"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Globalist Wake-Up


Donald Trump has done something right!

It seems that before this election there were few people who even had heard of "The New World Order," "Globalism," or anything to do with the Biblical foretelling of "one world under the anti-Christ."

It's big press now, and people are seeing the fruition of centuries of work. Donald Trump has targeted globalists, and he's made no secret of it.

George H.W. Bush openly referred to the "New World Order" back in 1992. Others have done the same.

Only Bible prophecy followers picked up on it then. Now we have a man in authority that wholly realizes the open threat of that coming time when the world turns to one person and proclaims him a savior. He will be an imposter, THE anti-Christ (the One, among many) and the one foretold in Revelation.

Or does Trump realize this?

As someone who believes that Lucifer is behind all of the machinations to bring about the New World Order I acknowledge his deception, his master-minding, his role in playing out God's ultimate Plan.

The Bible predicts, but it doesn't give explicit information. We must discern.

The lack of discernment in the world, in this good old USA is apparent and alarming.

Perhaps I seem like a simplistic ninny harping on the same subjects over and over. But I rub shoulders with those who seem to have no clue about the sinister forces at work, those laying plans and goals that completely oppose God's ways.

I think there are callings in life, and mine is to be a siren. Read Corgi Hollows and be warned!

Once your eyes are opened to the sinister forces working against God it's difficult to close them---but for death.

Lucifer is a grand conspirator. I don't understand how he thinks. I don't know why he even tries to thwart God, but he does. His role is to deceive mankind, to keep them from the truth of God's word, to bring as many down with him as possible.

I know he loses in the end, thrown into the lake of fire with fallen mankind, eternally suffering, time ceasing.

Remember, all mankind is fallen. All are condemned to death and hell. Souls will suffer for eternity. They will not cease to exist (Annihilation), they will experience punishment for  rejecting God's plan for salvation. That's Biblical.

That is why I continue to speak about Christ and His death on the cross. Putting your faith in Jesus alone saves from eternal punishment. No works, no religious ritual. Faith alone.

But it requires everything. You become God's. Your life will change. The scales will fall off of your eyes. Jesus will be your only focus.

But you have a glorious future.

The only thing that matters in this life is that you come to Christ. Nothing else!

This is a pretty good existence for many of us. I admit that! I've seen wealth and happiness and good. Fleeting things. They are nothing in comparison to what's coming. (Praise God!)

The whole point of this life is to find Christ  Jesus, the ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN.

One way.

The whole objective of this life is to serve the Lord, to follow and obey Him. God's goodness makes this easy and light, but it is all about Him. Not us.

May God be glorified in every thought and deed.

Globalism requires allegiance to Lucifer. He masquerades as an angel of light. He's the Deceiver and the father of lies. Anything that requires an oath of allegiance to this imposter is suspect in the realm of globalism. Don't do it. Don't join a society that is secret, don't give your oath to anything that is not of God.

And make sure your God is the God of the Bible. Too many people serve a God of their own imagination. The John Lennon one, maybe. The god that only loves, never judges.

That isn't the one true God.

Face it, and repent.

What does the LORD require of you?
Read the Word to find out.

It's what sent thousands to the fires and lions in the first century, and in these last days that sort of persecution is predicted again.

Brace up.

Everything is falling into place. I'm glad Donald Trump knowingly or unknowingly is trying to work against the forces of globalism. His role is to awaken the masses to the huge history playing out.

Fascinating times!

The Bible is true.


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