"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Dewey Won't Win

Good Morning! Today the taxes are done, the snow is flying outside, it's the middle of the week, and I have a lot on my mind.

No wonder.

Just home from the annual home schooling conference we attended in Duluth, MN.  MACHE. I'll get to John Dewey by the end of this...

I got to hear Greg Harris, Marcus Bachmann, and John Tuma speak. I also picked up some fascinating material.

I posted a link to a new documentary last night. This is an amazing story of what is going on in public schools---all over America.

Of course we saw the "blood moon," thanks to a black lab/retriever mutt who needed "out" at 2:50 am! I'm so thankful for Blackberry, because I wasn't intending to see it. I was so glad she got me up. It was beautiful hanging there in the sky, reddish, in conjunction with the star-like planets around it.

I've seen lunar eclipses before, but this one IS special, the beginning of a tetrad. This eclipse occurred on Passover, the next one will be on the feast of Tabernacles, and again next Passover and Tabernacles two more occur. Four red moons in a 365 day period. Every time that has happened in the last 1,000 years something significant has happened to the Jewish people. God's chosen.

God never forgets His promises. His covenants are forever. The Jewish people will soon see their Messiah.

Jesus is coming again!

There is excitement among the believers, and everyone who trusts Christ can feel it!

The world, blinded spiritually, will continue merrily down its path to destruction, and we will stand firm in our faith in Christ, watching the events of prophecy unfold before our eyes! I know, I write about this all the time. Can't help it. It's just so wonderful!

It may require intense persecution on our part. After all, the believers in north Africa, the Middle East, and the Far East are going through horrors for their faith.

I must encourage you to check out Walid Shoebat's web sites. You will recoil at what you see, but people must know what is happening! I take comfort that those dear brothers and sisters in Christ receive special reward from our Father in heaven, and the grace to endure their pain.

It is a question we must grapple with ourselves. Can I endure to the end?

The Bible indicates that few will.

It's really hard to take a stand in the face of pain. I pray I can. I pray my loved ones can.

Lord Jesus, Come Quickly! Maranatha!

A few impressions of the three speakers I heard at MACHE:

Greg Harris: wonderful message! Greg spoke on seasons of life. He encouraged believers to obey the Lord because of the BLESSINGS that come from obedience! Like a robin that is "ordained" to fly from the cold north of Minnesota to Argentina every October, to preserve its own life, so we are ordained to do difficult things in obedience to God. We will then experience the blessing of being right with God. It is a privilege, not a burden, but it isn't easy. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light!

Obedience has its own reward.

Marcus Bachmann:  a psychologist and counselor. He is married to US Representative Michele Bachmann. I went to see if he is as crazy as he's been portrayed by the media.

He's quite the pleasant, sane, and engaging fellow! He spoke on depression and anxiety. I never would have attended this session in the past, but in light of our own journey right now I chose to hear him speak on this topic. I came away wishing he could be Ed's counselor! What a balanced presentation.

John Tuma: legal advisor to MACHE. He spoke on the laws in Minnesota which regard education. He filled in some fascinating history regarding pivotal cases in securing the right to teach children at home. Most of the parents listening to him were just starting to home school. I was probably the oldest listener! I was glad to have heard him. One thing that is concerning---there have been only two primary cases securing the right to home-school. These Supreme Court rulings are standing, but in order to cement the right to home school a parental rights amendment to the constitution of the U.S. would be ideal. Something to think about and support.

I saw another documentary about "Common Core." There is so much disturbing here that I'm not even going to try to summarize!

Get a copy of  "The Trojan Horse," a documentary about online public schools. This is a topic I haven't become very informed about, but it too has deep problems which must be addressed. I hope to write about it in another post soon. I can say this---online public schools are only a machine to line the pockets of Washington lobbyists. It's a multi-billion dollar industry, tax-payer drain. People are getting rich on your taxes. Don't be taken in by them or fooled. They are overpriced bad deals!!! If you are subscribing to one of them, Get OUT! Don't perpetuate a fleecing of a legitimate movement. Parents beware!

Suffice it to say John Dewey has been successful. Dewey had a view to use public education as an engine toward social change. He was a socialist, and his views to undermine religion and family have been uniformly successful in America. There are so many documentaries and books about the success of his efforts and his initial purposes. They are fascinating accounts of the development and implementation of socialist ideas since the mid 1800's. Socialism has succeeded in the general public, and liberty and freedom have been dealt a mortal wound.

Time for the Lord to enter on His white horse, in my opinion.

The ultimate victory is granted to those who love the LORD, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, who believe on His name. The earth grows old like a garment, and the love of the people, cold.

Where do your affections lie? 

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