"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Minnesota Caucuses

 I'm writing this post in hope that I can log my political duty regarding Minnesota politics.

I have been a registered Republican since I was old enough to vote.

I do not identify with the GOP much any more, but hesitate to declare myself independent.

Ben Carson is my candidate of choice.

Trump seems to be a liar of the first order, and if by some diabolical miracle he is elected to office he will be a judgement on our nation.

Is it not apparent that the media prefers a circus to sanity? Media ignores Carson. The focus is on shouting and childishness. The Media clearly want an abhorrent presidential race between  Clinton and Trump.

I don't believe that Trump isn't one of the despicable elites he claims to eschew.

Cruz and Rubio are politicians. I can't get excited about them.

The Democratic Party is hopeless.

The state of the Union is dire.

What's a civic-minded gal to do?

I'll vote against Trump first, for Carson second.

I hope we can all agree!

I wish. 

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