"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, October 2, 2017

We Are in Unprecedented Times

The nation grieves today. So many lives lost---

And we can only speculate why.

Guns? There are many gun laws in effect already. Lawbreakers still misuse them.
Taking away the self defense of a people is a principle of Communism and Fascism. When there is no opposition one is forced into the bondage of the dictator.

To oppose the Second Amendment is to embrace Marxist philosophy.

Antifa? I've heard comments about the shooter's anti-Trump views.

Radical Islam? Isis supposedly claims he converted to Islam recently.

Mental illness? His father was a certified psychopath. How did he maintain "normalcy" for so many years with no one suspecting?

How about Luciferian influences? I concede that this conspiracy of the evil one makes the most sense to me today. Check out Russ Dizdar on Google. He has a presentation about the Black Awakening. It's worth being informed about. It stems back from the mind control experiments documented after the second world war. Sounds crazy, but remember who we are up against: the spirits of darkness.

They do not have limitless power, but they do have power.

Only by the blood of Jesus Christ are we immune to the fiery darts of the wicked one.

As I write this I reflect on all the various ideas put forth today. Each one makes some sense.

But we really don't know what happened yet. Perhaps we will never know. I do know that we are in perilous times, and our faith is under full attack by the enemy.

When we come up with a spiritual reason for the debauchery in the land we are considered kooky. Leftovers from the Bronze Age. (I was basically called that today :))

Are we willing to be maligned for standing for Biblical truth?
We'd better be. It's here. We're under attack.

Nothing sharpens your defenses as an attack (if you survive!). It's time to get into the Word of God and apply it, the Sword of Truth.

Above all, love. Preach the Gospel.

Snatch ones from the fire. Jude. Read it tonight. It's the book for the times before the end times.

As in, right now.


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