"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Sunday, September 15, 2019

September Sunday

There is aging green all around me.

The garden is lush, bolting with seeds, and the fruits are still overwhelming the kitchen counters.

We've had a baby shower (my expected granddaughter!), started school, I had a bad fever and sore throat, substituted seven days already (!) and had to get a sub for the sub one of those days.

The house could use a thorough going over, but my reading and assignments are hampering that. At least my grades have been acceptable so far.

I am not at church today because I'm planning to be at the jail tonight, and my weary body must plan judiciously where the energy will be spent.

As I folded all the towels, sheets, and pillowcases at the hotel last night I watched podcasts----several. It's great to be paid to do work that your mind can engage elsewhere for!

Eric Metaxes and Jonathon Cahn, Jan Markell, Gary Frazier, Gary Stearman, G Edward Griffin---I was able to hear something from all of these this weekend.

I have to listen to podcasts for school, too, and it is fascinating to see a secular perspective on world trends. My master's degree is in public administration, so it is all about strategies and leadership in a changing "diverse, global" world.

You can imagine.

Without the perspective of my own studies these past 30 years I'd be quickly swallowed into "the Movement" as one professor called it.

I'm doing each day by the strength and help of the LORD, and He has been helping me.

I really like Gary Frazier's talk which I posted before this. He touches on all the current things at least briefly, and gives a general perspective.

It seems we've had a swing downward recently. Is it the Democrats' debates? Is it the desperation on the part of the left?

I still like what President Trump is doing. I still believe he is cleaning house, supporting Israel, and defeating abortion.

I have given up on "culture" and I am seeing people driven toward holiness or worldliness in clearer light.

Really, that is the issue: are you holy? Are you worldly?

What does God want from you?

It wasn't long ago that I had a Facebook "argument."

The person engaging on my page was convinced I was wrong, and intimated I "needed help" because I was a Bible believer.

This person had been brought up in a Christian environment, but he had rejected it.

To mock, demean, or intimidate is a tactic of Fascists, and he had mastered it. How blind we are to our own error!

Truth is only truth from a perspective of knowing God's truth. God's truth is either found in the Bible, or not. It cannot be both. In the argument it became apparent that there are people who would choose to cross out or alter any verses that they don't like. "The Bible is a living document...." Does that mean it changes?

The written word stands, and God's moral laws are unchanging. Holiness is still a mark of a believer, and sin is still rampant.

Sin is sin. It separates from God. When your life is marked by unrepented sin, and you are not seeking the victory, YOU HAD BETTER SEEK GOD.

We all sin, but to excuse it, or redefine it is simply hiding from holiness.

I am wondering, always, how long I can be a teacher in the public schools. I seem to be a lightening rod for controversy with the students. They test me about pronouns, religion, racism, sexual orientation, politics, conspiracies! I've had encounters with all of these topics.

I have consistently shown respect and love for these students, and I've consistently shown that I don't deserve their respect, but the office of being a teacher does. Does that make sense? The students get it. It divorces my own views from the material that must be covered. I NEVER volunteer my views. If someone asks me I respectfully share, and I am honest.

The students know this, and they seem to trust me. I truly care about each person, child, young man or woman---in whatever mental health state they may be in.

How long will this last?

I am long-winded today, but if you're interested read on:

The Rapture is happening soon. I don't know when, I don't predict, I simply watch and wait. I see my prophecy-watching friends getting discouraged. The wait is interminable.

I have friends suffering cancer, loss, overwhelming life circumstances: they cry out for rescue!

I've been there. I know. Back in 2015 I was so focused on Christ's return I could hardly wait! We're still here, still watching.

I see events happening in the world that fulfill the prophecies of Scripture: alliances, plagues, politics, apostasy, technology, earthquakes, signs, Israel, Israel, Israel. And no, these things, to this extent HAVE NOT ALWAYS BEEN HAPPENING. I am SICK of that argument. Israel didn't even exist as a nation 70 years ago!!!!

(Jan Markell's Understanding the Times conference is next Saturday. I have a ticket. You can livestream it on YouTube, and I strongly recommend you do.)

Keep your finger on the pulse of time and you will see the big picture emerging before your eyes.

And we are called "for such a time as this!"

It's a privilege! An honor! We are the generation that sees the Messiah!

Perhaps I will die of something before the Rapture, but I am asking the Lord to let me be a part of that great event. It is a hope that I hold in my heart every day. I belt out my "Maranatha" song every single day on the way to school!


For those of us facing imminent death I encourage you. Yes, we are created to LIVE, and death is a curse, but Jesus took the sting of death away. We have NOTHING but hope to live our days with. To live is Christ, to die is GAIN.

I am seeing glimpses of the millennial kingdom that seems so close now:

We have entered the Zodiacal house of Aquarius in God's universal astronomical time clock. (See "The Real Meaning of the Zodiac," by D. James Kennedy. This is a good book whether or not you agree with his theology.)
The earth is suffering from the Second Law of Thermodynamics and needs a makeover.
There seems to be an interest in the millennial diet---the original diet that God ordained for Adam and Eve.
Genetic entropy. If you haven't read about this, it is time. The human genome is deteriorating. There is actually limited time for it.
Somehow the double helix of the genome has incredible significance, and I see humans (and their genetic make-up) transformed into eternal creatures. Transformed. Satan is trying to bring this about on his own, a sort of mock-up, but he's failing. Trans-humanism may be attempted by Silicon Valley, but they will fall short. Only God can restore His own design.
Those that would follow Lucifer may build their fortresses and line their accounts, but that is nothing to preserve them from God's wrath. Observe their attempts!
I see the incredible variation in creation and I know that what I see is only a fraction of God's original plan. Evolution is backwards: there were more species at the start than there are now. This is proven by the fossil record.
I see glimpses of the wolf lying with the kid, and the lamb with the lion.
I see the animal kingdom crying out for redemption from the darkness of sinful man.

God has this in His hands, and He has promised us His Kingdom after the time of Tribulation. He will restore what has been destroyed. He will establish his holiness here in this world to come.

What a beautiful promise.

Are you questioning God today?
Are you believing?
Are you discouraged? Deceived? Doubting?

It's time to turn to Scripture and rely on God's promises. He has given us blessed hope. Titus 2:12-13.
This is the theme verse for a prophecy conference I always like to attend in Moorhead, MN. Next year it will be in Fargo: the Red River Bible Prophecy Conference.

The blessed hope of Jesus' return for His Bride, the church of Jesus Christ.

Oh, did you listen to that podcast I put up about angels? Wasn't that good? We actually have assistance here until He comes! How encouraging!

God is our Encourager. The Holy Spirit goes by that name. What a gift to know Him and seek His face.

Give Him your life, and enter into His presence. Be whole in Christ Jesus! Find the everlasting fullness of His joy. Repent of your sinfulness today, and turn to Christ.

Time is short. Look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.

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