"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, January 25, 2021

Corwyn Antics

 My corgi, Corwyn, has been an incredible comfort to me!

God gives us animals to show us unconditional love, and what it looks like. This morning I was thinking about Adam and how he had the animals before he had Eve. 

I am sure that these beasts were amazing to him. Knowing my own interaction with my four pets I can only imagine the sweetness that Adam had with all the animals! 

Corwyn has been my companion since we got her in the parking lot of Bass Pro Shops in Council Bluffs. We met the breeder there on a Memorial Day weekend three years ago. She snuggled in and won my heart, and she has been a bright spot in my life ever since! 

She's smart, has learned our family rules for dogs, and hasn't caused any distress. 

It's remarkable. 

Her little body snuggles up for warmth and comfort, and gives it. Her presence gives joy every time I open the door and come home. 

She sits on the back of a love seat to watch for us drive in when we're out and about. When she sees the vehicle parked she runs to the stairs to await our entrance! 

She'll sit in the front window seat to keep track of the critters gallavanting around the front yard. She warns of ANY intruder, be they USPS, UPS, Squirrel, or Fed Ex. Deer make her extremely upset. 

Corwyn is a joy. 

Margaret and I used to joke about achieving world peace through Corgis. Every home would have a corgi! World peace would ensue. Their little happy smiles would cure the world of depression. 

Corgis are pretty amazing! 

I have said thank you to God for Corwyn so many, many times this year! 

Thank you, God, for Corwyn! 

And, yes, I do KNOW there will be animals in heaven. WE all come back on WHITE HORSES----not figurative ones, either. We'll be real, and so will they. 

God made these sweet and wonderful creatures! They are masterpieces of His handiwork. They have mind, will, and emotion, and they are gifts to us, we creatures made in God's image. 

I love my cats, too, but that's a different post. 

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