"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Divine Planning

When you trust in Jesus, and His control of your life, you really can sit back and watch the good and bad unfold with a deep reassurance that it will all come out right in the end.

That is the blessing of being a Christ-follower.

As you know, the details of life amaze me and I'm thrilled to report several "divine appointments" that have been and are occurring as I write.

You couldn't plan this!

I went to a very well attended funeral on Monday. My dearest friends' dad's life was being celebrated. He was a doctor, a remarkable man, author, and he held two doctorate degrees. He was a surgeon, head of a major hospital for some of his career before retirement. Oh, yeah, he had 10 remarkable children too.

I sat down, and an elderly gentleman came in to sit next to me.

"Do you know the family?" he asked, to start the conversation.

We chatted until the service began. I found out he was a doctor that had worked with my friend's dad.

The service was a powerful story of a man whose life simply followed where Christ led, racking up one honor and achievement after another out of the spiritual strength that flowed from God.

One after another stood up to tell how he had impacted life after life!
That's a whole story itself.

After the service ended the gentleman next to me started up the conversation again.

"What does it mean to be 'free,' " he asked, referring to the word in the name of the church we were in.

I told him.

I said, "I heard you singing the hymns. You must have some knowledge of the church."

"I'm a heretic," he stated.  Hmmm.

I shared the gospel message with him, emphasizing Biblical authority (which he questioned), and we spoke a few more minutes. I recommended the book my friend's dad had written, and we parted.

I pray my words did nothing to hinder his path to Christ, rather fertilized a mind that sought to ask such questions of a perfect stranger at a funeral!

Our upcoming field trip came about a bit suddenly. Things went not as if planned and anticipated for months, rather days and weeks.

After the dates were established we began to plan our days. Every single day and contact came together as if by an unseen travel agent!

Even to the "coincidence" of commemorative organ concerts for Ed to attend.

He's boning up on his Scott Joplin, just in case he gets to touch one of those organs. Don't you think a little American jazz would be fun to hear in an old cathedral?

I'll bring my camera. Hope I get a little video out of it.

Our God is good. He is a master planner, and we can rest in His perfect timing.


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