"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, April 4, 2016

Reflections from the Hollows

What a week it has been. I've been madly pitching old files, cleaning out junk, and generally organizing some long-overdue stacks of accumulated mail and paperwork.

It's herculean for me. I hate filing, and it shows.

Take five home-schooled children, life events like weddings and babies, chronic mental illness, AND then add cancer to the mix----things just get out of hand.

I'm the type that reluctantly accepts help, too, so there's a real problem.

I have one friend who I can let into my innards (so to speak) and unveil all the ugly to. She's been a great help, along with her husband. He helped to organize MY husband's vast accumulations of tools, beekeeping supplies, camping gear and OTHER, stuff I have no idea what it is for!

These friends are so wonderful! I'm thankful for their help. She is a retired missionary to Hungary. He has a home business, and is semi-retired. They graciously donated time to me before our move, helping to box up and organize all that stuff. I want her to come out again and do a second purge with me soon! Purging is a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly activity, and I do need help. I'm planning all sorts of things for the future----

Today the new bees arrive. We will put them in a bathroom until we can hive them, as the weather isn't promising for the next three days. Snow, cold, yuck.

Margaret is really getting into the swing of beekeeping again (she got us started years ago!) College is over, and her journey to France is in the fall, so now she has the time to give to nurturing bees and perhaps a garden.

She graduated (in December) with a B.A. in French, and a certification in English as a Second Language. She's got her marching orders!

She's a capable and indispensable coffee server at Caribou Coffee too, and her hours are WAY over the normal full-time allotment. They love her. She serves hot chocolate and tea too---so if coffee isn't your thing you're covered. Stop by and order something from her soon!

Ed has his new virtual organ. He plays it morning and evening. The virtual 32' pipe rattles the whole house. I'm afraid my fine china is going to crack!

He has ear buds for it, but I enjoy hearing his pieces too. He's composing, as well as practicing, and it makes for delightful background sound. We are so incredibly grateful to the generous souls who gave him this organ. We were flabbergasted! It was a wish fulfilled!

For many years I had a vision of opening a cozy place where people could come to learn. I wasn't exactly sure what kind of place it would be, but there would be lots of books, yarn, coffee and tea, firstly.

There would be friends gathered for fellowship. Discussion on theological matters, particularly prophecy.

Good, healthy and clean food.

There would be encouragement for home-schooling. Music lessons. Art lessons. Tutoring. Discussion on books---book club!

It seems that some of my fellow home-schoolers have been proactive in getting this type of "business" started, but I can't give up my own vision, with its personal tweaks.

The time is now, though.

I was at the jail last night doing my normal thing there----singing and reading Bible stories. The women BEGGED for more!

They are so hungry for intelligent conversation and spiritual food! They know so little about the Bible, and I am so happy to help introduce them to some of the most basic stories!

I'm using Hurlbut's Stories from the Bible for Young and Old.

It's great.

Context is important to understand the Bible, and too many people ignore that, get lost in the vastness of the work, or focus on one thing like the Psalms.

The Gospel is the key element, but there is so much in the O.T. prophets!

I think that there are more people than those in jail that need someone to help them spiritually. That used to be called discipleship, but it seems broader.

Life lessons. How should we live? Francis Schaeffer asked that. He came up with L'abri, and I think I had a vision for Corgi Hollows when I read about that. A place to learn to live as a believer, a contributing member of society.

The birth of a vision.

I don't claim to be a Francis Schaeffer, not even slightly, but I do love books, art, and music. I love nature and living.

I home-school. 

I told you that I'm reading Isaiah this year. I finally decided to study it in depth, and afterward I realized that I'm 53 this year, so it seemed appropriate in a way. The 53rd chapter of Isaiah is the best. Some say it is forbidden.

I'm slowly working through the book, and WOW! Treasures to linger with, mentally.

I can't emphasize enough the need to spend time in the Word of God, for each and every day, finding the map for the day, gaining peace and encouragement, and even advice.

It doesn't work well unless you have a regular plan of reading. This I know, because the spiritual element works best when you are deliberate about your spiritual life. It's a discipline!

I am continually amazed at how a day's reading will coincide exactly with life events! It's uncanny. It's miraculous. It's spiritual growth, fertile soil for the soul.

That was my rabbit trail, but I think it fits in with the "learning to live" lessons that Corgi Hollows is all about.

So, here is my launch.

A few of you have needs that I can perhaps help with.

I can teach you music theory, piano, flute, and guitar. Come and play my fiddles and cellos. Ed will teach you organ. Margaret will teach you violin. Cherie can help you learn cello.

I would love to paint with you---acrylics or oil, watercolors. Colored pencils, charcoal or pencil. I'll help you!

Do you want to learn to knit? I can show you. Let's do a scarf first----then whatever strikes your fancy.

Need to borrow an excellent book (Sonlight curriculum, perhaps)? I've got it. Pretty sure about that. (You are nodding, right?)

Let's discuss the prophecy videos I can loan you, or we can watch together.

God gave us four fireplaces to curl up by and chat. I know He wants them to be used for HIS good.

You know you want to feel that warmth. Right?

We can have homemade toast and tea and honey from the hives.

It's time to become a channel, not a repository, of all the blessings we have been given.


Let's enjoy knowing Christ together.

Let me know when you can come over.

I'm serious.

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