"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, June 3, 2013

Scout Woes

By now you've heard the news of the BSA decision to allow openly homosexual boys join scouts. 

Here's my take:

It's only a matter of time before they will bend to protests from the gay community about homosexual leaders.

Churches rightly should back down from sponsorship.
(And this will reduce troops by scores)

Any parent that has children involved always should be present at any scout activity anyway. YOU are responsible for YOUR child, not the Scouts.

When you talk of permitting SIN openly and without censorship, unchecked, you are writing a recipe for disaster.

I truly believe that the Scouts just voted in their death. It's going to be a slow death, but it will end badly.

Being an Eagle Scout will no longer have any "merit."

Our summer plans are sprinkled with Scout obligations. I really have no reason to believe our troop will be affected in any way by this vote. HOWEVER, things change fast. Come fall we will assess the damage to the organization and act accordingly.

This is an ongoing issue.

Sadly, it will lead to changes for us all, whether we like it or not.


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