"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Warnings and Alerts

Come on, folks! You and I both know that 2020 is the craziest year since ----? 

I'm pushing 60, I've watched prophecy stuff for my entire life (yes, even as an infant! My grandfather was a dispensational pastor) I was bottle fed on the significance of prophecy, and I must say that 2020 has been jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire regarding prophetic developments. 

We, who actually study prophecy, know some of the things to watch for regarding the times called the "Last Days." 

Wars, rumors of wars, famines, earthquakes, ...there are lists in the Bible for you to contemplate. 

One of the "Big Ones" is the One World Government under the Antichrist. All students of Bible Prophecy are aware of a coming world order that comprehensively rules under someone who claims to be a Savior. 

Prophecy deniers (preterists, etc.) want to believe that the Bible only reports history, does not prophecy. For a view of Scripture that adheres to inerrancy that is a hard-sell. It has been demonstrated that the Bible is a book of accuracy in all things, and we look to the detailed descriptions of the end times for clues that are about to manifest. 

I believe that we are seeing prophecy unfold. 

Scoffers will deny current events until they are blue in the face, (I know this!) but the details will stump them every time. Yes we've had famines, earthquakes and wars! 

But the signs of the end are magnitudes above what has been endured through history. 

God doesn't lie. The Bible says he CANNOT lie. (One of those hard truths, I think, that I must simply accept.) 

One of the intriguing prophecies in Scripture talks about a "mark of the beast." This mark is predicted to be on the right hand or forehead. The number associated with the mark is 666, and there is much speculation about what that can mean other than a simple ordinal. 

It is wise to be aware. 

If the vaccination for Covid-19 has a patent number #060606, has nanotechnology for identification (smart dust), has something called "Luciferase" as an ingredient----I'm suspicious as a prophecy watchwoman. 

I'd be reluctant to get the vaccine on those grounds alone, but having a vaccine for the common cold is ludicrous in itself. The corona virus, specifically Covid-19 has killed a tiny fraction of what the regular flu kills yearly. The risk, though real, is minimal. 

People don't even know if they test positive. There is no way to prove you've had it, that you are immune---that you DON'T NEED A VACCINE! 

This plandemic, bandied about for years by the global movers and shakers, has always been "an opportunity" to take over control of the human population. 

You get Luciferase in your system, you're good. You can now enter the New World Order.

Klaus Schwab, on a recent video clip, extolled the virtues of artificial intelligence, fusing the human genome with computer technology, and the future of the human race. 

We all know about genetic entropy (and experience it daily!) but fusing our human genome with a man-made genetic code hardly sounds kosher. It is doubtful that AI can reverse the natural results of entropy.

In fact, it smacks of Nimrod and his tower of Babel aspirations. 

Unless this crazy development is understood better, or slowed down, I think we're on a track for the Bride of Jesus Christ to get outta here SOON!!!!

WE know from Scripture that the true church, the bride of Christ, is raptured out of here before the Antichrist reveals himself to the world. That is deduced by reading Revelation, and the absence of the church in chapters 6 through 22. (Or, that the church mentioned is in heaven already.) 

Take the time to research this upcoming vaccine. Are you going to get it? Do you REALLY want Luciferase in your body? Lucifer is another name for the devil, and having something named like him flowing through your veins doesn't appeal to me. It just doesn't. 

People die from lack of knowledge, so I am warning, telling, informing. I fully expect to be scoffed at, but I know that there are a few ears that will hear, will think about and consider these facts, and maybe will seek the Lord about these things rather than listening to the mouthpiece of the globalists, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, and NPR. 

These are paid promotions for the NWO. 

Vaccines aren't what they used to be. Jonas Salk was a lovely old fellow who truly helped people with polio. Vaccines have been around for a long time (Jonathan Edwards died from a vaccination in 1758). 

Read the list of ingredients in your next vaccine. You'll be interested to note that vaccines aren't exactly what you may have expected. Troubling for me is the aborted fetus. Mercury. Do you just trust the doctor? The pharmaceutical companies that rake in billions? 

Think before you act. This stuff has been brewing for decades, and we are at a fork in the road. 

Your decision probably has spiritual implications. 

Don't forget to watch the video posted from Instagram below. It probably won't be up for long. Big Tech likes to silence those of us who are warning, watching. 

Covid is a ruse. We're being played. 

Build up your immune system with vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and quinine (tonic water). Get fresh air. If you are a someone with an "underlying condition" wear a mask, and consider having your groceries delivered to your home. 

The rest of us can be out and about, preaching the Gospel, working, and acting normally. 

Don't let the globalists win just yet. 

They will, for a time, but perhaps not yet. 

1 comment:

pmaillet said...

I watch John Haller pretty often. Sometimes I find it a bit boring, but I like to keep up with his perspective on all that's going on.