"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, July 27, 2015


Because I believe time is ever increasingly short, I have a set of warnings for you beloved readers, appropriate for this time, for whatever they are worth.

Things are going to get pretty hard from here on out, and I'm already in the thick of it. Because I'm experiencing so much darkness already I assume you are too.

We need to link arms and stand strong until the end. Someone you love is deceived right now by the devil, and you can be a last link to truth in Christ Jesus for that one.

1. Remember that persecution and accusation are wonderful motivators to drive you to the Bible, to reading it daily, to gleaning God's personal word to encourage you. It's a wonderful result to a nasty encounter.

2. Remember that a small slight can escalate into a permanent prejudice. FORGIVE everything. Look beyond those misspoken words, those petty differences, and even the worst of the worst. God says forgive, so do it.

3. Remember that Satan is an angel of light. He is the father of lies. He wants nothing more than to deceive you into false sense of SECURITY. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling!

We may know that our salvation is in Christ Jesus alone, but if we are serving another god--and that would be the devil---he would like you to think you were just fine---even serving Christ Himself. There is a beauty to evil that is extremely deceptive. It is a false beauty, but it takes many in. What if you were to wake up someday learning you had been serving a false entity? What if, What if, what if????

MAKE SURE! Test the spirits and pray the blood of Christ Jesus on any spiritual encounter. Do what Jesus wants you to do.

4. Learn Christ's commands: "If you love me, you will keep my commands."
This requires loving and serving, gently leading, helping, and sometimes even warning. The Lord gave many commands to His disciples. Make a study of it, and keep them.

5. Saturate yourself with the Word of God. Learn it by heart, read it, meditate on it. It is the only thing that is eternal besides the soul, and it is full of comfort and truth.

6. When someone hurts you, slanders you, falsely accuses you be willing to examine your own life and heart. Is there truth in the accusation?

Look at the circumstance. God has a way of bringing consequences for behavior that goes against His ways. Everyone has stories about how God uses circumstances to teach and discipline His own children. Perhaps your "bad" consequence is a direct result of something you brought on yourself. God loves you too much to let you go a wrong way.

Think back to the times in your life when you felt chastised. Think about harsh circumstances---like cancer, joblessness, loss of friendship, disease, disappointment---

Why did God allow that? Perhaps you needed to stop a behavior that was damaging, or not glorifying God. Perhaps you needed to see the power of God in a new way. Perhaps you need to die. We all die. God allows certain things to bring death about. Interesting thought, huh?

Bad things happen to "good" people. But guess what? There is no one good, not one. That's right there in the Bible.

Examine yourself and figure out what God is telling you. The "bad" thing may be a blessing in disguise to help you pinpoint a real issue that needs clearing out in your life.

7. Keep your eyes on Jesus. This "warning" is the most important one. Know Him and don't lose sight of Him. He needs to be central to everything in your life and nothing should come between you and Him. He is your lifeline to eternal life and nothing matters but Him. He is your number one priority, your only true love, your central focus. "Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you."

He knows what you need, so put Him in first and let Him provide.

Dearly beloved, hold on! Time just marches on, and we all know that He must be coming SOON.


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