in unrest no matter how it ends. I believe that there has been massive fraud. We will see if the courts decide that. When hundreds of people are giving testimony (sworn affidavits) of fraud it seems hard to refute. Also, the connections of "Dominion" and "Hammer" and "Smartcount" and leftist organizations are simply stunning. 

We've all been had. 

Donald Trump may be a criminal (and the left certainly believes that!) but he's saving America and the due-process of elections. There needed to be a house cleaning, swamp draining, cabal uprooting.

I know that the cabal wins in the end. We all know that. 

Whitaker Chambers stood up against the Communist Party years ago. In the beginning of his book he says that when he left the CP he knew he was leaving the winning side. 

Leftist/Communists are winning. We can only hold the line for a little while longer. 

Donald Trump, Mr Jehu, is the unlikely hero that gives us a margin. 

Johnathan Cahn has written some prescient books that give uncanny parallels with Biblical characters and current notables. Really, you should read his stuff. You may not agree with his Messianic Jewish doctrines, but you certainly can be open-minded toward his ideas about current events! 

Trump is playing a role that God planned for him. I have no idea where he stands spiritually, but I know where the Socialists/ Leftists/Democrats stand, and I cannot possibly relate to that.

I hope that Trump wins this election. A margin for free enterprise is sorely needed. 

I pray that he is raptured with all believers in the near future. I cannot say if he is a believer. I hope so. 

Redemption comes to the most unlikely people. 

I have "friends" all over the world who are completely immersed in the globalist schtick. I call them friends, but I have no spiritual connection, no philosophical connection, no common worldview foundation. I simply know them. 

I pray for them to have their blind spiritual eyes opened. I pray for them to become born again (John 3). I realize how blind they are, and I have compassion. I cannot force them to believe, I can only love. It's so hard, but the Lord calls us to serve, to love, to be patient. 

But I can stand on Christ's firm foundation. I trust that He won't budge. 

There are many that call themselves Christian who are not born again. There are many who identify as Christians yet do not obey the Bible, nor believe it. These, too, are of concern to me. 

I went to a "Christian" college my freshman year. It was there that I was taken off course spiritually, questioning the authority of Scripture. It took years, and the homeschool movement, to steer me back on course. 

Are you one of the "woke" Christians-in-name-only who believe in a Jesus of their own imagination? 

Have you thought about it? Who is Jesus to you? Is He the righteous Judge? Lover of your soul? 

Is He worth giving up everything for? (Wealth, relationships, family, status, your future?) 

Yes. Yes He is. His promises are eternal, and how REAL that eternity is to me, right now, with my husband's passing. I look up into the Big Dipper, the Bear, the Sheepfold constellation at night when Corwyn goes out. Jewish tradition teaches that that is the place in the universe where souls abide after death. Is heaven somewhere in that region? I don't know, but I like to think of Brian up there. 

I do know that to be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD, and that is Biblical truth. 

I know whom I have believed, and He is able to keep that which I have committed to Him against that day. Strong words. Sweet promises. I hold Him to it. 

Perhaps today, perhaps tomorrow---our passing from this life is absolutely uncertain. Only the promises we find in the Word of God are sure. God's Word abides forever. 

What is His Word? 

God tells us that the Bible is HIS WORD. 

Do you have a Bible? I have one for you. Email me at corgihollows@gmail.com and I will send you a Bible. Free. English. You need to read it, and believe it. 

Subbing these days with google classroom and the teacher virtually teaching is really a breeze for me. I think this is the last day I'm subbing for 2020. Our governor is shutting down our state again. 

Since I'm unlikely to get a vaccine I'm wondering about future jobs. I don't get unemployment, because I do not work for the school district. I work for Kelly Services. I'm considered part-time. 

The research that I have seen in the alternative media suggests that those with flu vaccinations and the trials of the Corona vaccine have resulted in more virulent cases of the virus. The body has a God-given immune system. Some have ruined it through bad diet, smoking, alcohol, or other heath compromise, so these people need to be very careful. I've always had a love/hate relationship with my immune system: as a teacher and a musician I'm supposed to have a pretty good one. I do get colds often, so I try to remember to take my vitamin D, vitamin C, and eat right. I try to keep my core warm: always wearing a vest and warm socks. It's so strange, but if I go barefoot I get a sore throat almost immediately. 

The theory behind that is that my body is working so hard to stay warm it channels its energy into that instead of fighting invasive germs that want to attack my immune system. I haven't seen a refutation of that in my life, nor my kid's lives. STAY WARM. 

I'm pretty sure I had Covid-19 last spring, when a few of the classic symptoms showed up. Further proof was this past September when I suddenly noticed odors----keenly---noticeably----after weeks of suppressed ability to smell. Corona was here in Minnesota last December. We have a huge Chinese population, particularly at the University of Minnesota. (We've hosted Chinese students transitioning to the U from China for years and years.) I believe we had a form of Corona here right away. 

Most of my friends have had the virus now. 

My mom, who is 87, still shops for groceries and things. She's cautious but not afraid to expose herself to the virus. 

I am exposed to it everyday, all day, at both of my jobs. I wash laundry from people all over the country at the hotel. I wear gloves, but I have come into close contact with the virus multiple times. 

This virus/pandemic was certainly planned (all the stuff is on the WEC website) and we all know that it is definitely a virus, definitely real, definitely manufactured, definitely a tool for globalists.

A vaccine is just another tool. I don't want to be part of that, I already got the virus. 

Someone asked me to get an antibody test. Maybe I will at my annual thyroid check up. Maybe I won't. Maybe whatever! 

Let's pray that Trump wins this election and the vaccine will only be optional. Biden would make it mandatory. 

Have you heard of nanodust? Smartdust? Do just a LITTLE research and find out about it. It's coming to a clinic NEAR YOU. Just be aware. 

We conspiracy theorists have done a little research. The globalists never hide anything. They know that putting things out in the open is only going to reach those of us who are actually looking for parallels with prophecy! The rest of society (the sheeple) just mindlessly watches the media and goes along.

When I inform someone of a policy or development I usually see eyes glaze over or perhaps an uncomfortable chuckle. 

That is the current mindset. 

Do yourself a favor. Ask how many hours of television you are watching daily, weekly. How many radio broadcasts are you hearing? The media is controlling the narrative. Is their worldview affecting yours? 

I've turned it off completely. I'm still a functioning member of society (as of today.) I'm studying to be someone who can run an organization---an administrator---and I'm completely aware of what is going on in the world.

 That is what a solid worldview can do for you. 

First hour is over. The kids are rustling their backpacks. Better get ready for second hour...

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