"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, February 9, 2015

Corgi Doings

The week of rest came to an end this morning for Ed with a spinal tap, bright and early. It went well.

As he came out of the anesthesia he said, "Ugh, Thinal spat---I am lucid."

Always a laugh or two for the rest of us in the room! The anesthesiologist was a kind and proficient doctor, very careful to explain what he was doing, and why he was doing it.

Ed recovered quickly, able to wake up enough to say hello to the chaplain, who visited briefly, and get home before his grandparents left for Iowa (they spent a few days here.)

His ammonia levels were down to 22 today, so that was great. They should be low by now. Ed's hair is coming back, a light fuzz over his scalp. He loves to wear a black crocheted hat.

Yesterday the Hematology/Oncology department put on a sponsored day at the Mall of the America---rides and a pasta buffet meal. There were tables set up with representatives from the different "Wish" organizations. HEMONC patients all fit in that wish-making category, so we will see what comes of that for Ed. It's things like this that really do boost morale in the drudgery of cancer treatment. We certainly are grateful for the kindnesses of strangers, as we are for the sweet kindnesses of our own friends and family.

We are so thankful for you all.

On Saturday we were able to go to the Minnesota Public Radio station headquarters and listen to a "lecture" from Michael Barone about the Pipedreams Organ Tour 2014 to Switzerland, and other pertinent musical/organ topics. It was very enjoyable and informative.

It's organ season again, and we are looking forward to several free concerts that are upcoming. Join us!
Sundays at 4:00 ---the usual time for a concert throughout the Twin Cities. We like to take advantage of the wonderful performances as often as we can. For more information check out pipedreams.org.

I finished a baby blanket, crochet, the other night, so I feel a sense of SOME accomplishment. Lately I have been in "existence mode." I tend to get few things done in this mode. I exist, and that's about it. I got to spend time with an old friend having lunch yesterday too. Fun times, and so special.

Of course I look back and see everything that has been happening and I can see that it's far more than mere existence, but it's just so melded together that one thing seems fused with another thing, time-wise, and I just float through it all. There isn't much time to reflect.

We have ten days before we go back to the clinic. This unplanned break in treatment is due to the ammonia reaction from last week. I am so happy to say that we are thankful for it, even if it expands the overall treatment time.

Ten days of homeschooling, perhaps the YMCA, project inventory, cleaning, and PAINTING????

Perhaps I can just get caught up some.

We'll see. I'll be writing when I can.

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