"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, February 15, 2021

Monday Truths

 Having been a "prophecy watcher" for so long (decades) I am fascinated by the recent developments in our world. 

Since I've been dealing with some personal crisis these past few weeks I've not had the mental room to "blog" as usual. 

My brain has been percolating, though, as we watch the desire for global power among the elites tighten around our collective necks. 

Chairman Joe is a puppet. I saw Jan Markell's interview this past weekend that mentioned an observer's opinion about Biden. This journalist had watched Biden for decades. He stated that Biden is functioning at about 50% capacity. 

That's really something. 

The leader of the "free world" has cognitive decline. 

A pawn is controlled by the Luciferian mind that really rules. 

People tend to forget Christ's admonition that there are two sides, two realms: God's, and other. 

The world is ruled by the "other." 

The devil is the prince and power of the air. He has jurisdiction over the world, as was demonstrated by Christ's encounter with him after his 40 days long fast. 

WE are all born sinners. WE all need to be born again. If we are not born again we are lost eternally. 

Hell is real. It was created for Satan, (the devil) and his entourage, but anyone who is not born of the spirit, born again, is lost, and will be cast into the lake of fire (hell) with the evil ones. 

This is Biblical. This is Biblical truth. You cannot get around it. 

It's up to you to repent and turn to Christ. In whatever language you speak, God understands your plea to be born again, born of the Spirit. I urge you to cry out to God in humility and repentance. He will not turn you away! 

In these last days (and I believe we are in the last days!) there will be many false Christs, many wolves in sheep's clothing. There will be those claiming to be prophecying in the spirit, those who deviate from the Word of God by tiny degrees. 

Think geometry: when you deviate even slightly you do not reach the straight and true. 

God says the way is narrow, and few find it. 

Weepy sad face. 

But truth. 

Are you on the narrow way? Are you spending time each day in the Word of God, practicing its commands? Are you applying the Word to your life? Are the principles of Scripture becoming ingrained in your soul? 

Are you walking toward Christ? 

It may be that you have been deceived by someone you have loved, a spouse, a child, a friend. You trusted that person completely, having no knowledge of their subterfuge. It happens all the time. 

Thank God when the truth prevails! 

What do you do with the truth, then? 

You repent of your own sin, you shore up in the Word of God, and you place boundaries that protect you from further lies. You forgive, you "will" to forgive those that have deceived you. You do this to prevent a root of bitterness in your own heart. 

It seems that the devil is working overtime lately, luring you and your loved ones away from Christ and His truth. I have been the victim of his fiery darts lately, and I've taken refuge in God's promises from Scripture. The Lord gives the most comfort in time like these. 

Today there is no school for me, President's Day. Perhaps Ed will help me get the other site up later today. Since I have never been technical I rely on my "staff" of computer whizzes around the house to help me with this blog. 

I am SO SICK of my own classes. I actually only have one this semester (on finance and fundraising!) and I'm struggling with concentration as I read my textbooks and do my assignments. When the world is falling down around you a dry textbook is hardly compelling. 

I still believe there was an unconstitutional amount of election fraud in the US election last November. I look forward to Sidney Powell's cases being presented in court this week. 

Oh, I bet you hadn't even heard about that, right? Jk

I expect my readers to be more informed than the average brain-washed media watcher. 

My husband used to say "Everything the media says is a lie, including 'and' and 'the.'"

Yup. How I miss his pithy and wise remarks! We were such a team. 

I have seen God become my sole provider these past months, I rejoice that Brian is in absolute joy with our Savior right now. Things down here are pretty discouraging, aren't they ???

My heart grieves when I see someone getting the experimental genetic modification offered these days. It shocks me that people are so frightened about a manufactured virus. 

Don't people trust God anymore? 

OUR DAYS HAVE BEEN NUMBERED BY GOD! Nothing can shorten or lengthen you days. God appointed them. 

A vaccine cannot shorten or lengthen your days. A virus cannot shorten, nor lengthen your days. 

I apply the "tattoo principle" with this; in the Old Testament there is a clear verse about tattoos. Read it sometime. Just use a concordance. You can explain this verse a million ways, but on its face it is a clear command. Why not obey it? Is there a benefit? 

Jonathon Edwards died from the complications of a vaccination. They have never been truly "safe." Perhaps (perhaps not!) they eradicated polio and other germs. Perhaps those germs mutated on their own, out of dangerous composition. We may never know. 

This current injection is not a vaccine in the sense of a traditional vaccine, however. It is a genetic modifier. It writes a new protein into your body's cell structure. 

Didn't you know that? It's all over the internet. Research.

Why play the globalist game? 

Why be a guinea pig? 

Why purposefully and willfully put your life in danger by modifying your genetic make-up with an mRNA protein piece? Please do some research. DON'T listen to the liars in the media. 

Sadly, there is a generation who is so queued into watching television and they are of the age where their time is taken up (hours and hours each day or evening) watching the programming. The programming is ALL globalist propaganda. I weep for that generation. I weep for the generation that is programmed by their tech media, too. It's so compelling. 

I fight the addiction to tech as much as the next person. It's alluring. It's convenient. It's easy. 

Go outside! Look at the stars! Find Orion, the Pleiades, the Big Dipper! Stare at the clouds or the blue sky. Breathe in the air that God provided for your lungs. You don't need to wear a mask. You need to take in God's gift to you: air----life. 

Why are you downcast, Oh my soul? Hope in God! 

We are turning to our blessed hope, the imminent rapture of Church, the true bride of Christ. It could be soon. 

Perhaps today? 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021


Do you use?


According to the Bible.


Where’s this high place pot smokers are trying to reach? Heaven? They smoke weed to feel good. And what place feels better than heaven? They’re trying to get to heaven another way. Not Jesus’ way.

Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)

Jesus is the only way to heaven. NOT weed.


Getting stoned is when someone is killed by having rocks thrown at them. The Bible says God will punish the wicked with hailstones because they won’t repent of their sorceries.

“... Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their SORCERIES…” (Revelation 9:21)

“And there fell upon men a great HAIL out of heaven, every STONE about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the HAIL; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.” (Revelation 16:21)

Smoking weed is SORCERY. Burning a plant, changing it from a solid to a smoke and sucking it into your body to alter your mind is SORCERY. So, those who get stoned, WILL GET STONED.


The definition of chronic: (of an illness) persisting for a long time or constantly recurring.

If marijuana heals, why’s it called something associated with illness? Unless, it makes you ill.


Weeds are usually not a good thing. We get rid of them. The Bible has a name for weeds. They’re called TARES, i.e. counterfeit Christians. They’ll be weeded out and thrown into the fire. “As therefore the TARES are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.” (Matthew 13:40)

There’s a saying: You are what you eat. Maybe you’re also what you smoke.


Kush or Cush was the father of Nimrod. Nimrod built the tower of Babel. Scripture associates Babel with confusion. It’s no coincidence smoking “Kush” makes you confused.


The dragon is Satan and magic is sorcery.

“... And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world…” (Revelation 12:9) The Bible says sorcerers are going to the Lake of fire. (See Revelation 21:8)


Can it be any more obvious? He who has ears to hear let him hear.

By Tom Hames

Monday, February 8, 2021

Word on Culture from a Facebook post

 I’m about to pull back the curtain and tell you what you saw tonight on the Super Bowl half time show. 

In 2008 I was watching the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics in Beijing, China. There were hundreds of dancers dressed exactly alike, making the exact same movements, in perfect timing. No one stood out. Everyone looked and danced exactly the same.

As I was watching, the Spirit of God spoke to me clearly. And I will never forget the moment! He said, “THAT IS GOG”! I knew God spoke to me but I had no idea what he meant. So I started my journey to find out what GOG is and tonight I am going to briefly explain it to you. 

In Ezekiel 38:2 GOG is the Chief Prince of the land of Magog who leads the final invasion against Israel. I can prove in many ways that this is an Old Testament reference to Armageddon. The term “Chief Prince” only appears twice in the Bible. Once in reference Michael, the Chief Prince (Daniel 12:1) and once in reference to GOG in Ezekiel 38:2. 

Long story short, GOG is a demonic principality with an ideology finding its launching place in the land of  Magog or the former Soviet Union. It is the Demon behind collectivism. Collectivism puts the group or the State over the individual. Individualism is what America was built on. Collectivism is what Communist countries are built on. This Demonic spirit of Communism has now infected the entire world and its primary spreader is China. The ideals of collectivist/communist China is GOG! It will eventually dominate the entire world. How do I know this? Because God calls the nations in the four corners of the earth “GOG and MAGOG” in Revelation 20:8. 

What you saw tonight during the half time show was the demonic principality GOG in America. It is the driving spirit that works with the spirit of Antichrist to deceive the people of the world into becoming one. United as ONE against Christianity and the Lord Jesus Christ. 

This demon believes it now has total control of the United States. I believe he is wrong! Because I believe the United States is the sanctuary for believers in the last days before Christ return. It’s called “the wilderness” in Revelation 12:6 and 14. The Dragon/Satan is using GOG to devour America before it can become what God intends. He will lose this fight. (Revelation 12:13-17) 

What I have written tonight is some of the deepest revelation into End Time prophesy you will ever read. But I have seen these truths and I cannot be shaken from them. America will remain the sanctuary for believers in Christ and it will be the launching pad to the four corners of the earth to reach the greatest harvest of souls in the history of the world. It was dedicated in 1607 by pastor Robert Hunt to do just that. (See also Mathew 24:14, Mathew 13:39, Revelation 7:9 and 14). It is my strong conviction  that GOG is about to lose his grip on America. God is getting ready to shake things up. The world will be shocked by what is about to happen! God’s harvest is coming! And judgement is coming on those who have set themselves against God’s natural order.

Brad Thompson

From Corgi: I don’t anticipate a revival. I anticipate the rapture. I find this interpretation of Gog compelling. 


I just purchased a "domain" on the internet, so I'll be moving there, soon. I'll keep this Google blogger as long as possible, but I thought that with all the internet censorship I'd be proactive. 

I'll be at corgihollows.org or corgihollows.com

As time permits I'll try to move all of my own posts (not links) over there. It will take time, that which I don't have right now. 

I am going through life crisis on so many levels right now it's hard to know if I'm coming or going. 

My only steadfast foundation is CHRIST ALONE.

The Christ of Scripture. 

As we battle the cultural war on Truth it helps to have sound doctrine. 

Since so many people I know do not believe the Word of God is inerrant, or inspired, or flawless---(in its original, for sure) it pays to have a strong standing on this point. 

I believe God's Word, and I believe God describes Himself in His Word. That there is any dispute about that in some people proves that idolatry is still a problem and following/believing in Christ is a real challenge for them. 

 AS you have picked up before, I must continually confess my sin of despising intellectuals over and over. Some people just think they are SO SMART! Having been married to a bona fide genius for 30 years I can see straight through those who wish to appear intelligent. I know intelligence, even if I'm not. I know what it is to be despised by the intellectual elite. I must caution against despising, myself. It is a downward spiral. 

And God uses the foolish and weak things, not the smart and strong things, to get His point across. 

Rather I be foolish and weak (or deemed so by the intelligensia) than intellectual.

As we see a fire inspector from Oklahoma finding the Ark of the Covenant, a pillow maker from Minnesota exposing the fraud of the century about the elections----I am delighted in seeing God's hand in using foolishness and weakness in His ultimate scheme. (History is FULL of these kinds of stories!)

God is getting His will done (has already!) and He's using the most unlikely people.

I love underdog stories! They are the best plot lines, the best endings. 

God writes the best stories. 

I have to go and take the truck into the dealer for a check up on the four-wheel drive. Then I have to read my textbooks and come up with a discussion post for my class. I am subbing these weeks for a music teacher who has Covid 19. He's not feeling well, but said he's not getting worse, so that is a good thing. 

His partner had it last week, and now he has it. Pray for him. Pray for his salvation. He's living a lifestyle that isn't pleasing to God. 

What if he takes a turn for the worse, and dies? I hope not. 

As I am working through the loss of friends, family, and all sorts of betrayal I have been reminded everyday that God is always good. Ultimately Satan has stolen from God, not me, and God is the one who has the power to punish evil in both the spirit world and the one we see. I need only rest in Him. 

I've always given everything to God, so God takes care of what is His. 

That means EVERYTHING----friends, family, house, cars, all of it. 

He has my life. 

There is no other way to live.  


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

February Sun

 I hear a deep freeze is on the way here, so I spent an hour outside moving snow before it froze, cleaned up the Corgi messes somewhat, and soaked up some vitamin D. 

The sidewalk is nothing like my husband would mandate; he shoveled precisely and well. We were spoiled by him. I get out there and attempt to make it passable so my 87 year old mom can walk over to check on things here. 

(We're checking on her and my dad, too!) 

Exercise is good. 

I've been teaching daily. Today I had the opportunity to tell one of the staff members about cytokine storm, and she was happy to research that before her vaccine tomorrow. I wonder why she felt she had to tell me she was getting vaccinated for Covid 19. I simply responded about doing research and having concerns. She asked me about that, and I pointed her to the terms to look up. 

Perhaps she will avoid the vaccination. 

I'm "curious as all get out" (Brian talking here!) to see how vaccinated people will react to corona viruses "in the wild" 2 months to two years down the road. The ferrets in the study all died after vaccination. Cats didn't make it either. This vaccination, whether from Johnson and Johnson, Merck, Moderna, Pfizer, or Astra-Zeneca is EXPERIMENTAL. Experimental. WE humans are the guinea pigs, lab rats, test subjects. We have no clue what the long term effects of mRNA are. THIS TYPE OF VACCINE HAS NEVER BEEN SUCCESSFUL BEFORE. There are simply no guarantees that it will even have ANY effect on the corona virus and its mutations. It WILL write antibodies into your system through the mRNA, and those will eventually rewrite every cell in your body. Cytokine storm is a real result from this technology. DO YOUR RESEARCH.

It makes a lot of sense when the global powers have advertised for years about depopulating the planet. The sheep are the first to go. They readily line up to take their medicine, swallowing the poison that the WEF and the WHO dish out to them. It's too hard to do a little reading for most people. They truly go along with the crowds. 

Those sheeple are the easiest to eliminate. 

I hold that life is precious, but there are things worth dying for, too. Signing up to die isn't in my religion, unless something stands in way of practicing my faith and I must die for that, I'm making every effort to avoid death. 

I want to be RAPTURED! 

Days are getting longer. Spring is on its way. 

As a child I remember the sharp pain of cold in my nose as I inhaled that first breath of winter air in the morning as I left the house to wait for the bus. 

I remember my gray cat waiting with me in the the spring and fall. We'd listen to the blue jays chatter with the squirrels in the oak trees. Warm fall and spring afternoons with the whiff of smoke on the wind, people were working in their yards and fields. 

Human behavior has changed so much through technology, and now through pandemic. 

As I watch the little faces covered in filthy masks line up at school for whatever is next I just want to weep. How different the world is, for them. The globalists have won a massive victory in shutting us down, masking us, and controlling our contact. 


Their power is complete if we let them continue. 

I see them laughing their heads off at the stupidity of the masses. 

Africa, as a continent, has born the brunt of testing these new vaccines and health orders. The damage is overwhelming. 

I'd like to be wrong about this vaccine business. I know several people who have readily accepted the shots. One can only warn. Each must choose for themselves. I'm certainly not ready to take a shot. I'd like to wait until two years minimally, to see the effect of the vaccine on those people I know. 

Truth is so hard to find these days, except in Scripture. 

When black is white, white is black, wrong is right, right is wrong, evil is good, and good is evil WE HAVE a PROBLEM with TRUTH! 

When lying is acceptable, and even condoned, we have a problem with the truth. 

Amir Tzarfati recently stated that we have a front-row seat for End Times Events right now. I agree with him. The world is turning at a blinding speed with acceleration of signs and events described in Scripture. 

The two big signs for me that indicate our "season" of Christ's return are the constellation configuring (We are moving into Aquarius---the outpouring of the Holy Spirit/millenium age) and we know ALL about genetic entropy. 

The globalists know about it too. They know the human race is doomed, and the human genome is soon to be mutated out of plausibility. We just don't have much time left! With every generation there are hundreds of gene mutations. Without gene editing, the globalists know, we are doomed. 

It was this "end-game" that turned the top geneticist at Cornell University toward God. He saw the words of Scripture come alive in the genetic code. 

You may not be a rocket scientist, nor a geneticist, but you can understand the simple terms of needing a savior, and needing one SOON. 

Jesus came to save. Time is fast running out. Are you looking up? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you depending on your filthy rags to get you a place in heaven? 

(Your righteousness, good works, are like filthy rags!) 

You must be born again. You must be born of the Spirit! 

You must humble yourself before the Most High and accept Him on His terms, not your own. This pride issue is the WORST. I cannot believe how insidious it is. When we write our own rules for God we've come up with our own little idol. 

Idolatry is abhorrent. Each of us needs to clean out the idols in our lives. No one is immune. 

IF only there were a vaccination for idolatry! 

Stop lying to yourself and accept Jesus as He is. It won't hurt! Yes, persecution is hard, but the love of Christ far exceeds the pain of trial. 

When I am in the middle of a trial of the spirit I have the presence of the Holy Spirit! It comforts me, helps me, sustains me. I speak his promises to myself, trusting in His Word. 

Trust is a beautiful thing. When it is lost it is almost impossible to regain. 

I am so thankful for Jesus and being able to trust Him. 

Whatever comes, LORD, I trust you. I trust you. 


“You will own nothing, and you will be happy”? | The Great Reset

Monday, February 1, 2021




 Can you believe how things are escalating? 

It seems the world, Davos, the globalists, WEF, the American government, the Canadian government---all have gone wild in stamping out individual freedom and speech. 

If you do not know Jesus today is  THE DAY! 

REPENT! The Day of the Lord is drawing nigh. 

So, so many thoughts after a whirlwind week. 

Chairman Joe has signed multiple executive orders demonstrating his dictatorial bent. The vaxx is being administered to the Sheeple, and there is no warning of its experimental properties in any mainstream media. The mainstream media continues to lie and deceive.

What will happen to these poor ones when they come into contact with a corona virus in "the wild?" Corona viruses are always mutating. When bodies come into contact with them there is the possibility of "cytokine storm" and bodies literally shut down with an mRNA alteration. The small animal studies were completely unsuccessful. The animals (ferrets and cats) died. There has been no success in any trial. The media doesn't want you to know how humans are now the test animals. Everything is "experimental." As Bill Gates reminds us, two years down the road the side effects of this Covid-19 vaccine will probably depopulate the USA. 

And people are lining up and pleading for this death wish. 

It is a personal choice at this point. When will they put all of us out of our collective misery by requiring 100% vaccination? It could happen. 

We are at the mercy of a socialist (totalitarian) government. Election fraud gave us this tyranny. Congress, the president, and the supreme court are all in cahoots, left leaning, and the DOJ, CIA, and FBI are DEEP STATE. 

We're in for it. 

The globalists smell blood on the water, and they are circling like sharks. 

Will Jesus rescue us before they attack, or will we be ripped apart in persecution and trial? 

I am a pre-trib Rapture person, but that doesn't guarantee freedom from persecution. I'm going to escape God's wrath. No believer ever will experience that, because God promised us that the wrath of God is NOT ON US. 

Oh, yes, persecution will be the norm. Are you ready for it?

Are you ready for jail? 

God will not lose any of His own. I rest in that! Jesus is coming for His bride. 

I am daily shocked by the blindness of people, the hardened hearts, the refusal to seek the Lord. I'm shocked by the "want-to" to sin. I'm so afraid of hell, that I cannot imagine being flippant about it. The universalist "doctrines" are gaining ground. People believe themselves, not Scripture. 

The wrath of God that will fall on those left behind from the Rapture will be terrifying. 

Can you imagine an angel crying out, "Do not take the mark of the Beast!"

Can you imagine the sky rolling back like a scroll (pole shift??)? 

Can you imagine half of mankind dying? 

Can you imagine the animals suffering? 

If you read the book of Revelation you will see a description of what to expect. 

Personally, I don't want to be around for that. 

The Gulags and the holocaust, horrible as they were, can't even compare. God has given us a Blessed Hope that we will be spared from His wrath. 

I cling to that.

Of course I pray that we will be rescued EVERY DAY! MARANATHA!

Life just doesn't offer much these days. Our ministries have been squashed. We cannot travel. We are masked and limited. Things just aren't going great lately. 

I am waiting for Jesus. 


Monday, January 25, 2021




Corwyn Antics

 My corgi, Corwyn, has been an incredible comfort to me!

God gives us animals to show us unconditional love, and what it looks like. This morning I was thinking about Adam and how he had the animals before he had Eve. 

I am sure that these beasts were amazing to him. Knowing my own interaction with my four pets I can only imagine the sweetness that Adam had with all the animals! 

Corwyn has been my companion since we got her in the parking lot of Bass Pro Shops in Council Bluffs. We met the breeder there on a Memorial Day weekend three years ago. She snuggled in and won my heart, and she has been a bright spot in my life ever since! 

She's smart, has learned our family rules for dogs, and hasn't caused any distress. 

It's remarkable. 

Her little body snuggles up for warmth and comfort, and gives it. Her presence gives joy every time I open the door and come home. 

She sits on the back of a love seat to watch for us drive in when we're out and about. When she sees the vehicle parked she runs to the stairs to await our entrance! 

She'll sit in the front window seat to keep track of the critters gallavanting around the front yard. She warns of ANY intruder, be they USPS, UPS, Squirrel, or Fed Ex. Deer make her extremely upset. 

Corwyn is a joy. 

Margaret and I used to joke about achieving world peace through Corgis. Every home would have a corgi! World peace would ensue. Their little happy smiles would cure the world of depression. 

Corgis are pretty amazing! 

I have said thank you to God for Corwyn so many, many times this year! 

Thank you, God, for Corwyn! 

And, yes, I do KNOW there will be animals in heaven. WE all come back on WHITE HORSES----not figurative ones, either. We'll be real, and so will they. 

God made these sweet and wonderful creatures! They are masterpieces of His handiwork. They have mind, will, and emotion, and they are gifts to us, we creatures made in God's image. 

I love my cats, too, but that's a different post. 

To a Small Audience

 Blogger has been my medium for communication for over ten years now. I've seen how it works, and I'm pretty familiar with it, even through its changes. I have a very few followers, but hundreds of thousands of hits. 

I only get massive hits when I share on social media. Most people do not come here without the channel of social media. 

That said, today I am not going to post this on social media. About eight of you will read this, but I need to say it, to be able to refer to it, to share it judiciously with those that must know. It's a public record, I know, but not widely known. 

The last sixteen months have been pivotal for me. How does one encompass such a change in one's life? 

I am one small person in a world of seven billion. I am one small, insignificant soul. I matter to few but God---who made me. I have small influence, small circles, small power to change anything. 

Yet I am a soul. I do matter to the Creator. 

Here is what the Creator has allowed in my life these past sixteen months. 

I have lost five relationships, starting with my brother. 

I lost my brother to alcohol abuse (he was killed by a drunk driver.)

I lost my husband to heart failure. 

I lost my best friend to Covid 19 fear.

I lost a trusted life-long friend to betrayal.

I lost a child to rebellion and mental instability.

Yes, I have lost much these past sixteen months. Remember, only about eight of you will know this, read this, see this. You eight can pray for me, knowing my deep heartache. 

I bring all of this to my Lord and God, the Creator of the Universe. He knows my heart and my suffering. He knows my innocence in all of this. I had zero ability to change any of these losses---they came out of nowhere. 

I had no clue any of this was going to happen. The revealing aspects of each loss can only be understood in hindsight, and for me (trying to analyze it all!) there is no reason. 

No reason other than SIN. 

Sin is damaging. 

My husband's death has been the easiest to understand. God appointed his days. He lived a life devoted to Christ and me, his children and his calling. My grief over his loss is pure and reasonable. This grief over-arches everything right now, but it is justified and real. 

With every other loss there is added heartache of unresolved pain. This pain is only manageable through complete reliance on God. By giving this over to Him I can walk through the motions of each day, accomplish the needs of those here, and function. 

I'm hurting. I'm looking for Jesus. I'm waiting on His return for me. 

Until then I will trust Him. I do not expect resolution. Damage has been devastating. There are scars and wounds that can only be healed by repentance and time. Some will never heal. I accept this now. I understand this now. 

God is bigger and His plan is good. 

I have the victory in Christ. These problems belong to Him.

Create in me a clean heart, Oh God! Renew a right spirit within me! Cast me not away from your presence, take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation---renew a right spirit within me.

Thursday, January 21, 2021


 Lester Brown: "The Twenty-Ninth Day"

"The Jesuits and Globalization"

L.A. Marzulli

Prophecy Watchers

Dr. David Reagan

Jan Markell

Carl Teichrib

(all of my Public Administration textbooks)

Dr. Dolores Cahill

Catherine Austin Fitts

Dr. Judy Mikovits

Brannon Howse

Dr. Erwin Lutzer

You Tube

Malachi Martin

Ingolstadt, Germany (personal experience)

Genetic Entropy (the study of)

Christian J. Pinto

Red River Bible Prophecy Conference

Paul McGuire 

JD Farag

Jack Hibbs

Amir Tzarfati

Joseph Farah

Billy Crone

Eternal Value Review, Wilfred J. Hahn

Five Doves

Cathy Fox Blog

Gary Kah

Fritz Springmeier

For the Record

 I have always been a law abiding citizen. I have taken the trouble to educate my children (at home) and as a licensed teacher, of history. I have taught history of the world and of America, both the evil and the good. 

I have taken the time to educate my children in the Christian faith.

I have taught the concept of sin, as the Bible presents it, lists it. 

I have been background checked numerous times, have never been convicted of anything but a few traffic violations. One time I did not make a complete stop at a stop sign at 5:00 am, one time I went 55 in a 50 mph speed zone. One time I went 25 in a 15 mph speed zone. 

There, you know my worst. Check it out. 

I am a teacher, a laundress, and a hotel front desk clerk. Any mistakes I have made at work I attribute to only having the best of intentions. I care about doing the right thing.

I played a key role in rescuing a young woman from trafficking at the hotel a year ago. 

I reported tire tracks in the snow into an abandoned farm, which resulted in the arrest of a pervert. 

I'm a watchdog. You want me on your team if you are a law abiding citizen. 

So, as we head into the next chapter of American History I want to be on the record as stating that my intentions are always and only to follow Jesus Christ, and when that conflicts with the current administration I will gladly suffer the persecution and consequences. 

God is in charge of my life. 

Wherever that leads, even death, that is where I stand. 

As communism encroaches on our lives here in the dying USA we all need to face up to the change, delineate our stances, and reckon with the consequences of holding to our traditions and beliefs. 

Barring any martial law intervention and constitutional mandates that prohibit treason it looks like we have a treasonous administration in power (election fraud, Chinese, Italian, Russian, Iranian interference) not to mention the pedophilia and human trafficking they are all tied to. 

The Global Reset ala Klaus Schwab and the Illuminati, the World Economic Forum and the Bohemian Grove acolytes, the puppet masters who hate the Judaeo-Christian God, the Marxists and the Communists, the "Woke Critical Theory" crowd and the "Big Eva" have had a win.

It's temporary. We, the small remnant looking for Jesus Christ, must stand. We will stand. We knew this was coming. Our eyes are on Jesus, the author of our faith. 

This is no time to cower. Face the monster of the One World Order with the assurance of Jesus Christ and His power. 

Some of us have been watching for years. It's now. The time has come to stand. 

Looking for that glorious appearing! 



True Colors


Wednesday, January 20, 2021


 What a sad day for our country! 

Chairman Biden took power, at least for a time, until his dementia will force him to give up to Harris, the most sexually debased politician in the country.

This is judgment. 

Johnathan Cahn was right: we are under judgment. 

I was shocked at the tweet about John Brennan coming after those of us who supported Trump, religious people, (like me, I suppose, though I've never considered myself religious---just a believer in Jesus.)

The wheat is separating from the tares, and it isn't just politics! It's family and former friends! 

Blessed are those who have family that agree in worldview. 

I'm so happy for the circle of prophecy watchers, those of my friends and some of my family who see things with me! These precious believers are our only hope! 

We are at the mercy of a godless world, and we have no idea how long before the likes of Brennan throws us in jail for thought crime. 

The United States is no longer united. We are under the communist party now, and we are going to have to face the music. 

The Banana Republic has taken effect. 

Just watch. Just wait. 

Those of you who are taking the vaccine have one thing to look forward to: the cytokine storm that will end your life (see the ferret studies!!!!) At least you won't have to put up with the communists for long. 

You do know that Bill Gates is trying to reduce the world population? 

You do know that indemnity is the rule with Big Pharma? 

You do know that you "woke" and "Big Eva" (so-called) Christians are blinded by the wolves in sheep's clothing? 

Yes, we are in a dire situation. All of the warnings of the past 20 years have not been heeded. The time of grace is over. 

The Age of Aquarius is upon us. Those of us who know the real meaning of the Zodiac know that we are out of the house of Pisces and we are transitioning into Aquarius. The Great Tribulation comes before Aquarius. The Time of Jacob's Trouble ends the age of Pisces. Each age lasts about 2,000 years. 

Look up the D. James Kennedy book. You will see that we don't have much time before God's celestial clock strikes the end of the age. 

Also, those of you who haven't been paying attention---the globalists know that the human genome is about to become irreparable. Globalists are behind the push for genetic enhancement. They are seeking a way to prolong human life, super-human life. Check in to any esoteric society and meet the players behind this scheme. The double helix is an object of worship, and the human race is about two generations away from mutating beyond repair. They know this. Just check out the subject of genetic entropy. 


Our blessed hope is the rapture of the church, and all of God's promises are comforting to us, the believers of this age. We look for our Savior! 

Are you right with the Lord? Are you harboring sin in your life? 

Take a stand. You will be cancelled and mocked by those that don't share your worldview. You must learn to stand firm until the end. 

Thankfully we are looking at the end through a lens of prophecy, and we see the globalists are having their heyday with Chairman Biden. 

The election was a fraud. 

Trump won. 

Elections will never be fair again. Dominion software, manipulated by the Leonardo satellite, gave an algorithm that gave the globalists the victory. Eyes wide open. Globalists manipulated the US election. They are powerful, and they rule this next short era, which leads into the Great Tribulation. 

Revelation describes the tribulation and it is remarkably frightening. 

We won't be here, beloved. 

Jesus comes for us. He gives us hope, not fear. Our hope is in Christ alone. 

Blessed hope. 

Are you ready? 


Cancel Culture


Monday, January 18, 2021



The Times, They Are aChangin'

 We live in a significant time, dear ones. 

I'm talking spiritual.

We could spout all day about the politics of the USA or the world, or the elites, or anything---

But I'm talking spiritual, and that is above all of this. 

Is your head in the clouds of the supernatural? 

Mine is, and has been. I'm a believer, and Bible prophecy is my thing. For 40 years I've been watching and I'm seeing some incredible prophecy being fulfilled! 

These are exciting and welcome times! 

It may seem like the devil is on the prowl, that lives are being up-ended, that hope is gone.

Nope. Not even close! 

Satan has attacked. He has made life miserable for me and all of those who love Jesus. If you only knew the day-in and day-out of spiritual battle! It's overwhelming at times! 

I have learned to praise God when the battle is the worst. 

Ed and I watched "Tortured for Christ" by Richard Wurmbrand the other day. It's been on my mind since. So many dear souls have suffered painfully for Jesus over the centuries since He walked the earth. 

And now it could be our turn---

How is your faith anchored? Is it in a completely Biblical worldview? Have you succumbed to the temptation to manufacture your own deity ---one that doesn't judge you, one that isn't in control? 

Now is the time to turn to the One True God, the Creator of the universe, the Almighty. He is the Judge, and He is in complete control. 

Only through His ways can we be saved for eternity. 

It's so tempting to believe in something else, it's human nature. We love our prideful hearts and minds. 

The only way through the deep waters is to be anchored in Biblical faith. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved. 

This week we may see unprecedented events unfold. Are you ready for the rapture? 

I don't claim to know how things will play out, but I'm aware of several scenarios, some more likely than others. For this country there is no happy ending. 

Our happy ending comes with Christ alone. 

The times are changing. 

Cling to Jesus. 


Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Stuff is Happening

 Do you ever feel practically overwhelmed? 

No, it's not finals for me, but the start of the new semester. I'm back in the swing of things, plugging away at my master's degree, one class at a time. Actually, this is the first semester that I am taking only one course. It was the only one offered that I needed for my program, so I'm taking it from the Lord as a special gift. 

The holidays are over. I've been distracted and weighed down with several problems that have raised their ugly heads. Life can be hard, and it is more hard when you are dealing with grief and loss. 

When I get to heaven I'm planning on asking Jesus why it had to be so hard. 

Then, it will probably not matter. 

Aside from all of the day-to-day we are in the midst of a national re-set. Maybe we're in the midst of a global reset. 

It was 30 years ago that I met the darkest spirit I'd ever met, in Germany, in a small church. I was introduced to the Illuminati (and I'd never heard that name before.) I simply understood that there was a demonic entity that had jurisdiction over that place. 

Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world. As a very young woman I knew that, but the force of evil was palpable. 

Ever since that moment I knew what evil lived among us. 

I didn't hear that term again until later, but by then the entity was well established and exerting force in the global powers. It came as no surprise to me that those who bent to dark power would prosper temporarily. 

I know Scripture. I know who wins in the end. 

At this point we wonder about the evil that manifests around us, deceiving us, discouraging us, warring against us. That's warfare, spiritual. 

The Lord asks us to stand firm in His promises, looking to serve Him in every way by His power and authority. Standing firm against evil is done with the help of the Holy Spirit. 

It's more difficult to stand firm when your personal world starts to cave in.

And yet, even then, we know that we are to set our minds on things above (Colossians 3) and we must never compromise our faith and trust in Christ.

He knows how hard it is. 

Are we worldly minded? Is our mind set on things above? Is our heart hidden in Christ Jesus? 

Take a look at the list of sins mentioned in Colossians 3. God wants us to abstain from even the appearance of evil. The choice is to be one with the world, or one with the Lord. 

I choose the LORD. 

Is He able to keep us, to help us with this? 

Our God is ABLE. 

So stand, dear ones. Don't compromise. To obey is better than sacrifice. 

Just obey Christ's sweet commands! 

Your reward is with Christ Jesus. 


Friday, January 8, 2021


For Such a Time as This

 The last few days in our country have been pivotal. We knew they were coming! 

Prophecy helps us interpret the signs of the times, and we can see exactly where we are on God's divine timeline. 

Doesn't that give you hope? 

As the attorney Lin Wood revealed last night on Parler, the Bidens have sold America to the Chinese Communist Party.

We're next to be sold, if the Lord tarries. 

Trump obviously tried to put a cog in the wheel, but today there is no sign of earthly hope. We can read all the innuendos and symbols and surmise that something is going on, but ultimately those of us who have no inner access to the machinations of Big Government can't predict if this is truly "it" for patriotism.

The global reset has made a giant leap forward. Bread and circuses are promised, and people have lost the energy to oppose totalitarianism. 

Now, dear ones, we rest in God's grace. These things must come to pass. Those deluded by the Left, the WEF, the WHO, the illuminati, will perhaps still be saved, if they are not too far into the Deception. 

I am grieving for those who have lost their souls to the Delusion. 

There was such a spiritual attack this past week. Everyone I know (closely) went through a fiery trial over the past seven days. Satan did what he could to discourage the Lord's Own. 

I went through one, too, and was abused by someone I had thought I could trust. It was nasty, but the Lord has given me strength, despite the pain. 

Like a compass, God's commands and promises are our lifeline to peace. When we anchor ourselves according to His direction we will overcome even unto death. 

I feel like I can relate to Job (from the Bible) more today than before. Through suffering we find our foundation in Jesus Christ. 

When Satan fuels the rage there is little check. 

Watch. The Germans who got on board with Hitler were (most likely) "good" people before he came to power. They had put their faith in a world order, and not the God who orders the world. 

Donald Trump is a sinner that God chose to be president of the United States. God raises up rulers and He brings them down. Trump opened the door for us to see the corruption in the governments of the world, and what we saw through that door was revolting. 

Could Satan be so disgusting? 

Yes. Yes, he is the author of the Holocaust, torture, terror, and evil. He is the prince and power of the air. The devil has jurisdiction over this earth and he has never been kind. 

Thankfully God has given us Blessed Hope! We know that despite persecution and death (terror and torture!) we have a glorious eternal life ahead. He even promised us an escape (like He did for Enoch) before destruction and tribulation (the Great Tribulation) comes on the earth. 

Noah (Israel) will be protected through the fire, but we who walk with God will be snatched away. 

So, today, examine your hearts. Are you walking with God? Are you filled with the Holy Spirit? Are you ready to face this day with the presence of Christ, no matter how it ends? 

Believers be ready. Be rapture ready. 

It is by God's infinite grace that He tarries! He is not willing that ANY should perish, but that all should have eternal life. 

What is this life? It is but a vapor. 

Pray for those who are lost today. They need Jesus so badly. We have hope, peace, strength, and encouragement. 

Instead of being angry we look up. 

Lord, thank you for your promises, your Holy Spirit, and your peace that passes ALL UNDERSTANDING. 

You cannot know it unless you surrender to Him, repent, and put your trust in Him.

These last few days were so pivotal for me. My faith and Christian walk has prepared me for such a time as this. You and I (dear ones) are Esther before Xerxes. We stand for Biblical truth before the god of this world. 

Satan hates us. He is rage. 

His attacks are only temporal, and we have the greater power in us. Greater is He who is in me, than he who is in the world. 

Satan must flee. 

As Watchman Nee titled his book, "Sit, Walk, Stand," I think this is the time we stand. 

God bless you, dear ones. Stand. 


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Thoughts and Prayers

 May the favor of the Lord Our God rest upon us, establish the work of our hands for us. Psa. 90:17

As the nation looks to a historic day I want to pray with you, dear reader.

Heavenly Father, Lord God:

We come to you in humility and faith, asking you to have mercy on our country, the United States of America. 

We know that we do not deserve your mercy, but you are a God of grace. Our hearts are full of gratitude for all you have done for us, (for me), for our nation. 

Our nation has left your ways. 

Our nation has imprisoned itself by the powers of materialism, oligarchy, socialism, and evil. 

Our children have drifted from your Truth. They have made gods in their own image, and abandoned your Word, the Bible. 

They are adrift in this world of sin.

Forgive us, Father, for our sin, for failing at our responsibilities, for letting things go. Forgive us for our anger and sloth, our greed and envy, our lust and pride, our gluttony. These things have led to our demise, and we come before you with a broken heart, asking for your forgiveness, humbling ourselves before You. 

Lord, we thank you for your mercy. We thank you for your truth. 

We ask you to let Truth prevail today. We know that you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to You but through Christ Jesus. May many come to faith in Jesus Christ today! 

We humbly ask your forgiveness for our sins. 

Have mercy on us, LORD, we pray. Lead us, guide us in paths of righteousness for YOUR NAME'S SAKE. 

This day has significance, Lord, and You know the outcome of it, and whatever that is, we accept it, knowing that Your plans will come to fulfillment, not ours. 

We rest in You. We see your signs. We know the end. We love you, Lord God. 

Come quickly, Lord Jesus. MARANATHA! 


Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Timely Word

 THE WORLD AND MANY CHURCHES HAVE A "FALSE VIEW" OF LOVE.WE MUST NOT REDEFINE WHAT TRUE GODLY LOVE IS ! TRUE LOVE IS NOT DEVOID OF THE HOLINESS OF GOD! To many 'love' means we must accept, tolerate and even approve of sin and never speak out against it and to never give a word of warning or correction concerning false doctrine or ungodly living. But this is a false worldly love. True love speaks the Truth and will not compromise even if it offends others but it may convict others and set them free as they obey the Truth. Jesus Himself called men to repent or perish. Jesus Himself warned of eternal hell. Jesus said in John 7:24 to 'judge with righteous judgment.'

Many churches have "redefined" what real love is and will allow all kinds of sin and false doctrines to infect the church and therefore will cease to be a real church. At all costs they must stay positive and upbeat and avoid anything that deals with real serious issues.They lack real substance because they lack biblical Truth.They entertain and keep things shallow! They seek to make everyone happy even if it grieves the Holy Spirit! 

Today it's happiness instead of holiness. Its "compromise instead of commitment" to the Truth. It's about pleasing people instead of pleasing God. What ever happened to holiness? What ever happened to preaching against sin? What ever happened to training true disciples who have a holy passion for God? What about preaching Christ and the attributes of God ?

When I read my Bible and read all of what Jesus taught and read all the New Testament inspired letters I see a loving, godly zeal for truth and I see many very serious warnings and rebukes along with many serious exhortations.

In fact why did God give us his holy Word ? 

2nd Timothy 3:16"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.'Are we really hearing the Word of God today ?

1.Doctrine- Tells us what is right !

2.Reproof- Tells us what is not right !

3.Correction- Tells us how to get right !

4.Instruction in righteousness-Tells us how to stay right ! And we need all four in our lives by allowing the Word of God to teach us sound doctrine, to reprove us, to correct us and to teach us to live a godly and righteous life in a very ungodly world!

What does the bible say about this?

2nd Timothy 4:2-4 "Preach the Word, be instant in season, out of season ,reprove, rebuke with all long-suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth,and shall be turned unto fables."


Proverbs 10:17 "He is in the way of life that keeps instruction, but he that refuses reproof erreth."

Proverbs 15:10 "Correction is grievous unto him that forsakes the way and he that hates reproof shall die."

Proverbs 15:31 "The ear that hears the reproof of life abides among the wise."

Proverbs 15:32 "He that refuses instruction despises his own soul, but he that hears reproof gets understanding." VERY FEW WANT A MESSAGE OF REPROOF. WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT MOST CHURCHES THESE DAYS? A POPULAR MESSAGE IS ONE THAT PLEASES THE FLESH.


Many 'professed believers' follow their own desires and do not follow Jesus and they look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. Many have a distaste for Truth and if you bring a word of rebuke or correction they will then rebuke you for not being loving. You will be accused of being mean and not tolerant and having a judgmental critical spirit.

They sure show a lack of discernment and a lack of what the bible really teaches.

I mean read the scriptures in this post and if you do not agree with God then you have an issue with Him.The fact is many do not want the Truth,' 'they turn away their ears from the truth.' Why? Because they want to please their fleshly desires.

STUDY BIBLE NOTE: "Many within the churches will no longer tolerate sound biblical teaching.Those who turn from the truth will want preaching that demands less than the true gospel.They will not accept God's Word when it speaks of repentance ,sin ,the judgments of God ,the necessity of holiness and separation from the world."


Brother David Cooke (Share this post as the LORD leads you)



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