"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Greetings for Resurrection Sunday

I've been processing the things I've learned at the Prophecy Conference all week.

Ed had a successful (uneventful) spinal tap on Wednesday, and that is wonderful.

He's beginning to experience neuropathy in his toes, but the physical therapist says that should diminish after chemotherapy ends.

Let's hope so.

This spring has been unseasonably warm, and the snow is gone. Water stands in the base of the swamps. Swans have returned, and yesterday I saw a pair of cranes.

The birds are singing madly.

It really must be spring. This El Nino year is causing interesting weather patterns.

My husband and I walked up the dirt road last night and observed large frost heaves periodically. What a nightmare for the village road crews!

It's a nightmare to drive on!

I am happy to report that we have a relatively free weekend. I have lots to catch up on, so I'm going to be busy.

Cherie is liking track. Ed is liking math. I am liking everything right now.

And yet I weep inside for the lost souls around me. This time of year makes everyone somewhat reflective, spiritually, and I grieve when I reflect. Not for my own sinful, saved self! Things are settled for good, there.

 I grieve for my friends that I know do not know Christ personally. Oh, they "know" Him. They grew up in a church, even a family that believes. These people don't know what it means to be a child of the Most High. To have Jesus Christ be the most important thing in life to them! To live free of fear of death, of even life's hardships!

To face cancer, to face poverty, want, and loneliness with complete peace.

That is what I'm talking about.

I know where I am going when I die. I may suffer (with the help of the Holy Spirit!) here on earth, but I know what is coming.

Confidently, with all my heart.

Jesus saves. Once you have been filled with the Holy Spirit you are sealed and solid!

I've had my days of grief, need, and pain, but I've never faced them alone.

I grieve for those who don't share that faith with me.

I fear for their eternity.

Remember, you are saved by FAITH! not of works, lest ANYONE should boast.

You are saved by faith in Christ Jesus, His blood shed on the cross, and His work of repentance in your heart!

You will turn. You will turn toward HIM.

I loved the testimony of the Reiki witch that I posted last night. It's fearsome to watch, but it shows the power of the Holy Spirit to free a soul from bondage.

There is a community of believers that is simply the most powerful group of people on earth. Better than any superhero conceived of! I have the privilege of being a part of it and knowing souls all across the world who share this identity!

It's magnificent.

Make this day of remembrance for Jesus' resurrection from the dead be your homecoming into His arms of love and forgiveness.

Ask Him. Repent. Believe. Have faith. Follow Him.

Just do it.

And celebrate!

He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!

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