"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, September 26, 2011

How are We Feeling?

What a crazy time. My mother is recovering from her close call last week. I am very thankful that the procedure (ablation) had successful results in correcting her fibrillation.

I am looking upwards. It seems that the Lord has many, many people praying for us, and I can sense the Presence of His Spirit in comforting and helping us to see beyond our circumstances and trusting God to work a mighty thing.

Don't ask me what it is! I can't wait to find out either.

I can only report that God is good. We hear His voice in so many ways: Scripture, teaching, a simple phrase brought to mind.

"Fear not, for I am with you!"

I see Him working in the lives of those around me and I simply rejoice. It befits me to do so, to glory in God, to be reminded that God gets the glory!

God bless you, abundantly!

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