"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Covid Crisis

Something is on my mind this past week. Along with my general mourning for my husband (which doesn't seem to get any easier with time) I'm mourning the crisis created by this "pandemic."

I am one of those crazy believers in the doctors and epidemiologists who advocate a hydroxychloroquine cure (with zinc and zythromycin). I believe these doctors, and I do not believe the mainstream narrative that is being shoveled down the throats of non-discerning sheeple.

The mainstream has an agenda, and so do I. 

I believe that they are pushing toward a New World Order any way that they can, and this Covid Crisis is just their cup of tea. 

My agenda is to watch for Bible Prophecy being fulfilled.

Things fit together really well when you are looking.

But this manufactured crisis (with 99.98 global survival rate) is creating an unasked-for side effect. 

I'm seeing people I know and love bow to the fear peddled by the NWO media/narrative. I'm seeing my state (and its Communist governor) dictate useless and ludicrous dictates (masks do not keep viruses out) and ruin the livelihoods of many citizens who live here. Businesses and restaurants are closing all around me. For good. Wow. 

I haven't seen some of my family members for weeks, even through family crisis and desperate loss. 

I've lost friends.

People seem to be driven by fear for themselves, for elderly loved ones, for someone vulnerable---
when there is a cure for this corona virus sitting on the shelves of pharmacies everywhere. Not a vaccine, medicine.
But the vaccine peddlers want to keep you in the dark about it. If you believe the NWO narrative you will believe that only a vaccine will let life return to normal. 

It's a lie from hell, but it seems to have many people convinced. 

One thing I loved about America is that you could get several medical opinions when you got an illness or medical issue. 

It seems that few care about different opinions these days. 

Swallowing the fear medicine of the mainstream media is the prescription. 

Did these dear ones forget that we all have an appointed time to die? We all cannot change one minute of our lives, shorter or longer. Our appointment is made by the Sovereign Creator of the universe, and nothing changes it. Nothing. It is appointed unto man once to die, and after that the judgment. Our days are appointed, and we must live the appointed days.

Can God use Covid to end your days? Yes. If that is your appointment.
Can God save you past Covid? Yes. He is able to save. He can save anyone from death. 

Can God let you have a heart attack when you're only 57? Yes. He can. That may be your appointment. Appointed days are up to God, not you.

Dear ones seem to forget this. They are marching blindly toward the NWO and its dictates by lemming-like behavior, unquestioning, unsearching, simply listening and obeying.

It makes my heart ache, and I can't handle much more grief these days. Perhaps my appointment is soon and I'm going to die of grief. 

It could happen. God's will is far beyond mine. 

Is God good? Not always how I see "good." God IS good. 

He defines good. He defines love. 

He made me and appointed my days. I live at His mercy, with His promises, with His provision. 

Can you control a single minute of the future?


Stop worrying, dear ones. God is in control. 

Come away, my loves, and seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness----

All these things will be added unto you! Good things! 

At his right hand are pleasures evermore. Those who love HIM will see HIM and rejoice. 

Rejoice in the LORD always, and again I say rejoice. 

I am not happy about the loss of my husband, my family, nor my friends. I see it as collateral damage in a fallen world. 

I will rejoice in my future hope, my blessed hope.


1 comment:

Connie B. said...

Amen and Amen! Thank you, Con...