"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, March 18, 2019

Watchmen Watch!

It was one of my favorite weekends of the year, and it had little to do with being St. Patrick's Day.

I always block out the Red River Bible Prophecy Conference on my calendar each March. I love to get up to Moorhead and attend. My husband and I had reservations, but at the last minute we had a few conflicts come up (also major snow removal activity!) and we cancelled.

Thankfully, the conference is live-streamed on YouTube.

The Bach-Walk is almost always scheduled this particular weekend, too, a pipe-organ Bach Birthday Bash four or five concert extravaganza in the Twin Cities. I had thought to get to at least one of the venues (the concerts throughout the day are at different pipe organs in different churches in a relatively close proximity) but I opted to watch the conference entirely instead.

To top off the weekend (or start the new week per your perspective) our own church participated in a lecture by Dr. Thomas Ice at the Nazareth Chapel at Northwestern College in Roseville. He gave his presentation on the Rapture and then had a Q and A afterwards during lunch.


(His website, perhaps the power point references are on here)

I found some of the power point on this one

This is the basic talk, without the power point Scripture references. I hope you can watch it, because it is really faith-building, hope giving.

Dr. Ice is truly a scholar.

One thing stood out to me this weekend, as I mature and attend these prophecy related things over the years: We can agree or disagree on many fine points of our spiritual walk with Christ. We all bring our own experiences and gathered knowledge to the table, and we listen and compare notes. The Bible is that sort of book, too. Certain things are emphasized by individuals, others camp on differing issues.

It's only wrong when someone gets out of balance and it doesn't measure up with what is actually in Scripture.


I'm the one who digs for roots. I like to see where things stem from----is it Pagan? Is it demonic? Is it something that was conjured up from a coping mechanism?

Not everyone is going to agree with me, but unless you know the Greek from the Textus Receptus (used by the early Reformers) and Hebrew to be able to read the Septuagint you are going to have to rely on other humans to interpret your Christianity for you. I'm beginning Hebrew, and Greek. (Greek starts on Wednesday after a holiday hiatus.) Studying the original languages has given me more confidence in the translations.

I do know that the whole Codex Sinaiticus affair SEVERELY affected the confidence in Scripture as God's Word, but the Modern Criticism movement was bound to bring about any way to undermine the authority of God's Word. If Scofield lived today he'd be a young earth creationist, a Pre-trib Rapture adherent and a dedicated inerrancy scholar. I'm pretty sure of this. One cannot look at all the evidence (Dead Sea Scrolls, DNA, modern scientific findings) and NOT be convinced that GOD'S WORD IS TRUE. I believe Charles Scofield believed that in the first place, and he would have easily jumped to some of the current evidence that proves the truth of Scripture.

There were always those dear old preachers who never left the authority of Scripture. Their reward is great.

I'm totally comfortable with most of the translations by the early Reformers, including Martin Luther. After all, his reading of the texts brought him to a completely different belief, a powerful one that spawned a massive movement based on the Word of God.

This weekend there was the KJV only preacher I listened to, with his (almost rabid) followers in tow, a former hippy with the inability to keep on subject, a friend who did ALL his research and prepared a coherent and informative presentation, and the elderly statesman-like scholar with a twinkle in his eye (that you can't see on YouTube) and his own very-well defended prophecy camp.

I had my own differing opinions with all of these great men. I agree with much, but not on every point.

Surprise? (You're laughing)

God's Word is True. Jesus is the Word. His Word is forever.

We can trust our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The arguments and the virulent mindsets of people who are willingly led down paths of distraction aren't worth our precious time.

Jesus is coming in the clouds soon to take/receive/rapture/harpazo/snatch/SEIZE his followers whether they are expecting it or not. Boom, we're gone. We have no warning, it's just the Father saying "Go" and Jesus going....in a moment, in a twinkling.

God, the creator, has made each of us for such a time as this, and since we see the signs of the end RIGHT NOW we can be pretty sure that we are the generation that does not pass away before the events of prophecy come to pass.


We see what may be the sign of Jonah, the one-world order/religion, the "fig tree" (Israel), the apostasy, the earthquakes, the "blood" moons, the changes in weather, the disease, famine (in a once rich country like Venezuela!), not to mention perversion and child-sacrifice deemed normal or acceptable.

I'm looking for Jesus, my savior, my LORD. I'm not looking for the anti-Christ or any other horrible event described in Revelation. I'm noticing the signs that these things are definitely developing!

But I'm looking for Jesus, and I'd better get my house in order.

I need to clean, because when I'm gone I want to leave a nice neat place for someone who will be looking for the TRUTH that they neglected to seek or accept before things got ugly.

You don't want to be here, dear one.

Repent and get right with the Lord today. Don't wait.

I watch the more ephemeral and less obvious signs too. There are watchmen that only do that; numbers and dates and such. I don't put much faith in these things, but they are certainly interesting to be aware of. No one is predicting a definite date like Harold Camping or any number of other false prophets we all have heard of. People are only speculating, and I do not take any of their ideas as "gospel truth." It's simply interesting to be informed.

Since 1948 we have been on a fast track of fulfilling the prophetic signs. Since Trump was elected Jerusalem was acknowledged as the Capital of Israel. This is a fulfillment of a prediction. Watchmen know this.

We are very, very close to the end of this age, the church age. God is not going to wait forever, but perhaps he is waiting for you.

Repent. Follow Him.

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