"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Morning Musings

It's morning for just a few more minutes. The October sun is friendly, shining on the gold tipped leaves of the huge Maple outside my kitchen window.

The leaves are turning late this fall. The fish are still in the pond, though the leaves are gradually choking them. I'll have to get them moved indoors soon.

Sickness changes things, but not everything. Somehow it strips away the peripheral and helps us focus on the vital.

Did you know how vital sleep is? It becomes dearer when it seems impossible.

It must be snatched whenever possible.

Exercise is also vital.

And Christ is vital.

I'm reading things about the "new world order." Some of it is alarming---especially how quickly it seems to be taking shape. Some of it is amusing. Man will continue to strive against or deny God. How futile.

I'm becoming more aware of how the devil has masqueraded as a healing angel of light and compassion----when he is only a Deceiver.

The Truth lies in the Word of God, and only there.

I am purging the excess from our lives. As a housewife whose life really revolves around the house---and its occupants, I recognize the need for me to orchestrate the stuff that enters the door everyday. It's an exhausting past-time, and I really loathe it. But it must be done, and the change of seasons is the ideal time to attempt it.

"Get your house in order!"

A mandate that has such wide implication! I sense an urgency like never before.


We serve a mighty God who is able to heal. He can do the "impossible."

I have my challenges, but nothing that He won't lead me through.

I'm even trusting Him to show me when and IF healing has occurred.

In our polluted world our only healing may be in the next one to come. I'm prepared for that.

But I will continue to look up and wait on the Lord, Creator of the Universe.

Off to purge.

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