"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, August 22, 2013

To America With Love


Take a few minutes and watch this. Amazing how this message is being repeated at high decibels all over creation right now.

Sad that too many still aren't hearing it.

It's not for lack of trying.

Chuck Missler's financial advice is well taken, but there are many ways to prepare. It's commendable that he seeks to provide a means to an end. Too often there are those who simply don't know where to turn for good financial advice.

After working with Primerica for a year, and listening to each Saturday morning training session there are a few "must-do's" financially for every American, every person.

1. Pay off your debts. Start a pay-off plan where you stack your debt load payments as soon as each one is paid off.

2. Stay out of debt. Live within your means. You DON'T need that bigger house, dream house, cabin, camper, boat, Corvette, -----mid-life crisis expense.

3. Have a plan, financially, for the hard times----Investment banks have lots of ideas for your money, but you certainly should look into other options too. Be careful of collectibles. Watch diligently for scams.

4. Find a network of friends and family to rely on in extreme conditions. Do you have a plan for communication with them?  It's kind of like a fire drill.

5. Have a (at least limited) stock pile of goods.

6. Trust in the Lord, and share His message of hope throughout any crisis! You are the light of the world.

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