"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, February 1, 2021


 Can you believe how things are escalating? 

It seems the world, Davos, the globalists, WEF, the American government, the Canadian government---all have gone wild in stamping out individual freedom and speech. 

If you do not know Jesus today is  THE DAY! 

REPENT! The Day of the Lord is drawing nigh. 

So, so many thoughts after a whirlwind week. 

Chairman Joe has signed multiple executive orders demonstrating his dictatorial bent. The vaxx is being administered to the Sheeple, and there is no warning of its experimental properties in any mainstream media. The mainstream media continues to lie and deceive.

What will happen to these poor ones when they come into contact with a corona virus in "the wild?" Corona viruses are always mutating. When bodies come into contact with them there is the possibility of "cytokine storm" and bodies literally shut down with an mRNA alteration. The small animal studies were completely unsuccessful. The animals (ferrets and cats) died. There has been no success in any trial. The media doesn't want you to know how humans are now the test animals. Everything is "experimental." As Bill Gates reminds us, two years down the road the side effects of this Covid-19 vaccine will probably depopulate the USA. 

And people are lining up and pleading for this death wish. 

It is a personal choice at this point. When will they put all of us out of our collective misery by requiring 100% vaccination? It could happen. 

We are at the mercy of a socialist (totalitarian) government. Election fraud gave us this tyranny. Congress, the president, and the supreme court are all in cahoots, left leaning, and the DOJ, CIA, and FBI are DEEP STATE. 

We're in for it. 

The globalists smell blood on the water, and they are circling like sharks. 

Will Jesus rescue us before they attack, or will we be ripped apart in persecution and trial? 

I am a pre-trib Rapture person, but that doesn't guarantee freedom from persecution. I'm going to escape God's wrath. No believer ever will experience that, because God promised us that the wrath of God is NOT ON US. 

Oh, yes, persecution will be the norm. Are you ready for it?

Are you ready for jail? 

God will not lose any of His own. I rest in that! Jesus is coming for His bride. 

I am daily shocked by the blindness of people, the hardened hearts, the refusal to seek the Lord. I'm shocked by the "want-to" to sin. I'm so afraid of hell, that I cannot imagine being flippant about it. The universalist "doctrines" are gaining ground. People believe themselves, not Scripture. 

The wrath of God that will fall on those left behind from the Rapture will be terrifying. 

Can you imagine an angel crying out, "Do not take the mark of the Beast!"

Can you imagine the sky rolling back like a scroll (pole shift??)? 

Can you imagine half of mankind dying? 

Can you imagine the animals suffering? 

If you read the book of Revelation you will see a description of what to expect. 

Personally, I don't want to be around for that. 

The Gulags and the holocaust, horrible as they were, can't even compare. God has given us a Blessed Hope that we will be spared from His wrath. 

I cling to that.

Of course I pray that we will be rescued EVERY DAY! MARANATHA!

Life just doesn't offer much these days. Our ministries have been squashed. We cannot travel. We are masked and limited. Things just aren't going great lately. 

I am waiting for Jesus. 


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