"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, October 11, 2010

Prophecy Conference

The date has been on the calendar all year long, and this past weekend's conference is always anticipated by my family for weeks before it happens!  Isn't it tremendously exciting to see God working in the world, bringing about His plan for the end times?  I get so excited I can hardly sleep.
First of all, "he who has ears to hear, let him hear." 
The conference is strictly Biblically-based, so anyone who questions the authority of Scripture would not benefit from this type of event.  Just a warning!
The speakers were Dr. David Reagan, Dr. Mark Hitchcock, Gary Kah, Mike Gendron, and briefly, Caryl Matrisciana.  Their work is prevalent and easy to find, so I won't waste time trying to summarize each of the lectures.  I want to pass on the excitement of the message they unanimously brought.
So much is happening concerning Israel and the Islamic world: The Ezekiel 38 coalition has begun to form, Israel is once again being blamed for the problems in the Middle East, but with greater vehemence.  All of this was predicted!  Soon Jews may be seeking asylum once again, and with all likelihood it will be the Christians who still believe the Bible that will seek to shelter them. The Dutch Resistance during WWII would be reenacted as events play out in the middle east to eliminate Israel's closest neighbors and anti-Semitic opinion flourishes once again.  Sadly.  Those of us who are lovers of Israel will be called to action, bringing hope and perhaps Spiritual Truth to the suffering victims of this next era.
There was much talk of apostasy within the Christian church.  This is a sign of the end times, as indicated by Christ himself.  Many will cry Lord, Lord;----I never knew you.  What a horrible answer, but too many will hear it.  The message we believers must repeat, over and over, is Repent!  The day of the Lord IS at hand!  Repent before it is too late.
For those of us who love God and have repented, acknowledging Christ's death and resurrection as all sufficient for our salvation the message is, "Love the Lord your God (Yahweh) with all your heart."  Jesus said that if you love Him you will keep His commands.  No, it isn't easy, but it is exactly what we must do.  Guarding our hearts from sin is only possible with the help of the Holy Spirit.  I find it particularly fascinating that the lists of immorality we find in the New Testament usually include disobedience of parents.  If that doesn't get 99% of us I don't know what could!  We will all be convicted of some "pet" sin when we seek to obey the first commandment.  Love of God and sin just don't mesh well.  I refer to Paul's anguish in Romans.  Being a Christian is finding the power to overcome, not excuse.
As we live in a society that seeks to excuse immorality we have indeed entered the "days of Noah." 
Those of us who long for the purity of heaven can feel the gentle breeze of Christ's return, any day now!  Praise God, and Maranatha!
Paul Manz wrote:  Peace be to you and Grace from Him who freed us from our Sin. Who loved us all, and shed His blood, that we might saved be.  Rejoice in Heaven, all ye who dwell there-in! Rejoice on Earth, ye saints below!  For Christ is Coming!  Is coming soon!  For Christ is coming Soon.  E'en so, Lord Jesus, Quickly come!  and night shall be no more.  They need no light, nor lamp, nor sun----For Christ shall be their All. 

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