"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, January 21, 2021

For the Record

 I have always been a law abiding citizen. I have taken the trouble to educate my children (at home) and as a licensed teacher, of history. I have taught history of the world and of America, both the evil and the good. 

I have taken the time to educate my children in the Christian faith.

I have taught the concept of sin, as the Bible presents it, lists it. 

I have been background checked numerous times, have never been convicted of anything but a few traffic violations. One time I did not make a complete stop at a stop sign at 5:00 am, one time I went 55 in a 50 mph speed zone. One time I went 25 in a 15 mph speed zone. 

There, you know my worst. Check it out. 

I am a teacher, a laundress, and a hotel front desk clerk. Any mistakes I have made at work I attribute to only having the best of intentions. I care about doing the right thing.

I played a key role in rescuing a young woman from trafficking at the hotel a year ago. 

I reported tire tracks in the snow into an abandoned farm, which resulted in the arrest of a pervert. 

I'm a watchdog. You want me on your team if you are a law abiding citizen. 

So, as we head into the next chapter of American History I want to be on the record as stating that my intentions are always and only to follow Jesus Christ, and when that conflicts with the current administration I will gladly suffer the persecution and consequences. 

God is in charge of my life. 

Wherever that leads, even death, that is where I stand. 

As communism encroaches on our lives here in the dying USA we all need to face up to the change, delineate our stances, and reckon with the consequences of holding to our traditions and beliefs. 

Barring any martial law intervention and constitutional mandates that prohibit treason it looks like we have a treasonous administration in power (election fraud, Chinese, Italian, Russian, Iranian interference) not to mention the pedophilia and human trafficking they are all tied to. 

The Global Reset ala Klaus Schwab and the Illuminati, the World Economic Forum and the Bohemian Grove acolytes, the puppet masters who hate the Judaeo-Christian God, the Marxists and the Communists, the "Woke Critical Theory" crowd and the "Big Eva" have had a win.

It's temporary. We, the small remnant looking for Jesus Christ, must stand. We will stand. We knew this was coming. Our eyes are on Jesus, the author of our faith. 

This is no time to cower. Face the monster of the One World Order with the assurance of Jesus Christ and His power. 

Some of us have been watching for years. It's now. The time has come to stand. 

Looking for that glorious appearing! 



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