"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, September 15, 2014

Me, a Cynic?

Yes, I am. I can be.

I look at the views people have who believe other than I do and I feel cynical. I'm sorry. I just can't easily tolerate what I perceive to be a huge lack of understanding.

Then I remember the things that I don't understand. The things that I haven't learned yet. The views that I hold because they've been proven to me.

I remember that it happens to all of us, and Lucifer knows exactly how to deceive. He's the Father of Lies, after all.

Then I turn to Scripture and read TRUTH. I read ABSOLUTE TRUTH. I turn outside of myself and find the plumb-line of God's Word to measure my views against. What is found wanting MUST be reckoned with.

I can't just ignore it.

Now, more than ever, when time is so incredibly short, we need to know Truth, say truth, be truthful.

Today Ed had to have blood, and we had to cancel a dentist appointment because his neutrophils (ANC) were too low.

He also received two chemo drugs. He makes up things with their names, like they are people he meets. Dr. Vin Cristine, I'd like you to meet Miss Erwinia...

He's got a good attitude still. He's not cynical much, yet. How quickly we could fall into that ditch though.

We attended a benefit event for childhood cancer this past weekend. It was very nice, and I'm sure much money was raised. I am grateful.

I'm still trying to be grateful, because it's still hard to be grateful in a situation like ours. I mean, dealing with bipolar disorder on top of leukemia has its challenges. Daily challenges.

I'm feeling cynical today.

I'm tired of dealing with all of life's irritants, anomalies, and oddities. The eccentricities of my idiosyncrasies wear me out.

Just thought I'd "keep it real" here.

But I'm a person of faith. That really does set me apart. I have super strength, and it really does color my outlook, view, and mood.

I can call on the Holy Spirit to fill me at any time I need. I can't control His response, but He responds in His pure timing.

My trust in His power is an act of will and devotion to Him. He has been my all in all for 48 years. I KNOW He answers. I know He is there. I know that whatever I have to face this year----or any other that I may live, I have the God of the Universe to help me.

This is strength. This is good. This is what life should be.

That is why suffering for a Christian is so necessary. We see His strength in our weakness.

A few years ago I was at a prayer meeting where someone had a word from the Lord. He cried out against all the pride in the church today. Pride is Luciferian.

I'm going to keep referring to Lucifer, as he is trying very hard to take control right now, and he will succeed to a huge extent, especially in the lives of those who don't believe in Christ. Master of Masks, he will come as an angel of light to lead masses to eternal death. The Bible says narrow is the path that leads to life, and FEW find it.

What does that say about our world?

MOST of the world stands condemned. As I see the many killings of inter-islamic factions I just grieve. These people are going to HELL. How horrid. How sad. How wasteful.

How will they hear without a preacher?

And how will WE hear without a preacher? Too many preachers shy from expository preaching. It's exactly what the Church needs right now---not shock value, cool, inclusive, seeker-friendly junk.

The church is dying from starvation----Biblical starvation!

The pulpits should be screaming about prophecy right now! They should be hollering about sin and repentance. Pastors should be digging into whatever book they fancy-----JUST DIG IN, and don't tell us anecdotes ad infinitum!  We are SICK of anecdotes.

Tell us truths!

Go ahead and illustrate your talks, but please keep the Main point the Main point.

I'm seeing bigger screens, more lights, more song, more dance.

And it's a song and a dance to follow the Pied Piper, right on down the road to Hades.
Little children, following blithely and deceived.

Are you in the Word?

You probably aren't getting it in church these days. (I hope and wish you are!)

And pray that I can become less cynical as this week progresses.

Thank you.

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