"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring's First Green is Gold

My husband had a very fine job interview yesterday, in another part of the state. There are mixed feelings about this; the job is wonderful, and they are interviewing several people of whom my husband was the first, (should be an advantage, I'd think) and we'd have to uproot and move. Truly everyone is fine with this. Yet it is sort of daunting.
Our lives have been here for the last 12 years. We have let rootlets sink deep, and it won't be without pain to tear up and replant.
There is another job interview next Monday. This one is local. If you are a pray-er, I'd like to ask you to pray that we know the next step. We are so thankful for a possibility of a job after this 9 month wait.
On the home front: The maple syrup is done. The bees are well and happy with the maple pollen. The bluebirds are BACK, for sure, flitting about outside. I've been out doing yard clean-up (after the dogs). That job always makes me feel like the lowest slave of all slaves. It's good for the attitude! It's a good feeling to get the yard ready for warmth.
The sun is shining beautifully today and the crocus are up.
"Spring's first green is Gold" is from a poem my husband likes to quote, Robert Frost? Can't recall. Today the gold is out. No green yet unless you look really close.
Perhaps we'll have snow yet, but let's hope not.
I heard from an old friend today. Very briefly. That was good. She is Turkish, and she lived with us for awhile when I was expecting one of our children. It's hard to stay in touch.
Since I am a sufferer of SADD, a seasonal light disorder, I am thrilled to have made it through the winter again! The sun is back, and I'm feeling up again!
The kids and I have got back to swimming this week after being ill last week. Good feeling.
Good feelings and hope all around. Happy souls.

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