"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Thoughts and Prayers

 May the favor of the Lord Our God rest upon us, establish the work of our hands for us. Psa. 90:17

As the nation looks to a historic day I want to pray with you, dear reader.

Heavenly Father, Lord God:

We come to you in humility and faith, asking you to have mercy on our country, the United States of America. 

We know that we do not deserve your mercy, but you are a God of grace. Our hearts are full of gratitude for all you have done for us, (for me), for our nation. 

Our nation has left your ways. 

Our nation has imprisoned itself by the powers of materialism, oligarchy, socialism, and evil. 

Our children have drifted from your Truth. They have made gods in their own image, and abandoned your Word, the Bible. 

They are adrift in this world of sin.

Forgive us, Father, for our sin, for failing at our responsibilities, for letting things go. Forgive us for our anger and sloth, our greed and envy, our lust and pride, our gluttony. These things have led to our demise, and we come before you with a broken heart, asking for your forgiveness, humbling ourselves before You. 

Lord, we thank you for your mercy. We thank you for your truth. 

We ask you to let Truth prevail today. We know that you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to You but through Christ Jesus. May many come to faith in Jesus Christ today! 

We humbly ask your forgiveness for our sins. 

Have mercy on us, LORD, we pray. Lead us, guide us in paths of righteousness for YOUR NAME'S SAKE. 

This day has significance, Lord, and You know the outcome of it, and whatever that is, we accept it, knowing that Your plans will come to fulfillment, not ours. 

We rest in You. We see your signs. We know the end. We love you, Lord God. 

Come quickly, Lord Jesus. MARANATHA! 


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